
The man laughed maniacally.

The smile was full of bitterness and unspeakable pain.

If there are still tears.

At this time, the man's eyes must have been overflowing.

"It is said that the prodigal son does not change his money when he turns back, and it will be a smooth road to heaven in the future. "

"I don't know what I am. "

"When I began to understand the weight of my body, the love of my life died before my eyes. "

"I still remember it very clearly. "

"When my wife was bleeding irreversibly, the doctor told me to go in and see her for the last time. "

"As soon as I entered. "

"The smell of blood came to my face, and I couldn't even hide the smell of disinfectant. "

Her face was as pale as gold paper, and her eyes were already dark. "

"I couldn't cry when I saw her like this, I didn't know what to do. "

"I don't blame the doctor. "

"They've done their best, and I only hate myself, my own waste and my own shit. "

"If I could have been a little more aggressive, maybe it wouldn't have come to this point. "

"I hugged the newborn Azusa to her. "

At that time, she was already unconscious, but the moment she saw Xiao Zi, she showed a smile full of maternal love. "

"I understand!"

"I know!"

"I know!"

She thought, she wants to grow up with Xiao Zi, she wants to watch Xiao Zi grow up little by little, and she wants our family of three to be safe. "

But all thoughts became extravagant hopes at that time. "

"The blood flowed non-stop, and her life was like an hourglass counting down. "

Her eyes were full of love. "

"There is not a trace of regret. "

At the last moment, she grabbed my hand hard, struggling to open her mouth to speak, but there was no sound. "

"But I know that she wants me to take good care of Xiao Zi. "

"That's her. "

The last thing on her mind. "

With the piercing scream of the monitor, the curve that was incomparably faint as a symbol of the heartbeat turned into a suffocating straight line. "

Her clenched hand slipped from my palm, her pupils glazed. "

"That moment. "

"I felt that the sky was dark, and the whole world was in complete darkness. "

"It's like an unknowable abyss that swallows me up. "

"The person I loved the most had left before my eyes, and she was only twenty-four years old. "

"I started crying, I couldn't cry myself. "

"I hate it!"

"I really hate myself!"

"If I had worked hard earlier, if I had understood earlier, if I had turned back sooner..."

"I regret it!"

"I hate it!"

"But I can't help it!"

"She's gone, completely gone. "

"The only thing I can do is. "

"Take care of Xiao Zi, who is holding in my arms and hasn't opened her eyes yet, and bring her share. "

"Xiao Zi's name. "

"It also represents how much I miss her. "

"It's not so much about thinking. "

"It's not so much remorse. "

"The wood catalpa flowers bloom, don't wait for the flowers to fall and break the branches. "

These words.

Su Yu was a little heavy.


Never know the accident and tomorrow, the one that comes first.

Two couples who were looking forward to the days ahead.

Suddenly encountered such an accident.

Emotional breakdowns are inevitable.

Su Yu was deeply sympathetic to this situation, just like what he said just now.

It is said that the prodigal son will not change his money when he turns back.

But when I look back, my loved one has already passed away.

This pain.

than a knife cutting the heart.

More pain, more unspeakable.

The man's story was not over, and he continued to reminisce.

"The deceased is gone, and I only have pain left, and Xiao Zi has become the pillar of my heart. "

"Watching Xiao Zi grow up day by day. "

"I had an indescribable feeling in my heart, as if it was my agreement with her. "

"Xiao Zi inherited her looks, her personality, and her blood type. "

"At the moment when I saw Xiao Zi's blood type. "

"There was a sudden sting in my heart, and I was afraid that the scene that had once appeared in front of my eyes again. "

"But I'm also a little lucky. "

"With the progress and development of society, people of these rare blood types have spontaneously formed a group,"

"It will automatically go to the hospital to donate blood and put it in the blood bank. "

"For them. "

"The same blood type is the same kind. "

"Looking at the situation getting better little by little, the worry in my heart gradually relaxed. "

Xiao Zi has also changed from a childish child who learns to speak to a well-behaved and sensible little girl. "

"Even though my mom wasn't around, I was often away from home. "

"The sensible Xiao Zi has never worried me. "

"Even when I came back from the hard work of the car. "

She would rub my shoulders and lean into my arms and say that she had scored 100 points again. "

"In the dead of night, I always think of her face. "

"I will talk to her to myself, my dear, you see, Xiao Zi is so well-behaved now, and she is getting more and more beautiful like you. "

"Life is getting better day by day. "

Xiao Zi is also growing up day by day. "

"But at this time. "

"Fate played a joke on me again. "

The man's expression was a little dazed, and the whole person fell into pain.

"One day. "

Xiao Zi suddenly fainted during class, and her nose couldn't stop bleeding. "

"I took her to the hospital after a closer examination. "

"Got a result that broke me..."

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