There's only one...

The path guided by the three rays of light is only one true.

So what's the case with the other two.

Needless to say.

Cheng Banxian looked at the three of them with solemn eyes, and slowly spoke.

"There are three paths here. "

"But among them, there is only one way to go deep into the Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang. "

"As for the other two, they must be completely dead. "

"All we need to do now is. "

"Find out the real one..."

Step out.

Most likely, it is the difference between life and death.

Lao Lin looked at these three roads, carefully probed, and said in a deep voice.

"No, I can't. "

"These three roads have an extremely strange aura shield, and it is impossible to detect the slightest situation in them. "

"If Cheng Banxian, can you narrow down a little?"

"Although nothing can be perfect. "

"But if we can narrow it down a bit, it's better for us. "

Lao Lin said this.

It is also what Su Yu and Liu Blind think.

After all, just from the current point of view, this southern Xinjiang worm valley is full of difficulties and crises step by step.

Cheng Banxian sighed helplessly and explained.

"I don't know what you think. "

"If there is a way. "

"How can I hide it? "

"Arguably. "

"It's a blessing to be able to break this circle this time. "

"After all, compared to other industries. "

"Our yin line is weakening step by step, and many of the various magic circles and Taoist techniques of our ancestors have been lost. "

"Plus. "

"At that time, when I went to the Yellow Sand Land of the Western Regions with my master, I was still relatively stubborn and lazy, and I didn't learn the essence of his method of breaking the formation. "

"Now that's the limit. "

"No matter how much you try, you can't filter out a correct path..."

That's it.

The three of them were silent, and did not say anything more.

Since Cheng Banxian has tried his best, he can't get any closer.

That's all there is to it.

Among the three paths pointed out by the compass of the mountains and seas, choose the right one.

It's a chance to choose one of three.

It seems that the probability is not small.

But if you make a mistake.

It's life and death.

The blind man lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke.

"Since it's a three-choice now, let me give it a try. "

Hear this sentence from the blind man.

The three of them all looked at him in unison, their eyes full of doubts and incomprehension.

The blind willow didn't say anything more.

A turquoise scorpion was taken out of its sleeve and placed on the ground.

The mouth flute is played.

At the moment when the whistle is heard.

The turquoise scorpion lay on the ground and froze for a few seconds.

Slowly crawl towards the place where the light of the mountain and sea compass on the left is pointing.

As soon as he entered the maze array, the figure suddenly disappeared.

It was as if it was swallowed up by endless darkness, and there was not a trace of light at all.


Just the next second when the turquoise scorpion entered the maze array.

The blind willow was so surprised that he stopped the overlap in the playing.

Listen carefully to the sound with a slight movement of your ears.

After a few seconds.

With a look of disbelief, he said to Su Yu and the others.

"Quirky. "

"It's weird. "

"This turquoise scorpion of mine, as soon as it entered this maze array, lost contact in an instant. "

"Does that mean..."

"This road on the left is a dead end, and it is impossible to reach the depths of the valley?"

Witch Gu lineage.

There is a unique way to contact these poisonous insects.

Even if it's miles away.

With the insect flute in his mouth, he can also command the Gu worm to carry out the required movements.

Cheng Banxian slapped his thigh when he saw this scene, and exclaimed.

"Yes. "

"How did I forget this. "

"You can control these poisonous insects. "

"Wouldn't it be easy to try the right one of the three paths? "

"Blind Liu, hurry up and take two more scorpions out. "

"Try which path is the one that can really lead to the depths of the Worm Valley. "

After getting Cheng Banxian's affirmative answer.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions relaxed slightly.

After all, it's a one-of-three scenario.

Take a wrong step.

It's the abyss.

It would be best to have a witch Gu instead.

The blind willow didn't hesitate anything.

Immediately, he took out two more poisonous scorpions from his cuffs and ordered them to walk in the direction that the other two had directed.

A moment later.

The blind man pointed to the intersection on the right.

"This is it. "

"On the other two paths, I can't perceive the existence of the scorpion. "

"I have this place on the right, and a hazy response. "

"So it seems. "

"The one on the right should be the path into the depths of the Worm Valley. "

"But you wait. "

"Just in case, I'd better go in and take a look. "

"After all, you came here to help me this time, how can I let you go first. "

After all that is said.

Then he raised his feet and walked towards the path pointed by the compass of the mountains and seas on his right.

The pace is hurried, and the heart is even more anxious.

Just as the blind willow stepped into that road.

The figure slowly vanished, and his voice was not heard for a moment.

Cheng Banxian clenched his fists, a little apprehensive in his heart.

Waiting for the response of the blind willow.

Just when all three of them were a little confused.

A blind man's voice slowly spoke.

"Come in. "

"I've tried this path once, and it's not a big deal. "

Cheng Banxian exhaled a heavy breath.

Signaling to Lao Lin and Su Yu, the three of them walked into the path pointed by the light together.

As soon as you enter the road.

Heavy mist, majestic yin, Senluo ghost, whistling and boiling.

Even his vision was heavily obscured, and he couldn't see his five fingers.

See this happens.

The four of them were even more determined.

This path is the only way to the depths of the Worm Valley.

Hundreds of years and thousands of years of yin qi accumulation, no one explores.

There is not the slightest hint of yang.

It will inevitably breed all kinds of evil things and ghosts.

Yin and ghostly qi are also normal.

But it also says one thing.

In this Yunnan Worm Valley.

There must be a terrible evil spirit or a shady thing.

