The plane descends from the clouds.

Su Yu and the three of them carried travel bags and followed the bustling crowd out of the airport.

The land of southern Xinjiang.

Not only there are 100,000 mountains.

It is also full of spring.

The south of Caiyun, the ancient tribe of Miaojiang, has always been synonymous with mystery.


When you hear these two words, you will have a heart of awe.

Compared to Gusu, which has entered early winter.

Southern Xinjiang is still the same as early autumn.

Same in Kyushu.

The scenery is not the same, each with its own flavor.

Su Yu took a hard breath of some sweet air.

Feeling the autumn breeze blowing on his face, he sighed loudly.

"I didn't expect that. "

"It's been less than a month since I left southern Xinjiang, and I'm going to come here again. "

"It seems that the three of us are also related to this place. "

Cheng Banxian shook his head and sighed.

"I'm afraid that even if it's fate, it's a bad fate. "

"After all. "

"The last time I came here, because of the strange and evil things in the closed door village, the three of us almost died. "

"I'm afraid only this once. "

"It's going to be more dangerous and dangerous. "

"Let's go. "

"Now that we're all here, it's impossible to retreat. "

"Let's take you to see the village of the blind willow. "

"Don't talk about anything else. "

"The village he lives in is really a fairyland on earth. "

"Last time. "

"I was also easy to find, and it was not easy to find it. "

Heard what Cheng Banxian said.

Lao Lin was also interested, and said slowly.

"The place that you can call a fairyland on earth also makes me a little curious. "

"Let's go, without further ado. "

"Go and see what the blind man looks like now. "

Cheng Banxian also nodded seriously and walked out.

The area where Miao Village is located.

Basically, it's away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

At the beginning of the city's busy traffic, the three of them reached the depths of the 100,000 mountains in an instant.

Even though it's early winter.

In the middle of the mountains.

There are still all kinds of birdsong and golden pheasant calls.

Verdant pines and cypresses.

Yellowish vegetation.

Everything in the mountains seems extremely quiet and peaceful.

All the way.

Less populated.

The winding mountain road is endless, and occasionally you can see a little smoke rising.

The peace and tranquility of the countryside is like an ancient poem.

I can't help but feel calmed down.

After getting tired of all kinds of fast pace in the city.

This kind of life in the depths of the mountains.

will make people yearn for more.

One could even say.

If there is a choice.

Most people like to wander through the country lanes and savor the scent of flowers.


In big cities.

In order to get three taels of gold, the steps are hurried and non-stop.

The so-called sense of happiness in him.

Compared to the farmers and villagers who can eat and dress in the countryside.

Not necessarily.

It can win a few points.

A desperate to live.

A quiet life.

The car stopped at a winding mountain junction.

The three of them stepped out of the bus.

Cheng Banxian stared at the mountain road in front of him, and after taking a look at it, he couldn't help but sigh.

"It's good here. "

"It's just that the traffic is inconvenient. "

"Ordinary people want to walk this mountain road, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it without falling a few times. "

"That's what we're like in the shadows. "

"It's easy to walk without stopping. "

"But you say. "

"It is not difficult for this blind willow to use his own skills to earn a little gold, and to build a good road. "

"Why is it delayed?"

"Do you really plan to take his stockade with you in the mountains for the rest of your life?"

Lao Lin pinched a floating fallen leaf with two fingers and said meaningfully.

"Actually. "

"Sometimes it's not that you can't do it, it's that you don't want to do it. "

"Wouldn't it be better for such a village, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, to be in one place and so secluded. "

"Plus. "

"There is a witch master in the village, Blind Liu, even if there is any minor illness or disaster, it is naturally cured by medicine. "

"Don't worry about money. "

"As a master of the Yin Movement, the Yin Virtue may be lacking. "

"But money has never been a big issue. "

"After all, tens of millions of dollars may not be exchanged for a yin virtue. "

"There are such good conditions. "

"It is necessary to break the original innate environment by pinching it. "

"But that's all it said. "

"The sun is about to go down, so let's go. "

"The trail is steep. "

"It's even harder to walk at night. "

Heard Lao Lin's words.

Su Yu and Cheng Banxian also nodded in agreement.

All three stepped forward at the same time.

Walk along the winding mountain road.

The mountain road may not seem long, but it is extremely dangerous.

The three of them hurried.

It was also a full half an hour of walking, and I saw the location of the stockade after crossing the mountain.

This stockade is like a pearl, guarded by the surrounding mountains.

It's dinner time.

Wisps of cooking smoke rose from the stockade.

What a glance.

It's not small.

One could even say.

In this whole mountain.

The scale of this stockade is indeed a bit unusual.

Cheng Banxian exhaled a long breath and said.

"Blind Liu, this kind of place is really hard to find and difficult to walk. "

"But it's quite in line with the character of the blind willow. "

"Let's go. "

"Let's go down and have a look. "

After all that is said.

Strode down the mountain road.

Walking into the range of the village, Cheng Banxian didn't look at anything more.

Go straight to the house of the blind willow.

Being in this cottage.

Cheng Banxian's heart became more and more nervous.

After all, the blind man is the brother he once worked hard with in the Yin Xing.

Although there is little contact these days.

But that kind of friendship, there is no need to say much.

There is no need for frequent contact to maintain.


The villagers in the stockade watched the three of them walk in.

Although there was a slight doubt in his eyes.

But he didn't ask.

Walk to a somewhat dilapidated log cabin.

Cheng Banxian took a deep breath.

didn't say anything, just stood at the door and shouted.

"Blind willow!"

"Blind Willow!!"

"I'm here, come out and see what's going on!!"

Cheng Banxian shouted several times.

But what is puzzling is that no one responded.

