Hear the name papermaker.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

As Cheng Banxian said.

He is indeed no stranger to the vein of the papermaker,

One could even say.

As long as there is a little understanding of the people in the underworld.

Surely they have all heard the name of this lineage.

Yellow Fu tied the paper and sent it to the soul.

The paper figures were used as containers for the souls of the dead.

This is in the yin line.

are quite famous for their kind of spells.

From before, he used his fingertips to press a wisp of yin qi into Su Yu's palm.

You can see it.

Jiang Xue is a paper-binding craftsman who has his true way.

It is understandable that the three of them will open a store.

But if it's the kind of god stick who cheats and deceives.

You must not stay here.

Or so to speak.

I can't stay here for a few days.

Because the people or things that the three of them come into contact with are all fierce and ghostly things.

There is no one who walks.

It will definitely be eroded by yin energy.


will know the difficulty and retreat.

Come to mind.

Su Yu nodded thoughtfully, and asked with a slight doubt.

"Cheng Banxian. "

"That's what you say. "

"Your niece should have her true ways. "

"Even if it's not as good as us. "

"That's definitely more than the bottom. "

"Why bother. "

"Came to Gusu from Kyoto?"

"Even deliberately. "

"Open a shady shop?"

After Cheng Banxian heard this.

Shaking his head helplessly, he picked up the teacup and said lightly.

"My niece is fine. "

"It's just that this temperament is a little eccentric, and no one can guess what is in her head. "

"I don't know why I came to Gusu this time. "

"But I'm going to speculate a little. "

"Chances are you, too?"

Su Yu, who was already puzzled, was suddenly even more surprised, and asked with a frown.

"Coming for me?"

Cheng Banxian nodded, and replied in a somewhat affirmative tone.

"In my opinion. "

"It's supposed to be for you. "

"This possibility. "

"It is estimated that there must be at least seven or eight points out of ten. "

Seeing Su Yu's puzzlement.

Cheng Banxian also tapped his fingers and slowly continued to explain.

"Su Yu, don't you know how prominent your reputation is now?"

"Everybody knows that. "

"Gusu has produced a master. "

"The yin and yang embroidery is perfect, and for so long, I haven't encountered anything that can't be done. "

"It can be called an immortal in the world. "

"In the middle of the shadows. "

"Attainment comes first. "

"Thanks to your low profile, you don't like to show your head. "

"Otherwise. "

"It is estimated that those who apprentice will step on the threshold. "

Lao Lin, who has been quietly doing it and listening carefully.

At this time, his face also showed a look of interest, and he asked out loud.


"Though I have not seen the man of your mouth. "

"But you can infer from your descriptions. "

"Cheng Banxian, your niece. "

"No, no. "

"Want to compete with Su Yu?"

Those who are capable of yin are respected.

Naturally, no one is convinced, and various fighting methods are emerging in an endless stream at this time.

Lao Lin also thought of this situation.

Slightly confused.

Cheng Banxian shook his head and said pointedly.

"It's too much of an exaggeration to compete. "

"Su Yu and I are old friends. "

"My niece also knows my personality and knows that I will never take a few more looks at the juniors who are not in the stream. "

"So I know it in my heart. "

"It's not so much about a competition. "

"It's better to say. "

"Ask to solve your doubts..."

Su Yu's brows furrowed slightly, and he didn't know where to go.

Cheng Banxian was silent for two seconds, and then explained again when he saw this.

"After all, no one can be like Su Yu. "

"Just in my early twenties. "

"There is such a profound way. "

"This kind of thing of recognizing people and arguing about things, let alone a fledgling little snow. "

"Even us. "

"Be ashamed of yourself. "

"But I can't say more. "

"You two. "

"Come with me to her shop and have a look. "

"I think she's now. "

"I should take care of her precious things again..."

Speaking of which.

Cheng Banxian also took the lead, stood up and walked out.

Su Yu and Lao Lin glanced at each other.

Behind Cheng Banxian.

Let's go to Jiang Xuegang's shop.

For this new neighbor.

All are a little curious.

