Chen Zi cried out in grief.

The man fell silent for a moment, and slowly lowered his head.

The atmosphere of the tattoo parlor was a little weird all at once.

Chen Zi, who couldn't stop crying, was in the tattoo parlor.

Silent man with bowed head outside a tattoo parlor.

Seemingly ordinary tattoo parlors.

At this time, it is like the dividing line between the two worlds of yin and yang.

Yin and yang are separated by each other, like a moat.

The hearts of the living are filled with grief.

The dead also have something to hide.

Just when it seemed a bit of a stalemate.

The man sighed deeply.

It seems that he is dozens of years old in an instant, and his face is even more pale and terrifying.

Moving his feet, step by step into the tattoo parlor.

Every step of the way.

It's like going through an extremely painful choice.

A short distance.

The man walked for nearly a minute before walking in front of Chen Zi.

This minute.

It's not just about the road.

It also represents recognition and renunciation.

Chen Zi saw the man walk in and was about to pounce on him.

The man stretched out a hand, stopped Chen Zi, and said in a low voice.

"It's really like what the master said. "

"If you get too close to me now, it will only lead to worse consequences. "

Chen Zi, who originally stopped his tears.

After hearing this.

Once again, the emotions could not be suppressed.

Obviously the closest person.

Right in front of you.

Not being able to touch the slightest bit, how uncomfortable this pain is.

How can ordinary people understand it?

Su Yu shook his head and pointed to the sofa.

"Sit down. "

"Let's talk about the specific situation in detail. "

The man didn't say a word, and his body was a little stiff and he sat alone on the edge of the sofa.

It is quite a distance from the positions of Chen Zi and Su Yu.

I'm already avoiding something.

Su Yu frowned, tapped on the coffee table, and asked in a deep voice.

"Now that things have come to this. "

"I'm not going to beat around the bush and get straight to the point. "

"When did you start. "

"What you are now?"

Although Su Yu did not say it thoroughly.

But the meaning of the words is already obvious.

The pupils of the man's eyes were chaotic and dilated, and there was no such light as a living person, and the mask covered most of his face.

His hands were stiffly clenched into fists, and he said in a complicated tone.

"So far. "

"Since I walked into this store, it means that I am no longer hiding anything. "

"The moment I lost my heartbeat was seven days ago in the evening. "

"That day. "

"I just came back from the car. "

"Suddenly, I felt my heart twitching, and I felt so much pain that I couldn't breathe. "

"If you want to say what that feeling looks like. "

"I think even if I use a sharp knife to cut my heart and liver, it won't be the same. "

"I wanted to shout, but I didn't have the strength to do it. "

"I felt like my life was like a bucket full of water, and someone had punctured a big hole from the bottom. "

"Crazy passes. "

"In just ten minutes, I lost all my instincts, and my world went dark. "

"But just when I thought I was going to die. "

"Suddenly an accident happened. "

"My consciousness returned to my body. "

"I'm alive again. "

"But this time. "

"It's completely different from before. "

"No heartbeat, no pulse. "

"Even the body is getting cold and stiff over time. "

"The blood in the body is not flowing, and there is no warm feeling in the heart, only the darkness like an abyss. "

I lifted my stiffer arms, hugged my head and whimpered. "

"Even when I wanted to cry, there were no tears. "

"I started to get skeptical. "

"Am I really alive?"

These words.

When it came out of the man's mouth, it seemed extremely sad, and he was even more confused.

I was glad I survived.

But I found it by accident.

In fact, he has become a dead man.

This kind of drop from heaven to earth is enough to crush anyone.

No matter how strong you were in life.

The man didn't know how to continue speaking, and after a few seconds, he sighed deeply.

"At first, I thought I was just getting a strange illness. "

"Not as I thought. "

"Completely turned into a dead man. "

"That was my only hope at the time. "

"That night. "

"I lay in bed, tossing and turning trying to force myself to sleep. "

"But no matter what I do. "

"I still didn't feel the slightest sleep. "

"I even took two sleeping pills, hoping that with the help of the medicine, I could fall asleep. "

"As for the outcome. "

"Nature speaks for itself. "

"Dead people..."

"Where else do you need to sleep. "

"I didn't have any hope in my heart, when I got up early and saw myself in the mirror. "

"It's the real utter despair. "

"In the mirror, my face was pale and yellow, my pupils were dilated, my lips were chapped, and my face was not shiny at all. "

I clutched my hair in my hands. "

"I found out. "

"I couldn't hold my hair at all. "

"All the hair, as long as I gently twist it with my hands, will fall out completely, and the hair will be dry like weeds. "

"And the nails on my fingers, I didn't even have to break them hard, they all fell off on their own. "

"The last glimmer of hope in my heart was gone. "

"I had to accept one thing. "


"I'm really dead. "

Or rather. "

"My body is dead, but my consciousness is alive. "

"I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy?"

"Or should I feel unlucky?"

The man stopped talking, his words full of bitterness and helplessness.

That kind of despair.

It's more painful than actually dying.

Su Yu pondered the man's words carefully, pursed his lips and thought for a moment.

Although the man's words are sincere.

But the most important point was not stated.

That's why.

Can he survive with his dead body?

A moment later.

Su Yu came back to his senses and said in a deep voice.

"Can you take the mask off. "

"Show me?"

The man glanced at Su Yu deeply.

After a few seconds of silence.

Stretch out your stiff hand and take off the mask little by little.

It's the moment you take it off.

Chen Zi instantly covered his mouth, his eyes glazed and exclaimed.



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