Compared with the old village chief and human-faced tiger of Fengmen Village, it will only be more ferocious.

But I can't think about it that much at the moment.

All the way forward.

Against the sky.

is the only option.

The blind willow walked in the front, his ears moving slightly, listening carefully to the feedback given by the poisonous scorpion.

Just after the four of them left, I don't know how long.

The blind man stopped suddenly.

Standing in place, frowning and thinking, his expression grim.

Cheng Banxian saw the blind man Liu with such a look and asked out loud.

"What's wrong?"

"Is there another moth?"

The blind willow was silent for a moment, still standing motionless.

Seeing this happens.

Cheng Banxian was about to continue to ask.

The blind man suddenly covered Cheng Banxian's mouth with his hand and said hoarsely in a low voice.

"First... Don't speak. "

"The place has quirkiness. "

"Just... As soon as my green scorpion came out of the maze array, it lost contact inexplicably. "

"At the last moment of losing contact. "

A sharp pain was transmitted from the body of the green scorpion. "

"It's like..."

"It's forced by something to sleep with. "

"But in a place like this. "

"There will be something good besides the four of us. "


"Something may be waiting for us at the exit of this maze array. "

As soon as the blind man said this, he said.

Cheng Banxian suddenly gasped and smacked his tongue.

"It's really a wave of unevenness. "

"Although knowing that this place is weird and unusual. "

"But it shouldn't be so outrageous. "

"It's like. "

"Every move we make is under someone's control. "

"Repeating the cycle is breaking the game in the game. "

"Until the moment we fell. "

"This situation. "

"It's really infuriating..."

In fact, it's not just Cheng Banxian.

Even Su Yu and Lao Lin showed some impatience.

The three of them have been in the shadows for so long.

I haven't felt this way yet.

All the stratagems are in the hands of man.

One step at a time.

It's all in the hands of others.

It's like playing chess.

The opponent is a national player with superb chess skills.

It's a lot of hard work.

After finally breaking a dead end.

And with it.

Another, more difficult situation.

This feeling of being manipulated by others made the four people present dissatisfied.

But for this case.

Su Yu also has his own speculation in his heart.

Willow Blind is in the final analysis.

After all, it is against heaven and earth, and it is not a good thing.

And most importantly.

There were four of them.

They are all the top kind of people in the Yin Circle.

Against the sky.

It looks hard.

But it's not entirely impossible.

The backlash and obstruction produced by heaven and earth are naturally more serious.

The stronger the ability and strength.

Naturally, there will be more restrictions and confinements.

After all, if ordinary people want to do such a thing.

There is no need for such a problem.

In other words.

All troubles can be eliminated at your fingertips.

But despite the unfathomable nature of the four of them.

But for this matter.

No one dared to pack a ticket.

Against the sky.

It's a big taboo.

Look around.

For thousands of years.

The land of Kyushu wants to have people who want to go against the sky.

Basically, they all ended up in pieces.

There is only one exception.

And this is a special case.

It is also the prince that the blind man said earlier.

Come to think of it.

Su Yu couldn't help but think carefully for a moment again, and asked solemnly after a few seconds.

"Blind Liu, I want to ask one thing. "

"The prince in the ancient book you mentioned was successfully resurrected through the Southern Worm Valley. "

"Is it reliable?"

When Su Yu asked this question.

Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin also looked at the blind man Liu in unison, with an inquiring look in their eyes.

At the beginning, they were mentally prepared.

But when you are really ready to go against the sky.

The trickiness of this matter is really revealed.

Although the blind willow's cloudy eyes could not see clearly, his face was full of determination.

Gently stroking his broken right arm, he replied hoarsely.

"It's not reliable. "

"I don't know. "

"But I surmised from the ancient books that the prince was not dead. "

"Otherwise. "

"It can't be that there is no record at all. "

"Since he has not died. "

"Naturally, it was here that the spirit was successfully resurrected. "

Hear this answer from the blind man.

The three of them glanced at each other, extremely dignified.

In fact, it is getting closer to the truth.

They came to understand one thing more and more.

Grab people with the sky.

In the end, I am afraid that I will end up in a situation of broken bones.

Although the willow is blind, he is blind in both eyes.

But his heart is like a mirror, he is even more old and refined, and he is even more sophisticated about human feelings.

As if sensing the hesitation in the hearts of the three of them, they were silent for a while and then said slowly.

"You three are going to get here. "

"I'll walk the road myself. "

"Actually, you're willing to help me. "

That's the best response. "

"This camaraderie. "

"I have already paid off the so-called life-saving grace before. "

"The current situation is becoming more and more confusing. "

"So you guys stop there..."

Hear this sentence from the blind man.

Cheng Banxian's expression suddenly turned cold, and he shouted loudly.

"Blind Liu, what do you mean by that. "

"Do you think you have the ability to look down on me Cheng Banxian?"

"Since I have promised to help you, I have no faith in my words, and I am greedy for life and afraid of death. "

"It's fine if you don't come. "

"Now it's here, and the distress retreats. "

"Then who has I become?"

"What's more. "

"No one can say for sure. "

"If I missed the opportunity because of the absence of me, should I regret it so much?"

"And it's not just me. "

"Su Yu and Lao Lin have had half a complaint and half a regret along the way?"

"You're all half-cut into the ground. "

"Give me such a hard time, I'm really angry..."

Before Cheng Banxian finished speaking.

A creepy ghostly howl suddenly rang out.

Accompanied by a ghostly howl.

There is also the terrible sound of gnawing flesh and bones...

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