
A scalp-tingling chewing sound.

It's like an evil ghost gnawing bones, and the soul swallows it.

The four of them suddenly looked solemn.

In such an extremely strange place, this kind of sound can appear, and its horror level is needless to say.

And, most critically.

The ghost thing at the exit of this maze array is definitely not a good stubble.

The way of his body is even more unpredictable.

It's even possible.

When this southern Xinjiang worm valley was sealed, it was already here.

Over hundreds of years, thousands of years.

Moistened by the yin energy inside this worm valley.

To what extent the strength has reached is unknown.


Just from the sound of chewing and the howl of ghosts, you can tell.

It is definitely not half a point worse than the flying stiffness in the Huang family's corpse before.

After taking a deep breath.

Lao Lin wiped the peachwood sword in his hand, slowly walked to the front, and said in a deep voice.

"There is a specialization in the art industry. "

"I'll deal with this kind of. "

"I'd like to see. "

"After all these years, what the hell is this thing hiding behind the Mystery Array. "

Although Lao Lin was full of pride.

But there is not the slightest hint of laxity and underestimation.

Holding the peachwood sword, he walked towards it step by step.

While walking.

Draw two fingers on the blade of the sword.

Every time Lao Lin's finger drew a stroke, the corner of the talisman originally engraved on the peachwood sword god lit up.

With Lao Lin finishing the talisman.

The engraving on the peachwood sword suddenly flickered and lit up, and the fiery red light flickered.

Lao Lin flipped the hilt of his sword and recited the law in his mouth.

"Demon star evil ghosts, ancient cave elves; raise their heads and look at each other, bow their heads and listen together; there are six jiajia above, and there are six dings below; harassment is the calendar, and the thunder is fixed; the order is too high, and I am ordered to carry it out. "

"The Taishang curses. "


Start with the first recitation of the Dharma.

The whole peachwood sword is engraved on the blade of the sword, and it ignites a raging fire.

The flames spread along with the blade of the sword.

The runes in the fire flickered, and the chanting sound was faint.

The evil spirits are punished, and the evil spirits are scattered.

Lao Lin has already shown his real skills, without the slightest contempt.

Just from this point.

You can see the horror of this place.

As he slowly approached the final node of the entire Lost Trace Array, Cheng Banxian opened his mouth to remind.

"Lao Lin, be cautious. "

"I always feel a little flustered. "

In fact, it's not just Cheng Banxian.

The four people present all felt the pressure.

An invisible evil aura.

The majestic roar squeezed from all around.

If you are an ordinary person.

Under this kind of intimidation, I am afraid that my feet are already paralyzed, and feces and urine are flowing everywhere.

But even though it's them.

It was also extremely uncomfortable.

Qi and blood surged, and his head was dizzy.

This situation.

One more illustrative thing.

How terrifying is that thing waiting for the four of them.

I saw a dim light less than ten meters in front of me.

Lao Lin's expression was cold, he held the peachwood sword obliquely, and stepped out in a few steps.

"Roaring !!!"

The ghostly howl suddenly rose one after another.

In the next moment.

A big pitch-black hand with bare bones appeared in an instant, grabbing towards Lao Lin's position.

Lao Lin, who had been on guard for a long time, also reacted very quickly, pulled the peachwood sword horizontally, and slashed it diagonally.

"Puff ————"

The Dao fire carried on the peachwood sword poured out in an instant, instantly igniting the white bone hand.

The sizzling sound of the burning fire resounded all around.

In the sizzling sound of burning.

It is mixed with terrifying ghost howls.

Lao Lin did not stop the offensive, flipped the peachwood sword with his right hand, and slashed again.

Fiercely slashed down at the white bone ghost claw in front of him.

But this time.

The thing hiding behind the Maze Array let out a roar.

Another white-boned ghost claw slammed into the peachwood sword, slapping the hilt into a plate.

