Even small people have big ambitions.

This sentence.

talked about the situation and state of the two brothers at that time.

After tasting the bitterness of society.

I know that there is a huge gap between them, and I don't want those juniors in the same village to repeat the mistakes of the past.

People in this life.

The most important thing is not to forget your roots.

Don't forget the people who plant the grain when you eat, and don't forget the people who dig the wells when you drink.

Precisely because of this.

The two brothers will make a decision.

A primary school was built in Shili and Eight Townships.

But ordinary people don't have a big chance.

To rely on their own hands.

To this extent.

The difficulty of it.

No less than the blue sky in the daytime.

Jiang Xue stroked her hair, sighed, and continued.

"Two brothers, they have no skills, no education, and no nobles to rely on. "

"To build a school. "

"I'm afraid I can't do it in my life. "

"I have a longing in my heart, but I have no way out. "

"Naturally. "

"And you will go astray. "

As soon as the two of them got together, they planned to open a steamed bun shop. "

"The material used in this bun is naturally human flesh. "

"My brother, who is a hotel chef, understands the profits and costs in the food industry. "

"Don't underestimate the seemingly inconspicuous breakfast shop. "

"A small business with a good business can make money far beyond imagination. "

"In addition. "

"The most important raw material is human flesh. "

"It became a no-brainer deal. "

"Needless to say, the windfall profits are there. "

"This kind of thing is human meat buns. "

"It's disgusting and terrifying, and it makes people's scalps tingle just by hearing it. "

"But when it comes to deciding on such a thing. "

Not only did the two of them not think too much, but they breathed a deep sigh of relief, and there was a kind of ease in finding a solution. "

"Because in the eyes of the two brothers. "

"It's worth it. "

"They did no harm, they did no evil. "

"They even think it's just a matter of getting the most out of it. "

"Use the flesh and blood of the deceased who are about to be cremated to make steamed buns to earn money. "

"Don't say it. "

As soon as this steamed bun shop opened, it attracted everyone's attention. "

"Under his craft. "

"The buns are fat but not greasy, fragrant but not fat, and have an endless aftertaste. "

"In less than three years. "

"They've accomplished a very exaggerated accumulation of wealth. "

"A steamed bun shop. "

"I made two million in three years. "

"Two million is not much in our eyes, but in the eyes of the two brothers, it is money that cannot be reached in a lifetime. "

"It's also a little helpless to say. "

"These two brothers made so much money, but they didn't leave a penny for themselves. "

"Quite a humble man donated all his money to his hometown to build a Hope Primary School. "

"In order not to attract attention, they didn't even leave their names. "

"No name, no profit. "

"Arguably. "

"It's really doing it for the sake of doing it. "

"It's really for the kids. "

"It's ridiculous, it's outrageous, but that's exactly what it is. "

"But it did. "

"Heaven will retribution. "

"On the day when the Hope Primary School in their village was built and ready to cut the ribbon. "

The two brothers were preparing to go home together to see what they had been working on for three years. "

But on their way back. "

"Suddenly, there was a torrential rain, flying sand and rocks, and a landslide collapsed, so the two brothers who were driving to the village were buried under the stones. "

"Wait until someone digs it up. "

"Both of them have already turned into meat puree, no different from steamed buns..."

"But it's weird. "

"Except for the position of the two brothers, everything else is calm and peaceful. "

"Actually, there's no need to guess. "

"This landslide is the punishment of heaven and earth. "

"Actually, it's really a blessing from heaven and earth. "

"As usual. "

"For such a resentful thing as human meat buns, it stands to reason that the time for retribution will not exceed one year, let alone three years. "

"But on the two brothers. "

But it dragged on for more than three years. "

"This situation. "

"It's nothing more than heaven and earth pity their obsession and ambition. "

"Plus. "

"Building schools and giving people knowledge is a great merit. "

"Meat buns are exchanged for money, which is then used to build schools. "

"There are merits to this. "

"But the punishment is postponed, and it is the limit. "

"After all, it's inevitable. "

"Still. "

"Heaven has the virtue of a good life. "

"It is even more tolerant of people who have good intentions but make mistakes for a while. "

"When these two brothers became lonely ghosts and their souls were half broken, I happened to find them. "

"I have consulted heaven and earth. "

Only then did he accept it as a paper figure, and the spirit waited for reincarnation and rebirth. "

"One could even say. "

"If the two of them have the slightest selfish motive. "

"There's no room for reversal. "

"So it's not anyone. "

"There is this kind of opportunity to be embodied in the paper man. "

"One evil is hard to counter ten good..."

Hear this passage.

Su Yu and the three nodded in agreement.

this world.

It's not that you did evil once.

After that, you can make up for it with ten times the goodness.

Don't take the good as small, don't take the evil as small.

It's not just empty words.

There are often people who make their fortunes in the gray industry.

After completing the initial bloody capital accumulation, he will begin to do all kinds of charitable things.

For example.

Build a primary school, build a welfare home, and give money to the elderly in the village during the New Year's holidays...

There are a lot of such things.

It's all common now.

It's not that I don't love money anymore.

It's that they love their lives more.

His hands were stained with blood, and the soles of his feet were covered with the bones of the dead.

Now start doing good deeds and accumulate virtue.

In order to have a way to live.

The poor exchange their lives for money.

The rich trade money for their lives.

This is an eternal truth.

But even so.

Most people do things that are basically useless.

Heaven and earth have retribution.

A wicked man is his own hell.

The reason is simple.

It's also very simple.

What has been done is like water that has been spilled, words that have been spoken.

It can never be treated as if nothing happened.

Jiang Xue glanced around at the paper figures around her and said softly.

