If it is said.

Everyone's life is a burning bonfire.

There is a variety of wood in the campfire.

At first just ignited.

The flame is delicate and can be extinguished with a gentle blow of the wind.

It represents a newborn child.

Over time.

The bonfire grew more and more luxuriant, and the flames shone brightly.

Every second is emitting light and heat.

It's like a person has stepped into the golden age.

And by the time the wood is about to burn out.

The flames could be extinguished at any moment, leaving only charcoal in the field.

This is everyone's twilight years.

Charcoal is what can be left behind.

Some are as precious as gold and are sought after.

Some are useless and disgusting.

There is another situation.

When the bonfire is burning, after a piece of wood is pulled out.

In that moment.

The flames will inevitably weaken or even be annihilated outright.

Over time.

Despite the fact that one of the wood is missing.

But due to the characteristics of the flame.

The rest of the wood began to burn more violently.

The flame may not be fainter than it used to be, but it may be even greater.

But when another piece of wood is extracted.

Direct annihilation?

More violent?

Or is it something else?

No one can tell.

This was the case with the man at the time.

The second timber has already been half pumped out.

What will happen?

Nobody knows.

The man's voice was dull and hoarse, and he continued.

"The same tragedy, played out twice. "

"I will never tolerate this situation, and I cannot bear it. "

So I started trying my best to find another way out. "

"I started using money to publish this in various media outlets, hoping that someone might give me some information. "

"I looked for those hackers and asked them to help me see who had bone marrow that could fit in with Xiao Zi. "

"Even. "

"I went to the underground organ traffickers and begged them to help me. "

"But even if I've exhausted all methods. "

"There is still no hope. "

"Time waits for no one, it's still going by little by little. "

"Panda blood is scarce. "

"Plus the bone marrow is consistent. "

"If you can find this kind of person, maybe it is really God's favor. "

"Everybody says there are gods in the head. "

"But the gods did not look at me. "

"There are less than 30 days left until six months. "

Looking at Xiao Zi's gradually thin body. "

"My heart was already filled with despair, and I had no heart. "

"At that time. "

That's all I have in mind. "

"If Xiao Zi is really gone, I don't want to live in this world. "

"Our family was reunited in Huangquan Prefecture. "

"But right now. "

"My friend who drives a taxi told me something. "

"There is a Yin Master living in the southern city. "

"I know astronomy and I know geography. "

"Anyone who asks him the best answer. "

"At that time, I was like a traveler in the water, grasping on to a life-saving straw and climbing up. "

"It doesn't matter if it's a real master or a fake master. "

"Whether it's a trick or a trick, I'm willing to try. "

The master said. "

"When I first saw him, no one would ever associate him with a master. "

"It's exactly like an ordinary middle-aged person. "

"After meeting me. "

And only one sentence was spoken. "

"Let me wait for a man dressed in black in front of the Wangfeng Hotel in three days. "

"Say yes. "

"Then I will get what I want. "

"It's also the last hope. "

"It's just such a simple sentence, it's not an exaggeration to treat him as a magic stick. "

"But at that time, there was nothing I could do. "

"I can only use a dead horse as a live horse doctor, and I can see it as a ray of hope. "

"Early that morning. "

"I packed my things in the early hours of the morning. "

In front of the hotel, he drove his own taxi, waiting for the man in black hesitantly. "

"I felt like I was crazy. "

"Because the master didn't even say what the man looked like, how do I know who it is. "

"All the way. "

"There are at least three, if not four, of the ten men dressed in black. "

"It's fitting to use a needle in a haystack to describe me at that time. "

I don't know how long it has been. "

"Just when my last patience and hope were gone. "

"A man carrying fruit and a bag of clear documents knocked on my car window. "

"Ask me if I'm going to the hospital. "

"The appearance of a man is very ordinary, the type that disappears in an instant when placed in a sea of people. "

"But the moment I saw him, I understood one thing. "

"Him. "

"It's the one I'm waiting for. "

I hurriedly opened the door and put him in the passenger seat. "

"My fingers trembled, and my heart beat wildly. "

"Just because. "

"I saw a blood test report in his transparent file bag. "

"I don't care about anything else, and I can't understand it. "

"I only saw one line, and that was his blood type..."

"It's the same as Xiao Zi. "

"It's all extremely rare panda blood. "

"I finally got it. "

"What did the master mean by his last hope? "

"I don't doubt it, and I don't dare to think about it. "

"I decided that he was the key to Xiao Zi's survival in the end. "

"All the way. "

"I can't give up, and my heart is full of emotions. "

"If I say it bluntly, I hope he can donate bone marrow to Xiaozi. "

"As strangers who have never met. "

"How could he promise me. "

"Come to think of it. "

"I understood one thing. "

"According to normal practice, the only thing waiting for Xiao Zi is death. "

"I don't dare bet. "

"I can't think about it. "

"I don't dare to put Xiaozi's life on others to be kind once. "

"As a taxi driver who has been driving for many years, I am extremely familiar with every road and every road in the city. "

"I know better. "

"What kind of speed, what kind of obstacles. "

"It's going to kill people. "

"Or you can't hit someone. "

"Just ten minutes from the hospital. "

"I made a decision. "

"I twisted the steering wheel hard and pressed the accelerator. "

"Towards the towering telephone poles. "

"Forcefully. "

"Bump it..."

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