"Blind Willow!!"

"Willow Blind !!"

Cheng Banxian's voice suddenly trembled slightly.

In his sight.

The blind man Liu was not only blind, but also had a broken arm, which should be in his own wooden house.

But it's not here now.

This situation.

If it's very likely, eight of them could be bad.

Come to think of it.

Cheng Banxian's lips moved, and he was about to continue shouting loudly.

A child of about six years old walked next to him and spoke in a childish voice.

"Three uncles..."

"Are you looking for Grandpa Liu?"

Cheng Banxian looked at the little girl behind him who tilted her head and pointed to her chin.

After being stunned for a moment.

Squatted down and said with a kind smile.

"Little Nannan, do you know where Grandpa Liu is?"

"Can you tell my uncle?"

The little girl nodded lightly and said in a childlike voice.

"Not uncle. "

"You're grandpa, too. "

"Grandpa Liu should be in the cabin in the back mountain now. "

"When you're not usually at home. "

"Grandpa Liu is in a small cabin in the back mountain, but Grandpa Liu usually doesn't let us go to the back mountain to find him. "

"So I don't know..."

The little girl scratched her head, with a cute expression on her face, and a frown showing a very distressed look.

"Back Mountain Cabin..."

Cheng Banxian muttered to himself in a low voice and glanced at it.

He took out a handful of candy from his travel bag, handed it to the little girl, rubbed her hair, and said gently.

"Thank you, little girl. "

"I'll go to your grandfather Liu right now and see if it's a wooden house in the back mountain. "

The little girl's eyes lit up as she looked at the candy in her hand, and she carefully put it in her pocket with a smile on her eyebrows.

After Cheng Banxian touched the little girl's head again, he didn't say anything more.

After glancing at Su Yu and Cheng Banxian.

The footsteps hurriedly walked towards the back hill of the village, and the worry in his heart did not diminish in the slightest.

The three of them all walked towards the back mountain with solemn expressions.

One to the back mountain.

I saw a small wooden house quite conspicuous.

And there was a wisp of white smoke blowing out of the window of the cabin.

Cheng Banxian breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

The presence of white smoke represents human smoke.

The little girl also said earlier that no one could come to the hut in the back mountain.

That's what it says.

The man in the house was none other than the blind willow.

Just as Cheng Banxian raised his feet and was about to walk towards the wooden house.

Su Yu hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Cheng Banxian.

He shook his head solemnly, pointing to a colorful rain butterfly on the pine tree on the side, and his eyes showed solemnity.

Lao Lin also looked at Su Yu's fingers, frowned and said.

"This rain butterfly is no ordinary butterfly. "

"Just by looking at its color, you can see the horror of the toxins in its body. "

"In the midst of this nature. "

"The more delicate and beautiful things are, the more terrifying they are, and I think you should know that. "

"If I'm not mistaken. "

"This rain butterfly is one of the witches of the blind willow. "

"If we take a few steps forward, this rain butterfly will surely swoop in. "

"This situation. "

"Totally says one thing. "

"The blind man must have been seriously injured at this time. "

"Otherwise. "

"Why use witchcraft as a vigilance. "

Cheng Banxian, who was originally slightly relaxed.

After hearing this, his brows furrowed deeply again.

The stone that had been laid down in my heart was also hanging high.

Without hesitating any longer, he shouted directly.

"Blind willow, come out quickly, don't pretend to be dead inside. "

"I'm bringing someone with me now. "

"It's not really going to die, is it?"

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds...

The cabin creaked.

The rather old wooden door was slowly pushed open, and the hoarse voice of the blind willow man came out.

"Come on, Cheng Banxian. "

"Even if you die first, I won't write. "

"Alright. "

"I've put away all the witches around me, you can come in. "

After hearing this familiar voice.

Cheng Banxian let out a long sigh of relief, and walked towards the wooden house in three steps and two steps.

The three of them slowly walked into the cabin.

Seeing the blind willow leaning against the thatch, I couldn't help but shrink my pupils.

At this time, the blind willow is not an exaggeration to describe it as miserable.

There is no need to say goodbye to the early blindness of both eyes.

His right arm was a blur of flesh and blood at the moment.

There is even some white ballast exposed.

Looks horrible and disgusting.

His clothes were already in tatters, like a blind beggar.

See this scene.

Cheng Banxian's heart was slightly sour, and he didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, he sighed deeply and said slowly.

"You said you. "

"I told you to wait for us, but you had to try it yourself, and it turned out to be like this. "

"It turned out that he was blind. "

"Now that your hand is broken, you're getting more and more..."


Cheng Banxian didn't finish his words.

But the sadness contained in it is needless to say.

The blind willow's ears moved slightly.

tightened the ragged clothes on his body, and said expressionlessly.

"Got Cheng Banxian. "

"I'm not here to let you fight as an afterthought and grind my ears. "

"By the way, you can help me take a look. "

"Is the ointment boiling next to you ready?"

"If it's good. "

"Hand it to me. "

Seeing the blind man Liu who didn't care about it, as if he had nothing to do with himself, he was hanging high.

Cheng Banxian couldn't help but blow his beard and glare, and a wave of anger rose in his heart.

Take two deep breaths and suppress the anger in your heart.

After walking to the side and inspecting the ointment that was boiling, he was stunned for a moment and wondered.

"Blind Liu, are you afraid that you really deserve to die?"

"The medicinal materials you use here are all highly poisonous, if you use them like this, I'm afraid it won't be killed?"

The blind willow coughed twice, a wisp of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he said slowly.


"If it weren't for me, I wanted to die. "

"This day!"

"Never try to take me. "

"Not only can't you take me. "

"I'm still in its hands. "

"Snatching !!!"

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