Find someone to ask for help.

It is a favor that is owed.

If you want to say that in this world, what is the most difficult thing to return.

Then there is no more than a debt of affection.

This is true for ordinary people.

Not to mention the retribution of good and evil, good is rewarded, and evil is repaid by evil.

Lao Lin picked up the light tea on the table, took a sip and sighed.

"Cheng Banxian, what else do you say, what do you want. "

"Even if there is no such thing as sealing the village. "

"Just based on the friendship between us and the blind man, how can we not see him when we meet him and ask for help. "

After Cheng Banxian heard this.

I also nodded involuntarily in agreement.

Su Yu's brows tightened, and he touched his chin and asked after thinking carefully for a moment.

"Go, naturally go. "

"Cheng Banxian, if you know the specific cause of the incident. "

"I'll just talk about it in detail. "

"It's better to prepare a little beforehand. "

Cheng Banxian bowed his head slightly and said slowly.

"That's true. "

"The land of southern Xinjiang is full of weirdness. "

"If there is an old village chief again, a human-faced tiger and the like, it will also be a trouble. "

"Let me tell you a little bit more. "

Cheng Banxian tapped his fingers on the coffee table, drank all the tea in the cup and said.

"This thing. "

"It's a long story. "

"You also know that the blind willow is a witch trick that makes him superb. "

And the cause of all this. "

"It was because of his powerful witchcraft that he started. "

"When the blind man Liu became famous, he was born after decades of practice in southern Xinjiang. "

"At that time. "

"To say that in our yin line, we can compare with those hidden old monsters. "

"Basically, it's not more than a finger. "

"Blind Willow is one of them. "

"Holding all kinds of witch Gu, it can be described as a burst of infinite scenery. "

"It was also at that time that I met the blind man. "

"But there is something very strange about the blind willow. "

"That is. "

"Those of us who are in the dark are basically alone, and we don't know how to marry and have children. "

"Only the willow is blind. "

"When he was roaming the rivers and lakes, he also took his wife. "

"His wife is also proficient in witchcraft, and she is not a little behind the blind willow. "

"This extremely weird, dragging-family combination, I once asked him why. "

He replied unexpectedly. "

"It's because the two of them have settled on the baby since they were young. "

"All the way to the present, I have long been accustomed to the situation of being around each other. "

"So they also came from southern Xinjiang to the yin line together, and they could also take care of each other. "

"At the time. "

"It's the envy of all of us. "

"But that was just then. "

"If you let the blind man choose now, he will definitely never let his wife come with him. "

"The details of what happened to you. "

"Even I don't know. "

"I just know that ten years ago, it was almost this day. "

"Blind Liu suddenly came to the store to look for me, saying that he wanted to ask me for a favor and save his wife. "

"I was surprised. "

"Because the two of them are basically inseparable, if something happens. "

"It's right that the blind man bears the brunt, it shouldn't be his wife's problem. "

"Despite the deep doubts in my mind, I didn't ask about it. "

He just silently followed Liu Blind and went to check the specific situation. "

"When I saw his wife for the first time, I immediately understood. "

"Save. "

"There's no hope left. "

"His wife has been dead for a long time, and there is no room for recovery. "

At that time, I could only pat him on the shoulder to comfort him and make him mourn smoothly. "

"But I didn't expect that..."

"Liu's obsession is quite deep. "

"No matter what the price is, I am willing to snatch back his wife from Lord Yama. "

"Ever since this happened. "

The blind man disappeared from the shadows, and returned to southern Xinjiang with the body of his deceased wife. "

"Immerse yourself in his witchcraft to find a way to save his wife. "

"I've been preparing for all sorts of things. "

"Also in the recent past. "

"After searching all kinds of ancient books, the blind man found a long-lost method. "

"That is to refine his deceased wife into some kind of special witchcraft. "

"Witch Gu is an extremely weird thing. "

"It can save lives or kill them. "

"It can even exorcise demons and slay demons. "

"There are witch Gu for all kinds of uses. "

"Humans make witches. "

"It's unprecedented. "

"I don't know exactly how to do it. "

"But. "

"It can make the blind willow break his arm and return in vain. "

"This thing. "

"It's certainly not as easy as it seems. "

"I'm afraid it's compared to the old village chief. "

"It's not going to be half a point. "

Hearing what Cheng Banxian said.

Su Yu was still full of puzzlement in his heart.

After touching his chin and thinking for a while, he rubbed his fingers and asked.

"Cheng Banxian, what you just said. "

"I didn't say it. "

"Why did the blind man's wife die so suddenly?"

"They are the people of the shadows. "

"For this kind of yin and yang blessing, there must be a certain premonition. "

"It stands to reason. "

"It shouldn't be that way. "

When Cheng Banxian heard this, he also sighed deeply and explained.

"Actually, it's not that I'm hiding it. "

"It's that I'm not sure myself, and I only have one guess in my mind. "

"When I saw his body. "

"It was found that there were several hidden blood holes on the body of Liu's blind wife. "

"That little blood hole, from my guess. "

"It's like. "

"Being drilled into the body by a tiny witch..."

Speaking of which.

The follow-up words are already needless to say.

Su Yu also shook his head and didn't ask again.


Something strange must have happened.

One could even say so.

It's hard to say.

Because of the two of them.

He is already a master of witchcraft.

As a result, he was devoured by the witch Gu and died.

It's like.

The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple.

Specific circumstances.

Quirky and unknown.

