Su Yu was sipping tea.

After hearing this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and was a little surprised.

Can you cure people?

Even if it's just a three-year-old child.

You can hear the weirdness in it.

When a person is sick, he must be treated.

This situation.

It refers only to the living.

Can the dead be cured?

No matter who it seems.

They can only be described in four words.


Su Yu pursed his lips and was silent for a few seconds, not answering immediately.

There was a childish trembling voice outside the door again.

"Master. "

"Can you kill people here?"

"I hear from others. "

"You are very high, you can do anything, that's why I came here to ask you..."

The further you go to the back, the more subtle it becomes.

I was even more choked.

Su Yu shook his head, stood up and beckoned to the door.

"Can you kill people? "

"I can't say it. "

"But if there's anything to do, let's talk about it first. "

"If you're standing outside the door all the time, I can't help you if I try to. "

The voice outside the door was silent for a few seconds, and he walked hesitantly into the tattoo parlor.

Look at the people who walk in.

Su Yu's thoughtful brows furrowed.

The person in front of her was a female student who was not very old.

It is estimated that he will be from the third year of junior high school to the first year of high school.

Wearing a school uniform, his eyebrows are clear, and his face still has fluff that has not faded.

In ancient times.

This is a yellow-haired girl.

The female student was unusually restrained, and she didn't even dare to look at Su Yu squarely.

Stand in a tattoo parlor.

His hands clutched the hem of his clothes tightly, and his body swayed involuntarily from side to side.

Even in tattoo parlors.

There were many kinds of guests I met.

But these are still some immature students, and they are still extremely rare.

Su Yu touched his chin and said in as gentle a tone as possible.

"Sit down. "

"What's your name?"

"Why did you come to me?"

The restrained expression of the schoolgirl remained the same.

Even sitting on the sofa, it was only half a shallow seat.

After a few seconds of silence.

Slowly raised his head, with a look of horror in his eyes, and stammered.

"I, I, my name is Chen Zi. "

"I'm here for. "

"For. "

"To find a shop where you can kill people. "

"Others say that the owner of this shop has great powers, so..."

"I'm here. "

The head that was originally raised.

After saying this, he once again went deep again.

The fear and horror in the girl's eyes was palpable.

Actually, it's not that hard to understand.

A street in the shadows.

The streets are lined with wreaths, coffins, urns, and other funeral items.

Normal adults are also stunned when they see it.

Not to mention this kind of little child.

I can come to this street.

And to go to the deepest depths is already great courage.

Sensing the emotions in Chen Zi's heart.

Su Yu also took out a soothing incense from the cabinet and lit it.

Because Chen Zi's age was still a little young, Su Yu directly opened the Yin and Yang Sky Eye to observe carefully.

A moment later.

Slightly retract the light of the eyes.

Just from the observation of the Yin Yang Sky Eye.

Chen Zi has no ghost spirit and no resentment, because he is young and vigorous.

The only thing that's a little out of the ordinary.

It's just that there are wisps of yin qi left on the body.

The fresh and pleasant sandalwood fragrance lingered on the tip of Chen Zi's nose, which also made his whole person slightly relaxed.

Seeing this, Su Yu also asked the doubts in his heart.

"I think you're so old, you should know one thing. "

"If a person dies. "

"Then it's no longer a question of whether you can cure or not, why do you say that you can cure people or not. "

"And I just took a look. "

"You're fine, you're healthy, and you don't need to be cured. "

Chen Zi sniffed, the smell of sandalwood made her feel calm, and her nervous emotions dissipated for a few minutes.

Biting his lip, he sorted out his thoughts and explained slowly.

"Because it's not me who has the problem. "

"I'm asking for someone. "

"For me. "

"Father came to ask..."

Chen Zi bit his lower lip harder, biting out that he was already a little speechless.

After taking a few deep breaths, he continued with a pale face.

"I'm not a child, and I naturally know that the dead can't be cured. "

"But my father's situation was a little different. "

"Even a dead man is not like a dead man. "

"The heartbeat and pulse are all gone, but the body can still move, and it has its own thoughts, and even the memories are exactly the same as before I was born. "

"It's like yes. "

"The living dead like zombies. "

"But. "

"I'm sure. "

"He must still have a memory, but somehow he turned into a corpse. "

"This has been the case for many days. "

"Although he didn't tell me anything. "

"But I know the pain in his heart. "

"I want to help him. "

"I want to find a master to cure him..."

Chen Zi's words were a little confusing, and they were a bit of a bull's head.

The fear and panic in my heart are already visible to the naked eye.

Su Yu pressed his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Don't be in a hurry. "

"If I can help, I will definitely not refuse. "

"Since it was your father who had this happening, you must know very well. "

"Just tell me the beginning and the end. "

It is extremely unbelievable that you can live like a normal person without a pulse or heartbeat.

Chen Zi grabbed both sides of the sofa with both hands, his eyes were distracted, and he said hoarsely and immaturely.

"Three days ago. "

"I found out about it. "

"I felt like I was dizzy and dreaming. "

"But when I looked closely, I found out. "

"It wasn't my mistake, and it wasn't my delusion. "

"It's my father. "

"It's really dead. "

"The first time I noticed the anomaly was when I saw my father's hands. "

"Normal people have nails on both hands. "

"But that day. "

"I accidentally looked at his hands and found that all the nails on his hands were falling off. "

I asked in confusion. "

He explained that it was because of a mistake at work, which caused his nails to be ripped off by the machine. "

I was amazed, but I didn't continue to speak. "

"But. "

"Until the next night. "

"I've seen things that still make me unbelievable. "

"I usually wake up early to go to school, so I usually go to bed early at night. "

"I had a bit of insomnia that day, so I didn't sleep until late at night. "

"Just when I was so irritable. "

There was a strange noise in the living room. "

"Worried about the burglars in the house, I tiptoed open the door and looked into the living room. "

But he saw it. "

"I saw my father, stuffing himself into the freezer of the refrigerator. "

"It's like. "

"It's like I'm afraid that I'll emit a corpse smell..."

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