The three of them looked behind them in unison.

The paper figures leaning against the wall look a little weird and terrifying.

On the paper figure made of white paper yellow charms, the strange facial features look extremely hideous.

It's like a ghost.

It's more like a demon, as if it's being bound.

And, most critically.

At the same time as the three of them looked at the paper figure.

The paper man actually let out a miserable sneer, which was terrifying and terrifying.

Jiang Xuexiu frowned lightly and snorted coldly.

"Stay good and wait for the reincarnation of the spirit. "

"If you don't give me some peace, I'll burn you as firewood later. "

As soon as this sentence came out.

The paper man, who was originally laughing with a ghost, suddenly fell silent.

even let out a whimper begging for mercy, and the paper body trembled.

Wait until the paper figure is quiet.

Jiang Xue restrained her expression and explained slowly.

"This paper man. "

"Before I died, I opened a meat bun shop. "

"Because his own brother is a crematorium worker, he thought about it. "

"Whenever a dead person is brought in for cremation. "

Through this relationship, the deceased's thigh meat will be cut off to make human meat buns. "

"This is the body. "

That is, the thigh meat is the firmest, and it is fat and thin. "

"Plus. "

"Now with the development of technology, basically the deceased will be placed in an ice coffin, not only will not rot, but even the smell will not be a little. "

"When used to make steamed buns, it's simply a no-brainer business. "

"After all. "

"Who cares about what kind of meat is stuffed in the bun? "

"Even if it's a suspicion. "

"At most, I suspect that it is rat meat, which is the limit. "

"How could you have thought of it. "

"The meat used in the buns they ate turned out to be human flesh. "

"And. "

"One thing is very important. "

"That's what they did because the family wasn't allowed to go into the incinerator. "

"Basically. "

"Nobody knows. "

"No one would have thought of it. "

"In this day and age, in this world. "

"There are even people who make steamed buns out of human flesh. "

"Even the dead..."

After Cheng Banxian heard about it.

His brows furrowed, and he asked in a meaningful voice.

"Since it's so hidden. "

"It is estimated that this result will only be due to the retribution that was suffered later. "

"Since heaven and earth have given punishment. "

"Xiaoxue, why did you make it into a paper figure? "

"And put him in here?"

"You know about this kind of thing..."

Cheng Banxian didn't make the following words clear.

But the people present were all yin people, so they naturally understood what they meant.

A lot of wicked people.

He thinks what he does is seamless, but he is doing unsightly things in the dark.

This kind of thinking is actually naïve.

To know.

People are doing it, the sky is watching, and there are gods in the three feet above their heads.

A lot of things.

It's not that if no one knows about it, they'll be safe.

Wait until heaven and earth come down with retribution.

You can't escape it.

As a person in the underworld.

Giving such people a spirit and seeking the way of rebirth.

It can be said that it is a great taboo.

In the yin row.

The most important thing is karma and yin virtue.

Going with the flow is the trend of the times.

Against the sky.

Let's not talk about it.

This yin virtue deduction alone needs to be borne by yourself.

It's like the situation of the two siblings Shoko and Yukiko before.

Tattooed with a bloodthirsty lone wolf Xiangzi.

It should have been cut off, and the soul was scattered and died.

But Su Yu stubbornly went against the sky.

With the help of Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin, Xiangzi's soul was left behind.

In the end, the two brothers and sisters were able to reunite in Huangquan Prefecture.

Next life.

Renew the relationship between brother and sister.

But after this incident.

Su Yu suddenly overflowed blood from the corner of his mouth, which was a manifestation of his own yin virtue deduction.


The situation of that time was.

Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin both dissuaded Su Yu and did not go against the sky.

can make the two of them so dissuaded.

Naturally, you can also see how dangerous it is to go against the sky.

Judging from the current situation.

Making human meat buns from the remains of the dead is certainly a very evil situation.

It is even more intolerable to heaven and earth.

It is possible to trigger all kinds of retribution.

Jiang Xue is in such a situation.

It is embodied in the paper figures.

There is actually no difference from what Su Yu did before.


can be regarded as snatching people in the hands of heaven and earth.

However, there is a clear difference.

The Shoko saved by Su Yu.

but those who should be saved, and who should not have died.

And this paper man behind him.

Opened a meat bun shop.

This situation.

Think about it for a moment.

It will make people feel a little numb in the scalp and tremble slightly.

Such a person.

It deserves its own punishment.

If Jiang Xue was forcibly acted, the Yin Virtue deducted would be compared to Su Yu before.

Of course, it's just a little more.

Cheng Banxian was also a little worried in his heart.

Jiang Xue is young and young, and she also does not have Su Yu's Taoism.

Yin virtue is not as rich as Su Yu.

He who has done so evil is saved.


Now Yin virtue is already in deficit, and retribution is coming at any time.

Jiang Xue understood what Cheng Banxian said, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly to explain.

"Uncle. "

"I understand what you mean. "

"It's not what you think, though. "

"Just this paper man behind him. "

"It's really selling human meat buns, but the branches are a little different. "

"The money he got from selling human buns. "

"Except for the supplies and utensils that I need, I didn't use anything. "

"All of them were sent to some poor areas in the west to build Hope Primary Schools. "

"This thing. "

"It seems to us that in the shadows. "

"That's a great thing..."

When Lao Lin heard this, he suddenly became interested and said slowly.

"It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. "

"For those kids in the mountains. "

"Knowledge. "

"It is the most important weapon to get out of the mountains in the future. "

"It's not as good as my background. "

"It's not as good as the environment. "

"It's not as good as the conditions. "

"But knowledge is the same. "

"Read. "

"It's also the best opportunity to get out of the mountains. "

"But I want to ask one thing. "

"Even so. "

"These spirits are like paper figures. "

"But what's the point?"

