
Not the kind of Western legends.

With wings on its back, it resembles a bat-like western ghost.

In the Hundred Ghost Catalogue of Kyushu.

In addition to the more famous ghosts, water ghosts, hanged ghosts, starving ghosts and so on.

Others are less common.

A demonic yin that may not be seen once in thousands of years.

This ghoul.

It's a very rare kind of ghost thing.

One of the most critical reasons is.

Ghouls are born under extremely harsh conditions.

It is necessary to stuff the mouth of the deceased with carrion from the corpse for three days before his death.

And condense the evil aura and pour it into the deceased.

Because of the erosion of yin energy.

The dead are not as good as reincarnation, and they cannot be reincarnated and reborn.

The soul will return to the body on the night of the soul seven days later.

The soul and body are infected with yin energy, and the mouth is stuffed with human flesh.

It is not yet possible to enter the earth, but it is safe to come.

With the condensation of yin energy.

The ghosts will start gnawing at their own flesh first.

Start with the arm.

Swallow all the flesh and blood of the whole body into the abdomen, and only the white bones remain.


The most terrifying part is that it feeds on human flesh.

Even I won't let it go.

On such a demanding premise.


All ghouls born in history have been artificial.

Chance of self-spawning.

Very little.

So it can be said one thing.

Just the ghost thing that just appeared.

It must not have happened by chance.

Su Yu pursed his lips and pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke.

"The whole thing. "

In the confusion, it became clearer and clearer. "

"The corpses of so many people are piled up in this trench probably to feed this ghoul. "

"And as for it. "

"Why raise a ghoul. "

Now the purpose is even more self-evident. "

"This situation. "

"As far as I can see. "

"If you don't see the deepest thing in the Worm Valley, you definitely can't come to a real conclusion. "

Hearing Su Yu's words.

Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin both nodded in agreement.


What you see is not necessarily true.

Just like they are now.

Information obtained during this time.

Not the slightest good thing.

The blind man was even completely discouraged because of this, and he was only one step away from being killed.

If it weren't for Su Yu seeing the strangeness in the depths of the worm valley at the end.

I'm afraid that today will truly end in tragedy.

But the blind willow rekindled his vitality at this time.

But that's all.

That last glimmer of hope in my heart.

Man lives by heart.

The obsession is gone.

There is no heart at all.

There is not the slightest desire to live

Then death is like a death knell in the ear.

It can ring at any time.

Cheng Banxian sighed deeply, knowing that he couldn't change the current state of the blind man, so he said in a low voice.

"Willow is blind. "

"Now I won't advise you. "

"I just hope. "

"Even if you're going to die, wait until you see the final truth. "

"Even if I can't complete the obsession I've been looking forward to for ten years, at least I did my best. "

"And not like this. "

"Maybe it's very possible. "

"You just see that it's wrong. "

"There are seven points left, and I haven't even seen it all, and I feel that this is not possible. "

"I give up on myself, and I want to die. "

"It's annoying. "

"I feel that the previous efforts were completely in vain. "

Cheng Banxian still had a cloud of anger in his heart.

The blind willow stood aside.

After a few seconds of silence, he opened his dry lips and spoke.

"Yes—I'm sorry for you. "

can make the willow blind man with a dead character.

Say sorry to the three of them.

Cheng Banxian was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but shake his head, and didn't continue to speak.

Su Yu's eyes flashed with yin and yang gossip.

Didn't say anything more.

Looking at the direction in which the Yin Qi flowed, he walked towards the depths of the Worm Valley.

The other three did not hesitate in the slightest.

He followed Su Yu and walked towards the depths of the Worm Valley.

Lao Lin was standing next to Su Yu.

The peachwood sword in his hand was still burning, guarding against the dangers that might be lurking around him.

This valley.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the weirdness in it.

Step by step, he walked towards the depths of the Worm Valley.

The wind gusted in his ears, and the ghost howl sounded faintly.

Looking at the dilapidated and ruined Miao Village.

As the worm valley gets deeper and deeper.

Several people's brows were even tighter.

Thousands of years of monuments cannot hide the atrocities that have occurred.

All kinds of mottled bloodstains, as well as traces of fights.

Imprinted on wooden door frames, on the floor, by wells, etc.

Even after a thousand years.

None of them have faded.

Just from what we see now.

It's very obvious to see.

At that time, a group of talented people.

When I came to this Miao village, I did all kinds of atrocities.

As for the records in ancient books.

That's even more nonsense.

This is not at all the so-called consultation and migration.




and the use of force.

In those days.

Those who are the ables of the princes.

Deal with these Miao villagers in the mountains.

It's no different from pinching an ant to death.


Even if it's tens of thousands.

Facing the officers and soldiers with weapons, swords, axes and armor.

It's no different from a mayfly shaking a tree.

Looking around a few times, Lao Lin shook his head and regretted.

"In those days. "

"Human life is like a mustard, death is death, and there is no chance to resist at all. "

"That mass trench. "

"It's all terrifying now. "

Su Yu pursed his lips and didn't answer, just moved forward silently.

This is the reason of the times.

All they have left now is regret and lamentation.

Nothing can be done.

At most, it can only make the white bones in those trenches.

Push up the daisies.

It's the limit.

After all, thousands of years have passed.

Even if it's a tragic death, it's ghostly.

Now he has already entered the underworld and is reincarnated.