"There are five paper figures in the store right now. "

"It's all about some kind of situation, and they've done some evil things that make people's scalps tingle when they hear it. "

But in the midst of evil, there is also goodness. "

That's why heaven and earth will give another chance. "

"Agree that their remnant souls will be stored in the paper figures, wait for the souls to be repaired, and then go to the Huangquan Underworld. "

"Still. "

"Death is avoidable, but living sin is inescapable. "

"After arriving at the Yellow Springs Prefecture, they will also be judged by the judges of Hades. "

"It's impossible to say what kind of punishment should be given before you can go to reincarnation. "

"After all. "

"Something is done. "

"It's a great blessing to have the opportunity to be reincarnated and reborn..."

When Lao Lin heard this, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"Heaven has the virtue of a good life. "

"To have a glimmer of hope is also a blessing in misfortune for them. "

"Tie the paper in one vein. "

"It's really a bit unique, it's just this piece of paper. "

"For us. "

"It's not that easy to get to that level. "

"Yin Xing has its own stunts. "

Lao Lin nodded and sighed.

Cheng Banxian also nodded and boasted with a smile.

"Actually, the paper binding spirit is just one of the methods. "

"Yellow paper soldiers, ghost lock paper people, exploring the yin and recognizing the soul, etc., the papermakers are all unique in their own way. "

"Although it may not be as good as the three of us in some ways. "

"But there are some strengths. "

"There are some things that even I would be surprised to see when I see them. "


"My niece, but how capable do you have?"

The pride and boast in Cheng Banxian's tone were not concealed in the slightest.

He was originally a man in the shadows.

For their juniors.

At a young age, there is such a way, and the pride in my heart is needless to say.

Jiang Xue looked helpless, and said to Lao Lin and Su Yu.

"Don't take it to heart, two masters. "

"My uncle is always like that. "

"Actually, I came this time with the heart of learning..."

didn't wait for Jiang Xue to finish speaking.

Outside the shop of the four, I remembered the hurried shouting.

"Su, Master Su, Su, Master Su. "

"You, are you there?"

"Are you there—"

The four of them looked out in unison, with different expressions.

Cheng Banxian shook his head and joked.

"Lao Lin, you said that this has been here since Su Yu came. "

"Business for the two of us. "

"That's a big deal. "

"Of the ten bitter masters, five of them have to find Su Yu. "

"This will not be the day. "

"We can't afford to open either of our little shops. "

Lao Lin touched his chin and groaned a few times.

"Then I should have driven it. "

"After all. "

"In the business of catching ghosts and warding off evil spirits, Su Yu is not..."

Su Yu hurriedly waved his hand.

"Gotcha, gotcha. "

"You two don't tease me. "

"I'll get down to business first. "

After all that's said.

Su Yu didn't hesitate anything, and strode directly towards the tattoo parlor next to him.

At this time, it is now in front of the tattoo parlor.

A man dressed in a black tracksuit, with a clear face and an eerie earthy yellow skin.

I'm looking up at the tattoo parlor.

His expression was extremely anxious, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

There was a circle of fire bubbles on his lips because of anxiety.

See this.

Su Yu also understood that the man must be in a hurry, and said directly.

"I'm right here. "

"If there's anything, let's talk about it when we come into the house. "

Strode towards the store.

He reached out and gestured to the couch for him to sit down.

As soon as the young man sat down on the couch, his anxious fingers tapped on his knees, and his neck twisted involuntarily.

Seeing such a young Su Yu, although he had doubts, he couldn't care so much.

His lips trembled slightly, and he stammered intermittently.

"Su, Suda, master, this, this thing..."

Before the man could finish his sentence.

Su Yu reached out and pressed down.

His brows furrowed slightly, and he said slowly.

"Don't be in a hurry. "

"No matter how urgent. "

"Take a moment to clear your breath and thoughts. "

Such intermittent words would be a waste of time. "

After hearing this.

The man also closed his eyes and breathed heavily.

It seems to be pranayama.

But his legs and body were still trembling slightly.

A few minutes later.

The man opened his eyes again and said with a frightened look in his eyes.

"They're all dead. "

"They're all dead. "

"I'm the only one left. "

"I'm going to die, too. "

"I'm going to die. "

"Master Su, please save me, save me. "

These words.

There is no information.

It's just a plea and a plea for help.

Su Yu's brows tightened, and he tapped the coffee table and said coldly.

"I have always saved only those who should be saved. "

"If you make things clear, you will lend a helping hand if you can save me. "

"If it's just here to howl and keep howling. "

"Then I'd better advise you to leave early..."

Su Yu's words are not empty talk.

Most of them just cry and don't dare to say what happened.

There is basically a damn reason.

The man took another deep breath and shuddered as he removed the object from his neck.

Carefully placed on the coffee table.

The man asked in a trembling voice, pointing to the items on the coffee table.

"Master Su, do you know what this is?"

Su Yu's eyes drooped and he looked at the objects on the coffee table.

Just a glance.

There was a fierce glint in his eyes.

Pick up a match and move closer to the object on the coffee table.

After a few seconds.

He shook his hand lightly and pursed his lips in deep thought.

This is something that is placed on the table.

It is dark and transparent, and it shines moist in the light.

The front end is sharp and sharp, and the lower end of the conical circumference is inlaid with several terpene gold wires.

Silk into the style of "through the ground pattern".

The talisman body is engraved with two ancient seal characters of "touch gold".

this thing.

Su Yu is no stranger.

The word "gold" says it all.

This is the gold talisman used in tomb robbery, and it is also a symbol of the gold school captain.

Let's put it this way.

The man in front of him...

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