It's not that Chen Zi is weaker or pretentious.

Deliberately made such an exclamation.

Rather, after taking off the mask.

The man's disgusting face was truly revealed.

The lips were rotten, the rotten flesh was rolling, and the blue and black corpse spots were all over the sides of the lips.

The rotting corpse water is like pus.

Dots overflowing from the wound.

It's terrifying.

Sickening stench of corpses and an indescribable smell of carrion.

Tattoo parlors are flooded in an instant.

Even strong inferior perfumes.

None of them can hide the disgusting smell that makes people's throats sour.

The wide mask that was removed.

And not just to cover up the ugliness.

It is more important to block the odor that is emitted.

After all.

Even the posture and face of the body can be disguised by all means.

Can be a strong smell of corpses.

When perfumes don't work.

It's going to be like a depth charge.

No matter where you go.

will set off a thousand waves.

The stench of corpses is pervasive.

At the same time, it will inevitably attract everyone's attention.

A series of troubles ensued.


Seven days.

It's almost the limit of what can be hidden.

Even hiding yourself in the refrigerator late at night only slows down the decay process slightly.

Over time.

The flesh and blood are broken, and the face is flying, and there is no longer a way to hide it.

Su Yu looked at the man's extremely disgusting cheeks, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The spirit and flesh do not match.

It's an extremely rare situation.

Now the man's body is dead, and his soul remains.

This weird situation happens.

Watching myself become this disgusting day by day.

But any normal person.

It is impossible to remain as calm as a man, and even more so as if nothing happened.

There must be some reason for this.

Su Yu's fingers tapped, and he didn't open his mouth to ask anything.

His eyes flashed with yin and yang gossip, and he looked carefully at the man's body.

Although the person is dead, the air of death is pervasive, and the yin energy covers the roar.

But the soul remains.

After carefully seeing the man's soul fortune, Su Yu already had some guesses in his heart.

Men's fortunes and fortunes in their early years are extremely normal, no different from ordinary people.

But then something unexpected happened.

The resentment is entangled, and the yin is not stopped.

Should have been dead long ago.

It's not just the guidance of a master or something.

After that, he did good deeds, and his yin virtue increased, and he forcibly continued his life for several years.

But it's just a life-sustaining life.

And not to save lives.

since they have done evil deeds.

Then there will be an explosion one day.

Evil is rewarded for evil, not empty talk.

The only thing that's a little weird.

It's the man who should have suffered retribution and died for some reason, but now he has become like this.

The body is long dead, and the soul remains.

looked at the man who bowed his head and didn't want Chen Zi to see his face now.

Su Yu touched his chin and pondered for a while, then said in a serious tone.

"Bring your mask. "

"I want you to tell me without reservation. "

"Years ago. "

"Did you do something you shouldn't have done?"

The man who originally wore a mask to cover his ugly face and had the courage to raise his head.

After hearing this, he was silent again and lowered his head.

With his hands on his knees, he trembled slightly.


But he still didn't say a word.

Su Yu raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, and said to Chen Zi, who was sitting quietly and crying.

"That's right. "

"You help me go to the feng shui shop next door and get a white jade bottle that I put yesterday, and I may need to use it later. "

"I forgot to get it back early this morning. "

After Chen Zi heard this.

Naturally, I knew what I meant, biting my lip and tears flowed down.

Kneeling down towards Su Yu with weak legs, he said in a pleading tone.

"Master, what you said later. "

"I know. "

"I shouldn't have listened, and I can't listen. "

"But I beg you, I beg you, help..."

"Save my father. "


Su Yu sighed deeply and replied solemnly.

"Don't worry. "

"If I can save it, I will naturally do my best. "

"But if it really can't be saved, there is nothing to be done. "

"I hope you. "

"Be prepared. "

"Not much to say. "

"You go to Cheng Banxian's shop next door. "

Chen Zi then nodded and stood up silently.

Walked straight to Cheng Banxian's feng shui shop next door.

She didn't look at her father again.

It's not that I'm angry in my heart.

Rather, they did not dare to look at it.

She was afraid that after that glance, heaven and man would be separated forever.

Su Yu looked at Chen Zi's lonely figure and sighed in his heart.

In fact, it was also useful to let her go to Cheng Banxian's shop.

A little girl plucked up the courage to come to such a place, hoping to find a way for her father to survive.

If you still can't change the final outcome.

This will undoubtedly be a huge blow.

Cheng Banxian has experienced too many life and death partings.

It is best to let him enlighten Chen Zi and make certain mental preparations.

After all.

Judging by the current situation alone.

It's already a little powerless.

The man, who had been bowing his head and being silent, noticed that after Chen Zi left.

Stiff hands on knees, hoarse voice.

"Thank you. "

Su Yu waved his hand absently and said in a condensed voice.

"Don't thank me. "

"Tell me about what you've done. "

"Let's see if there's a glimmer of hope. "

The man covered his head with his hands, took a deep breath tremblingly, and said slowly.

"Hopefully. "

This word has been completely annihilated from the moment I died. "

"I don't want anything extravagant. "

"Something. "

"I did it, and I deserve the consequences. "

"It's been so many years. "

"Watching Xiao Zi grow up little by little, I am also satisfied. "

"I never regret it. "

Speaking of which.

The man paused, his expression desolate, and the atmosphere sad.

Want to shed tears.

only to find that there were no tears for a long time.

After letting out a miserable self-deprecating chuckle, he continued.

"To talk about me. "

"Actually, it's just like ordinary people. "

"Halfway through school, I found that I couldn't read anymore, so I went out halfway. "

"I've done things like a porter, a field watchman, a part-time job, an apprentice. "

"I've been working for a few years, but I still haven't made any progress. "

"Let's not talk about whether you have saved money or not, it's a blessing to be able to go astray without going into debt. "

"At the time of the New Year. "

"I also followed the wishes of my parents and matchmakers, found a girl I had never met before to get married, and walked the path that most people have. "

"Originally, I thought that this life was over. "

"Blind dates are just a couple of lives, and there is no love at all. "

"But the moment my wife got pregnant. "

"I suddenly understood one thing. "

"It turns out that she has long been an indispensable part of my life. "

"To make money. "

"I started running taxis around the clock, hoping to give her a better life and to meet the life that was coming. "

"I really didn't have any money at that time. "

"Even the money for the prenatal check-up was saved by us deducting the buckle rope. "

"Because there is no money. "

"We just did an ultrasound to see how the fetus was doing. "

"As for the rest of the blood, all kinds of conditions and so on were not checked. "

"My wife has always been in good health, so we didn't worry too much. "

But it's this so-called fluke mentality. "

"A mistake that will never be repaired. "

The man suddenly laughed and said in a tone of disbelief.

"Master, do you dare to believe it?"

"I've always been a good person, but I suddenly bleed heavily during childbirth. "

"I knelt down and pleaded with the doctor. "

"Hopefully they can help my wife. "

But they couldn't do anything, and they sighed and shook their heads at me. "

"Tell me. "

"Even if I moved the city's blood bank, I couldn't save my wife. "

"Because my wife's blood type is only one panda blood out of hundreds of thousands. "

"Sudden heavy bleeding with no spare blood bags. "

"In those days. "

It represents the word death. "

"I watched her pupils dilute a little bit..."

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