"Acute leukemia. "

"It's what we usually get into blood cancer. "

"Hear the result. "

"My eyes went black. "

"God. "

"It seems to have collapsed. "

"No matter what the disease is, for each of us, as long as the word cancer is involved. "

"Ten percent of the hope has already gone to eight points, and the incomparably painful torment and confusion in my heart crushed me in an instant. "

"But I looked at lying on the hospital bed. "

Because the bone marrow had just been extracted for testing, Xiao Zi's face curled up in pain. "

"I understand. "

"If you don't do anything now, that's really despair. "

"I'm glad too. "

"After so many years of hard work, even if I am not rich, my family still has some money to spare. "

"It won't be the way it used to be. "

"I can't even get the money for the prenatal checkup, and I need to save thousands of dollars. "

"At least now we have a choice. "

So I calmed down the emotions that turned the world upside down, and I had the hope in my arms. "

"Ask the most authoritative expert in the hospital, what surgery is needed to cure Xiao Zi, and how much does it cost?"

"At that time, I was ready to sell my house and car. "

"Even now, everything is in vain. "

"I don't even care. "

"I just hope that Xiao Zi can be alive in front of me again, instead of curled up on the hospital bed because of pain. "

"I even promised her. "

"Will definitely take care of our children. "

But when I got the answer from the experts. "

But he understood that all this was his own naïve thinking. "

"There is no choice, no room for choice. "

I think back to that memory.

The man's expression was sad, and his gloomy eyes were even more gray, and he continued.

That's what the experts told me at the time. "

"If you don't find a suitable bone marrow, then Xiaozi will only have six months at most. "

"This sudden acute leukemia is a real killer for children. "

"Because the small children are physically weak. "

"The use of high-dose chemoradiotherapy can have serious sequelae and heart-wrenching pain. "

"Even if I survived the chemotherapy and radiotherapy. "

"It's only a small way to stop the cancer from spreading. "

"Not being able to eradicate it means one thing. "

"In the end. "

"Blood cancers will still explode across the board until they lose their lives. "

"And this term. "

"The most conservative is six months. "

"Of course, there are other children who can survive for more than six months. "

"Even three or five years. "

"But I can't bet. "

"We can only wait for the last resort based on the worst-case outcome. "

And this last resort. "

"The natural thing is to find the best bone marrow for transplantation. "

"It's also the only way. "

"So six months. "

"That's the last time I'm given. "

"Most children who have acute leukemia are matched with their parents' bone marrow. "

"The basic cure rate can reach more than 90 percent. "

"Because parents are the source of life, every hair on a child's body is given by their parents. "

"So you don't have to wait too long and you don't have to suffer too much. "

"You can return to your normal life, bounce like a healthy child, and enjoy a happy childhood. "

"Maybe it was fate. "

"Xiao Zi inherited her mother's intelligence, beauty, and flesh and blood, and even if I am willing to take my life to help in this matter, it is of no use to me. "

"The most important thing. "

"Other children, even if their parents are not a good match, can still find a suitable match in the bone marrow bank. "

"And Xiao Zi. "

"It's extremely rare panda blood, and trying to find a suitable match in the bone marrow bank is tantamount to a fantasy. "

"This thing. "

"It's like a broken highway, and further abyss. "

"But the brakes have long since failed. "

"There are only two roads left. "

"Either they abandon their cars at high speed and run away, are seriously injured and spend the remaining six months in a miserable hospital bed. "

"Either drive a car into the abyss, from the predicament and despair, out of a hope to the light..."

After saying this.

The tattoo parlor fell silent.

The man clenched his stiff fists and placed them on the coffee table, his heart full of pain.

Su Yu sighed sympathetically.

Just when I thought my life was getting better, bad luck struck again.

The pain of losing his wife has not been forgotten.

And now the young girl has been so evilly robbed.

All the pain and sorrow fell on the man's shoulders.

At that time, his pressure must have been as great as a landslide.

But in front of the child, you must maintain an optimistic mood.

How hard is this?

Even if you can't empathize, you will also feel sad in your heart,

The man was silent for a few seconds, then calmed down and continued bitterly.

"I've thought about it. "

"Even if you give up this life, you have to find a way out for Xiaozi. "

"There are a lot of requirements for bone marrow matching. "

"First of all, the first point is that the blood type is the same, otherwise if hemolysis occurs, it is really powerless. "

And that's just the first thing. "

"Other values and indicators must be matched by more than 70 percent. "

"Panda blood is already rare, and other indicators need to be adapted. "

"It's not an exaggeration to describe this kind of difficulty. "

"I'm cheeky. "

"It can even be said that I pleaded in every way, and begged all the people in our city who had panda blood flowing in it. "

"I've been in all sorts of situations, such as white eyes, verbal abuse, evictions, etc. "

"Donating bone marrow is different from donating blood. "

"In the eyes of many people, bone marrow is a person's life, something that cannot be recycled, so they directly rejected my request. "

"I was never even given the opportunity to go to the hospital to check if the match was successful. "

Seeing the time pass day by day, death is approaching Xiao Zi step by step. "

"I want to roar. "

"I want to vent. "

"I want to scream. "

"I can't help it. "

"I shouted at the injustice of fate to the heavens, but I could only bite the bitter fruit. "

"I'm confused!"

"I'm unwilling!"

"I scream!"

"I can't do anything!"

"I thought about it again at the time. "

"Isn't the same tragedy going to happen to me. "


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