The entire southern Xinjiang worm valley is huge.

The four of them walked for nearly half an hour, but they never reached the deepest point.

The blind willow, who was anxious and longed for the last hope, asked urgently.

"Su Yu, do you know how long it will be until that altar?"

In fact, when Su Yu said that there was still a chance.

All four of them thought of the altar at the end.

No doubt.


It is the last hope.

This altar must be different.


Those ancient talents.

How can they go to great lengths?

From the prosperous area of the Central Plains, with the corpse of a prince who died violently.

traveled thousands of miles to the wild land of 100,000 mountains in southern Xinjiang.

There may be a situational factor in this.



The four of them are revealing the truth little by little.

Su Yu didn't immediately answer Blind Liu's words.

Instead, he looked at the front with a stern expression, stretched out his hand to stop the three of them, and said in a cold tone.

"It's here. "

"But there's already something waiting for us. "

Heard what Su Yu said.

All three of them looked puzzled.

In their eyes, they are completely confused, and they can't see anything at all.

It's impossible to know.

What did Su Yu mean by that?


All three of them are not ordinary people.

Su Yu said that there was something waiting for him, which instantly made them feel guarded in their hearts.

this thing.

There is an answer in everyone's mind.

It was the ghoul who had blocked the door of the Maze Circle earlier.

Although there is preparation in the heart.

But in the face of the situation in front of him that is completely covered by the evil spirit.

Cheng Banxian's head was big for a while, and he hurriedly whispered.

"Su Yu, do you have any solutions?"

"If you can't see anything clearly, it's tricky!!"

has been mixed in the yin line for most of his life.

Cheng Banxian had never seen such a scene.

The incomparably thick and demonic aura was able to obscure their gaze.

To know.

Their way is one of the best in the whole Yin line.

There are many strange and evil things that I have experienced.

Lao Lin didn't say anything, he directly held the peachwood sword in one hand and threw out a ball of fire.

The golden Dao Fire was full of runes, and it roared towards the place in front of him.

But it didn't work.

As soon as the Dao Fire entered this place, it was as if it had been swallowed.

It didn't make the slightest wave, like a stone sinking into the sea.

Lao Lin's expression also became solemn.

Everyone doesn't need to say much about the restraint of these evil spirits.

Able to engulf fire.

This can only tell one thing.

The place in front of me is extremely terrifying, full of evil, and it is impossible to deal with even the fire.

Su Yu frowned, clenched his fists, and said with a solemn expression.

"No other attempts. "

"They're already out..."

Su Yu had already changed that thing to them at this time.

These words and their meanings.

Everyone understood it in an instant, and stared at the eyes.

The deafening howls of ghosts suddenly rang out one after another.

One is more powerful than the other.

In the darkness of the evil spirit, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened.


The sound of the cold bones rubbing against the back is even more tense.

Su Yu took out ivory and black Jiao pattern needles from his cuffs and clenched them tightly.

"We've all gone into the wrong rut before. "

"How could there be only one ghoul in such a strange place. "

"Those Yin Xing Immortals in ancient times were really trying to protect the things in that altar, and they wanted to put people to death..."

didn't wait for Su Yu to finish speaking.

With a ghostly howl like a command.

Several black shadows ran out of the evil aura.

The blind willow's ears moved slightly, and he also looked shocked.



"Three !!"

"Four !!!"

"Not true. "

"There are nine ghouls here!!"

"One is still difficult, and now there are nine more..."

Even the blind willow who was determined was now shaken.

As the ghoul leaves the darkness, so does the ghostly energy.

An altar made of white bones was revealed.

Each place is made of skulls stacked on top of each other.

The number of skulls in this alone must be counted in at least thousands.

Altar of the Skull.

Evil and terrifying.

The most amazing thing is.

At the top of the altar, there is a corpse that is bound.

The corpse showed an eerie red light, and more vigorous life permeated it.

But these are the life.

It's just wrapping around the periphery of the corpse.

Not a single thing got into the corpse.

This corpse was dressed in a dark black dragon robe and wore a flat sky crown on its head

Even if he dies, he has an air of majesty.

Seeing this repeated corpse, Su Yu couldn't help but say in a deep voice.

"You see it. "

"All of our previous speculations turned out to be a world away from the ultimate truth. "

"Judging by what this corpse is wearing. "

"This must be the prince who died violently before. "

"It's full of life. "

"But all this life cannot enter the body of death. "

"But I can see it. "

"Where does this vitality come from? "

"Have you ever seen the red spar set in this prince's crown of heaven? "

"I guess that thing, it's us this time..."

Su Yu didn't finish his words.

But the meaning is self-evident.

Cheng Banxian hurriedly spoke.

"Su Yu, don't think about this. "

"We've seen that thing, and the point is these ghouls now. "

"One is okay, but now nine are out together, it's just a numb scalp, and I can't say a word!"

"Lao Lin, do you have anything to do!!

Lao Lin snorted coldly, flipped the peachwood sword in his hand, and pinched the trick in his hand.

"I swear to kill these evil things. "

"Stepping on the seven star steps, hand-drawing the gossip map, Mr. Yin and Yang invited the gods. "

"I worship the thirty-three heavens, the thirty-six days gang to the front of the stage, Nandou is born, Beidou is dead, those who obey the order are crowned, and those who do not obey are beheaded, Emperor Ziwei is as anxious as the law. "

"Please, God!"

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