Cheng Banxian didn't even say hello, he walked directly into Jiang Xue's shop and said loudly.

"How's that, Xiaoxue. "

"Are you still used to coming to Gusu when you first come to Gusu?"

Jiang Xue, who was bending down to clean carefully, looked up at Cheng Banxian.

I've been busy since I first came to the store.

There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and his chest was slightly undulating.

looked at Cheng Banxian, who was light and had nothing to do.

Rather helplessly, he pursed his mouth, pressed the broom in his hand into Cheng Banxian's hand, and said loudly.

"Uncle. "

"You said you don't have a backache when you stand and talk. "

"My niece came to Gusu alone, and you don't know how to help. "

"It's hard to come. "

"Just ask me if I'm used to it..."

For Jiang Xue's eccentric, lively and naughty, Cheng Banxian has long been prepared.

He coughed twice and put the broom aside.

Turning his head to look behind him, he spoke slowly.

"Don't be busy yet. "

"Don't be busy yet. "

"Let me introduce you. "

"This one is about the same age as you, and the younger one is Master Su Yusu. "

"This one who has some fairy wind bones is..."

Jiang Xue didn't wait for Cheng Banxian to finish speaking, but took over the conversation.

"It's the extremely low-key Master Lin. "

"As Mr. Yin and Yang. "

"Master Lin is full of kung fu to exorcise ghosts and subdue demons. "

"In the whole yin line now. "

"I don't think many people can surpass it. "

"If I don't know. "

"Doesn't it seem a little lonely..."

Halfway through.

With a smile on her face, Jiang Xue nodded lightly at Lao Lin.

There is no such eccentricity in front of Su Yu at all.

Cheng Banxian didn't say anything more.

I just looked left and right into the store, and I seemed to be looking for something.

A few seconds later.

Standing still, he asked with a slight doubt.

"Hey, Xiaoxue. "

"Didn't you put out those precious things of yours?"

"Why didn't I see that?"

When Jiang Xue heard this, she naturally understood why Cheng Banxian came this time.

Revealing slightly sharp tiger teeth, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I see. "

"No wonder I haven't finished this sanitation yet, and you're here, uncle. "

"It seems so. "

"Nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Palace. "

Cheng Banxian didn't feel the slightest embarrassment at all, and urged loudly.

"Ahem. "

"We just want to see those things. "

"It's not too much of a way. "

"Little snow. "

"Do you know that I went to great lengths to take down this shop..."

Jiang Xue rolled her eyes and waved her hand.

"Gotcha, gotcha. "

"Stop, stop your tirade and your reasoning. "

"Just as I was about to put them out. "

"I'll show you. "

After all that's said.

Jiang Xue didn't bother with anything, walked directly to the inner room, and took out the two huge suitcases from above.

I didn't open the suitcase right away.

Instead, he took out three sandalwood sticks from the side, lit them and raised them.

Facing heaven and earth, the four sides bowed and recited in their mouths.

"Paper people and people who contain spirits all have a suffering past. "

"Today, I have come elsewhere and beg the Nine Shades of Heaven and the Heavenly Emperor of the Four Directions to bear with me and take care of them. "



These two rather modern words came out.

Suddenly the overall style of painting is a little strange and strange.

Listening to Jiang Xue's somewhat strange spell.

Lao Lin couldn't help but look a little strange, and asked out loud.

"Cheng Banxian, I have to talk about you. "

"The mantra that Xiaoxue recited just now. "

"It's so weird. "

"Why don't you teach well? "

"In case of a crisis. "

"I'll regret it. "

"It's going to be too late..."

Cheng Banxian was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly, and explained with his fingers together.

"Lao Lin, this is what you don't know. "

"Have you ever heard a phrase? "

"The mountain is not high, there are immortals, the water is not deep, and the dragon is spiritual. "

"For us. "

"It may be possible to recite the mantra in its entirety in order to exert its effect and get what you want. "

"But some. "

"As soon as we are born, we are favored by heaven and earth, and we don't need to be stuck in spells like we do. "

"It's like Su Yu. "

"Before you met him. "

"Have you ever thought about it? "

"Someone can rise to the top in just half a year. "

"A body of Taoism to be like us?"