The yin qi around him was roaring and majestic, and the ghost qi was like a yellow spring hell, enveloping towards the burning white bone ghost claw.

Sharper screams rang out.

The black shadow that was originally blocking the intersection of the Lost Array ran towards the depths of the Worm Valley.

Dao Huo was already restrained from these yin and evil ghosts.

In addition, Lao Lin is Mr. Yin and Yang.

This kind of exorcism secret technique can exert ten percent of the power in his hands.

Ghosts howled and evil screamed.

Lao Lin snorted coldly and strode forward with a peachwood sword in his hand.

When you want to go after you.

Cheng Banxian grabbed Lao Lin's hand and shouted in a low voice.

"Wait a minute. "

"Lao Lin, don't go any further. "

"Poor Kou Mo Chases !!"

"If you're just chasing after you, beware of the tricks of the ghosts. "

"The four of us together are the safest. "

"The main goal this time is to fulfill the obsession in the heart of the blind man, not for anything else. "

Hear this.

Lao Lin also exhaled a turbid breath and nodded lightly.

It was just a slight fight.

Lao Lin also felt the unusualness of that thing.

Let's not talk about its terrifying strength and strong ghost aura.

Mind and intellect alone.

Know how to lose a blow and retreat.

It's far beyond some sinister monsters who don't have a mind.

Seeing that Lao Lin calmed down.

Cheng Banxian also breathed a sigh of relief, and asked slowly.

"Lao Lin, I just fought with you, can you see what it is?"

"Just now all three of us were in the back, and we didn't really see it. "

Or it could be described as a blur. "

Lao Lin stared at the direction in which the black shadow had left, frowned and replied.

"He hid his entire body in yin and ghostly energy. "

"Even if I try to fight, I don't know what it is. "

"But one thing I can be sure of is..."

"This thing doesn't mean good to us. "

"And I can feel it. "

"The fire seemed to be ferocious, but it did very little damage, or even only the skin. "

"It's just because. "

"In this worm valley, it has never received such a fierce attack, and it will retreat because of its doubts. "

But this is not necessarily the end. "

"At some point, he'll make a comeback. "

"One could even say that. "

"As long as we retreat, we will be safe. "

"But if we continue to move forward, we will definitely be attacked again. "

"Maybe next time I encounter this thing. "

"It's really a life-and-death situation..."

Hear this.

The expressions of the four of them became more solemn.

It doesn't matter if it's in the shade or somewhere else.

The most taboo point is.

The invading enemy escaped.

Because the next time I come back.

No one knows that it will be transformed into various forms.

But one thing is certain.

When it comes again.

Only more than just this once.

Stronger, more terrifying.

Despite such hidden dangers, there is nothing to be done.

Cheng Banxian shook his head helplessly and said loudly.

"Forget it. "

"The soldiers will block, and the water will cover the earth. "

"Now that the decision has been made. "

"Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is in front of us, we have to put it in order. "

"Now the pressure is gone. "

"Let's go. "

"Let's go see it now. "

"What does this southern Xinjiang worm valley look like? "

In fact, there is no need for Cheng Banxian to say more.

The blind willow was already trembling and groping forward.

Although out of sight.

But his heart is clear.

Lao Lin is still at the forefront.

The flame burning on the peachwood sword in his hand never subsided for half a minute.

The place is outrageously weird.

In fact, at that moment just now, it improved more than a few points in Lao Lin's heart.

The Bone Ghost Claw.

Maybe Su Yu and the three of them didn't see it really.

But Lao Lin really saw that in the gaps of the bone joints, there were silk gold threads and copper coins entangled.

Copper coins with gold threads are extremely evil spirits.


For this kind of sinister ghostly thing, it is like a nemesis.

Now it's broken and broken.

The most critical point is:

Judging from the Lost Trace Formation in Cheng Banxian's mouth, plus the surrounding environment.

This southern Xinjiang worm valley.