Compared to the eccentricity in front of Cheng Banxian and Su Yu.

Jiang Xue faced Lao Lin, who was as well-behaved as the girl next door, and replied softly.

"It's like we have different taboos in each of our yin veins. "

"Tie the paper. "

"For the selection of these souls that can contain spirits, there must be requirements and prerequisites. "

"Like this paper figure behind him. "

"When he met me at that time, his soul was already broken due to retribution. "

"Even the memories are intermittent, and it is very reluctant to tell me the whole specific cause and effect. "

He and his brother grew up in the mountains of the southwest. "

"Five years old herding cattle, seven years old mowing pigweed. "

"Not to mention studying, even surviving has already consumed all your energy. "

"I have never enjoyed happiness, but I am full of suffering. "

"When I was fifteen or sixteen years old, I saw people wandering out from the next village. "

"During the Chinese New Year, I wore a suit and leather shoes, and drove a big car back from the city. "

"At that age, I was hit like this. "

"These two brothers. "

"How envious I am in my heart, it goes without saying. "

Then the two of them combined. "

So he decided to leave the mountain and go out to break out of the world. "

"But. "

The two brothers had never been to school for a day, and when they picked up a pen, they could write just their own names and a few simple numbers. "

"The opposition of parents and relatives is naturally inevitable. "

"But this time they were also determined. "

"I knelt in the ancestral shrine for a whole day and a night. "

"By this. "

Only then did their parents and relatives reluctantly agree. "

In the end, he stepped on the train with a thousand yuan collected by the whole family, twenty eggs, and a sack of baked cakes. "

"Sometimes. "

"If people don't have knowledge and confidence, they can see it at a glance. "

"On the train. "

A young man with thief eyebrows and rat eyes, seeing the two brothers like this, the thief's heart suddenly rose. "

"Under a lot of rhetoric and pies. "

So let the two brothers, who were not in the service, throw themselves on their five bodies, the first brother, and the last brother. "

"Take out the only 1,000 dollars. "

"I hope this young man can help them find a place to settle and a job first. "

"This money. "

"If it falls into the pocket of that kind of person, how can it be spit out?"

"Even after getting off the train. "

Relying on the trust of the two brothers, the young man said that he would make a phone call to contact the work, but turned around and slipped away. "

The two brothers waited in the cold wind for the result. "

But I don't know. "

"I've been deceived for a long time. "

"It's hard for us to understand. "

"But in fact. "

"It's really normal..."

After Jiang Xue paused for a few seconds, she looked at the paper figure on the wall, sighed and continued.

The two brothers waited for a while. "

Only then did he realize that he had been deceived and wanted to go to the young man. "

"But nowhere else can you find it. "

"Don't talk about it, it's impossible to even hear from it. "

"That's all. "

"The two brothers had just come out of the mountains. "

"I was taught a lesson by the society, and this lesson also made them understand. "

"Cities are no better than mountains. "

"There are not a few people who have ghosts in their hearts and slaughter chickens and lackeys. "

"The two were penniless. "

"Nowhere to go. "

"If it weren't for the sack of baked cakes that I brought, I wouldn't have survived for three days. "

The two brothers were even more depressed. "

"If you go back like this, don't say that you can't get over the anger in your heart. "

"Those who borrowed money from relatives don't know how to pay it back. "

"So at the time. "

So the two brothers made an oath. "

"If you don't mix up the roll call, you will die in the city. "

The two of them asked people everywhere in the vernacular to find a job. "

"Hit a wall along the way. "

"Ended up with a boss. "

As soon as he saw the two brothers, he immediately took them for his own use. "

"Even when they met, they gave each of the two brothers 2,000 yuan to settle down. "

"In those days. "

"Such a generous person, what exactly is done, in fact, don't think too much. "

"I will take a fancy to the two brothers because they have been doing farm work since they were young and are strong. "

"When I first came to the city, I didn't know the place well, and I couldn't talk about it, so I was saved a lot of trouble. "

So the two brothers went down the wrong path. "

"This money. "

"It's not a clean earning. "

"But it didn't take long. "

The two brothers are unemployed again. "

"I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet. "

"The boss was just caught and shot shortly after. "

The two brothers escaped. "

"This time. "

"After this time, they gradually integrated into the city. "

"I've been working on the construction site for several years. "

"In the end, by chance. "

"My brother became a crematorium worker, carrying bodies into the incinerator. "

"My brother also worked as a chef in a big hotel. "

"The life of the two is getting better and better. "

"Ten years later. "

The two of them finally raised their heads and went home for the New Year. "

Parents and relatives kept boasting, saying that the two were promising. "

The two brothers just remained silent. "

"Just so many years. "

"Who knows what the two of them have suffered. "

"I can't write, I can't speak, I don't even know some basic common sense. "

"I've been crawling all the way to where I am today. "

"Look at the little children in the village who are still herding cattle and mowing pigweed. "

"It's as if they see who they used to be. "

"It's not even a taste in my heart. "

"So when I came to the city again. "

"They made a decision..."

When Jiang Xue said this, she sighed deeply, with a look of pity on her face.

"For so many years. "

"They already understand that for the children of Dashan, reading is the best way out. "

"But there is no school in the nearby village. "

"If you want to study, you have to go to town. "

"You need to walk from the village to the town, and it takes three or four hours to walk. "

"Most parents will just give up and not let their children go to school. "

"And the little kids. "

"I don't know what it means to read or not. "

"The old scalper around them, the big yellow dog, is all they value. "

"Small people also have big ambitions. "

"The two brothers decided on one thing at that moment. "

"No matter what. "

"We have to build a primary school for the village..."

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