Lao Lin leaned back on the sofa, closed his eyes for a while, and said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter what happens. "

"We all have to go to southern Xinjiang again. "

"If it is against human morality, the three outlines and five constants. "

"We can say no. "

"If we don't violate the rules of yin, we must be able to help. "

"It's also a friendship. "

Su Yu nodded in agreement, turned his head to look at Cheng Banxian and asked.

"When are you going to Southern Xinjiang?"

"Cheng Banxian, do you have a time to talk to Blind Liu?"

Cheng Banxian glanced at the time and replied.

"We'll leave in an hour. "

"I booked the fastest flight to southern Xinjiang. "

"After all, I don't know the specific situation of the blind man now. "

"His whole person is like a stuffy gourd. "

"I don't want to say anything. "

"I'm really worried right now. "

"This man has reached a certain age. "

"I started doing subtraction. "

"Fingers snapped, counting how many days I have left. "

"Those brothers and friends who used to be around. "

"It's also dust to dust, dust to dust. "

"That's what it feels like in my heart. "

"It's really hard to explain. "

"I just feel it. "

"It seems that I really don't accept the old man..."

The atmosphere in the store is because of these words.

All of a sudden, it became a little dark.

Cheng Banxian shook his head and sighed again.

"Then we'll all pack our things. "

"We will go to southern Xinjiang together. "

"That's right, Su Yu. "

"Xiaoxue should still be in your shop now, and you are also a young man, so I will talk to her later. "

"I'm afraid she'll get angry for a while. "

"If you want to follow us to southern Xinjiang, it will be even more troublesome when the time comes. "

"After all, she also has some special ways. "

"But the qualifications are still shallow. "

"It's not a good place to go to such a dangerous place. "

"And she went. "

"It's likely that we're still distracted to take care of her. "

"I'll just excuse you. "

Su Yu nodded and did not refuse.

and Lao Lin got up at the same time and walked towards their respective shops.

When I walked into the store.

I smelled a faint scent of tea.

Jiang Xue was holding a teacup at this time, sipping tea, her eyes narrowed with a smile.

After seeing Su Yu walk into the store.

Reaching out to the other cup of tea in front of him, he gestured and spoke.

"Master Su, come and try my tea-making skills, can I get into your eyes. "

Seeing this, the corners of Su Yu's mouth rose slightly.

Gently pick up the teacup and take a sip.

"First astringent and then sweet, the tea fragrance is contained, this tea brewing technique is really good. "

"But for now, the tea is left alone. "

"Your uncle and Master Lin and I are going to go to Southern Xinjiang later, and we have important matters that need to be concluded. "

"So you're going to stay..."

didn't wait for Su Yu to finish speaking.

Jiang Xue's eyebrows and eyes curved into crescent moons, and then said.

"So I'm staying here. "

"Help watch the door, and don't go with you. "

"Isn't that so?"

"Master Su?"

Looking at Jiang Xue's smiling face, Su Yu didn't think about hiding anything.

Nodding in agreement, he continued.

"Actually, I won't hide anything from you. "

"This time we went to southern Xinjiang. "

"I am not sure about what I want to do, and I can't speculate on the dangers and difficulties that may be encountered. "

"So what Cheng Banxian means is that he doesn't want you to follow. "

"So do I. "

"But all in all. "

"It's up to you. "

"If we keep being tough, or you go with you, it will be very ugly. "

"What do you think? "

Su Yu didn't say it very harshly, nor did he say anything sternly not to let him go, but left the choice to Jiang Xue.

What does that mean?

Needless to say.

Jiang Xue tapped the teacup with her fingers, frowned and thought carefully for a moment.

He sighed helplessly.

"Don't worry, Master Su, I won't go. "

As the saying goes. "

"How capable. "

"Do a lot of things. "

"If I go and I drag my feet, that's not what a smart person should do. "

"So be it. "

"Master Su, you wait for me for a while, and I'll get you something. "

After all that is said.

Jiang Xue didn't wait for Su Yu to open his mouth to answer anything.

Walk straight to your shop.

Su Yu saw that Jiang Xue could agree so readily not to go, not only smiled.

I can't help but look up to her by one point.

Being the most afraid of being a person is feeling good about himself.

Do not listen to the advice of others.

Do what is not feasible.

In the end, it will only hit the head full of bags.

Jiang Xue's speed is extremely fast.

It took less than three minutes to be back in the store.

Holding two paper figures in his hands, he handed them to Su Yu and said.

"Master Su, you take these two paper figures. "

"I've already given them the Dao Technique, and I just need you to give them orders, and they can do anything. "

"It's like a puppet, a puppet. "

Looking at the two paper figures handed over by Jiang Xue, Su Yu was stunned, and did not take the paper figures for a while.

Seeing this, Jiang Xue frowned slightly, puffed out her mouth, shook it again, and motioned to Su Yu.

Su Yu came back to his senses.

Hurriedly took the paper figure, put it away, and said with a smile.

"Thank you. "

"I think these two paper figures should be very useful. "

After Jiang Xue saw Su Yu put away the paper figure, she also smiled brightly, and said with her hand in her hair.

"Take this. "

"Even if I didn't go with you. "

"At least. "

"I can help you. "

Jiang Xue stretched hard and said lazily.

"Alright, alright. "

"Master Su, clean up, everything is ready. "

After all that's said.

He walked towards his shop and didn't bother again.

looked at the figure of Jiang Xue leaving.

Su Yu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

At first, at first.

He felt that Jiang Xue was a more willful little girl.


As I learned more and more, I found out.

Jiang Xue is well-behaved and sensible.

He shook his head and didn't think much about it.

After packing up the utensils.

The three of them went to southern Xinjiang again...

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