I guess no one has been here since it was hidden.

But if no one has come.

Why are there gold and copper coins in the ghost bones just now?

As a gathering thing of evil spirits.

It could never have put on this thing on its own.

It is impossible to put it on yourself.

It is also impossible that the latecomers used gold and copper coins in order to seal it.

That's it.

There is only one answer.

That is.

In the very beginning.

When the former capable men were gone.

This has appeared.

It was those people who put gold and copper coins on them and sealed them.

Over time.

The strength of this shady creature is getting stronger and stronger.

The gold and copper coins were shattered by their strips and embedded in the joints.

As for.

Why did this ghost appear thousands of years ago?

But they don't deal with it.

There are many problems in this.

No one knows.


Lao Lin really understands one thing very deeply.

This place.

It's really getting weirder.

After pondering for a moment, Lao Lin also frowned and spoke.

"I want you to say something. "

"Just now when I was fighting that Bone Ghost Claw. "

"I saw it vaguely. "

"Its bones are intertwined with gold and copper coins. "

"I just thought about it for a moment. "

"Draw a conclusion. "

"Maybe that ghost thing appeared here the moment the Worm Valley was blocked. "

Or so to speak. "

"Those ancient capable people have long known that this ghost thing is here. "

"But. "

"Why I deliberately kept it, I don't know..."

"But as far as I can see. "

"Probably not a good thing. "

Although Lao Lin usually doesn't like to talk.

But when it comes to big things, he never skimps on his own opinions.


Everything that is said is said after careful consideration.

That's why.

The mood of the three couldn't help but tense again.

As it stands.

This ghost creature was not left behind to protect this place.

Rather, it's more like.

Some kind of special sacrifice or burial ground.

It's like.

It's a hidden place specially made for a certain situation...

Come to think of it.

Su Yu and the three of them couldn't help but hesitate in their hearts.

This place.

Is it really possible to rob people with the heavens and resurrect the dead?

Even the willow blind.

At a certain moment.

I also asked myself in my heart.

But as soon as this thought appeared, it was crushed by its force.

He had already bet all his hopes on this one.

Never thought about failure.

Nor must it fail.

Just when the blind willow raised his feet and wanted to go deeper into the worm valley again.

In the Yin Yang Heavenly Eyes that Su Yu had been opening, a strange red light flashed.

Su Yu hurriedly looked towards where the red light was.

Just a glance.

And his face was horrified.

hurriedly said to the three people around him in a deep voice.


"Don't go yet!!"

"Come and see !! here."

Su Yu's hurried tone instantly made the other three stop their movements.

Lao Lin and Cheng Banxian both focused their eyes on the direction where Su Yu's gaze was.

And the blind willow is like being unable to see, and his ears are moving slightly to listen carefully.

Cheng Banxian stared at the gloomy place shrouded in a cloud of yin qi and ghost qi, and looked at it several times.

Although I couldn't see anything real, I didn't question it out loud.

Because he knows.

Su Yu has a pair of extremely terrifying eyes.

No yin qi or ghostly energy, anything that is imperceptible, can escape his eyes.

He couldn't see it.

It doesn't mean that Su Yu can't see it.

Su Yu looked at Cheng Banxian, who looked a little dazed, and pointed in the direction as far as his eyes could see.

"Lao Lin. "

"Throw the Dao fire on your peachwood sword to this place. "

"There is too much yin and ghost energy here. "

"You can't really see it. "

Or rather. "

"It's just to keep us from seeing clearly..."

After hearing this.

Lao Lin did not hesitate at all, and the peach wood sword in his hand threw out a ball of fire.

The yin qi and ghost qi were instantly ignited by the raging Dao fire, and the crackling sound resounded non-stop.

After the sound has passed.

Seeing the situation in front of you.

Everyone was horrified and opened their mouths wide.

The scene in front of them.

It's like the Nine Hells of Purgatory...

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