"Although my niece does not have such an exaggerated talent as Su Yu. "

"But she had a childlike heart since she was a child. "

"It is extremely difficult to communicate in the eyes of others. "

"For her. "

"It's as simple as eating and drinking. "

That's why. "

"I don't object to her being a man of the shadows. "

"There is such a talent. "

"If you don't show your hands in the yin. "

"Isn't it against the will of heaven?"

Just after Cheng Banxian's words were finished.

A gust of wind rose out of thin air.

This yin wind seems to have life, caressing the entire store carefully.

It's like guarding this shop again.

See this.

Lao Lin couldn't help but gasp and exclaimed.

"It's weird. "

"I have heard that some people with extraordinary talents will be protected by heaven and earth as soon as they are born. "

"It's a good thing to see now. "

Cheng Banxian smiled and continued with some pride.

"Don't rush yet. "

"More powerful is yet to come. "

"The vein of the papermaker. "

"But it's not that simple. "

"I was so good at the beginning. "

"I asked an old friend of mine to take Xiaoxue as an apprentice. "

"Now it seems. "

"It was sharp-eyed at the beginning..."

Cheng Banxian watched Jiang Xue's movements and stopped his words.

His eyes twinkled and he stared ahead.

Jiang Xue was engrossed in front of her at this time, and reached out and gently patted the two suitcases.

"Alright. "

"It's going to be a new home from now on. "

"I'll release you later. "

"It's been a whole day. "

"I guess you're all suffocated. "

As he spoke.

Reach out and unzip the suitcase.

"Hoo ————"

It's just a little bit of a stretch.

Majestic yin and ghostly energy.

It burst out of the suitcase.

The entire store is covered with a thick aura of evil.

And that's not the end of it!

Pull open a corner of the suitcase.

Unexpectedly, a hand made of white paper stretched out

Pull the edge of the suitcase and pull outward.

Under the gaze of the multitude.

The entire trunk was fully opened.

"Squeak Chirp ————"

"Gollum ————"

A terrifying scream that makes the scalp tingle, a series of attacks.


From two suitcases ...

A total of five paper figures flew straight out.

The shapes are very different, the faces are different, and even the postures are different.

Flying around the store.

Some are laughing, some are flying, some are roaring, and some are crying...

Jiang Xue's face was calm.

There was no surprise at what he saw, and he tapped lightly on the table next to him.

"It's safe to choose a position for yourself. "

"If you dare to be dishonest. "

"I'm going to lock you up!"

Heard Jiang Xue's words.

All the paper figures became more and more noisy, flying around.

After a few seconds of noise.

The five paper figures all found their place and leaned quietly against the wall.

Jiang Xue exhaled, wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, and spoke.

It made the two masters laugh. "

"These little ones do that every time they come to a new environment. "

Cheng Banxian tapped his fingers and counted them carefully, then asked out loud.

"Xiaoxue, why is there only five paper figures so quickly. "

"The last time I saw it, weren't there still eight of them?"

Jiang Xue helplessly held her forehead and slowly explained.

"Uncle, the last time you saw it. "

"That was a year ago, okay..."

"For the paper man, after the original damaged soul is repaired, it is extremely normal to leave the body of the paper man. "

"And some of the paper figures have atoned for their sins and gone to the Huangquan Prefecture to enter reincarnation. "

"It's not uncommon. "

"After all, you can't use white paper and yellow charms to bind and trap them for a lifetime. "

Su Yu heard Jiang Xue's explanation.

nodded thoughtfully and said loudly.

"It seems to be as rumored as it is. "

"One of the most powerful spells of the paper-binding craftsman is the yellow paper containing the spirit and seeking reincarnation. "

Jiang Xue grinned and raised her head proudly.

"Master Su. "

"It's not that I'm boasting. "

"In the midst of this underworld. "

"There are some things that no one else can do but me. "

"For example. "

"The paper man behind you. "

"He used to be a shopkeeper, but he was a shopkeeper. "

"Don't sell anything else. "

"Just sell. "

"Human meat buns..."

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