Facing the ghouls who are galloping and howling.

Lao Lin looked calm.

At this moment, I have entered a state of complete self-forgetfulness.

The feet correspond to the seven stars of the heavens.

Yin and Yang gossip is depicted in the hands.

The surrounding area is filled with a unique charm.

The aura of the Nine Heavens of Heaven is all around.

Previously, when he was in the Huang family's corpse raising place, Lao Lin had also used the technique of inviting gods.

It's not a great technique.

But under the use of different people.

But it has the opposite power.

A roar erupted from the sky that had been obscured by a ghostly aura.

Five righteous gods appeared above the clouds.

Lao Lin pinched the trick in his hand, pointed straight to the nine heavens, and strengthened Lingyun Dao.

"In the name of Mr. Yin and Yang, call the Nine Heavens God to help me destroy demons. "

A heavenly fire fell from the sky.

There is a phantom in it, and one step out.

submerged in Lao Lin's body.

Please, God!

Get in!

Lao Lin began to burn with the Nine Heavens Fire all over his body.

Skyfire is not an ordinary flame, and it doesn't feel so hot.

Among them, various rune spells flickered in the firelight.

For the sinister ghosts.

This boiling and burning heavenly fire is more terrifying than the Dao fire, and it is the most terrifying nemesis.


The peachwood sword that was originally held in his hand and burned with a fire.

Under the superposition of two flames.

It burned brightly, like a divine weapon.

This time, Lao Lin invited this righteous god.

It is one of the five righteous gods of the Ministry of Fire.

Compared to Tiangang Thunder.

The Nine Heavens are better suited for long-lasting combat and defending others.

This is also the best decision made by Lao Lin out of the current situation.

It's not as good as the last time in the corpse raising ground in Tripe Mountain.

The number of these evil ghosts alone is several times more.

And the other three people present.

Although they are all top masters of various veins of the Yin line.

But when it comes to dealing with these sinister ghosts.

It's really not as good as Mr. Yin and Yang, who is famous for this.

When I ask the fire department to be right.

Lao Lin was ready for a protracted battle.

Or rather.

He even had a plan in mind.

One man against nine ghouls.

Such arrogance.


Although Lao Lin rarely speaks.

But when things are in crisis, he never backs down half a step.

No matter how difficult the situation is.

There will be no complaints.

From the former place where corpses were raised and Fengmen Village, Lao Lin is like this.

Not because of the difference in time and place.

Slightly changed.

Lao Lin was covered in the Nine Heavens Fire, holding a peachwood sword, and slowly stepped forward.

"I am Mr. Yin and Yang. "

"The ghosts of the world are in front of me, and I need to possess and bow my head. "

"To you vicious ghosts who gnaw at the bones. "


"The !! of Killing"

After Leng Li finished speaking.

Lao Lin directly flipped the peachwood sword in his hand.

The two ghouls that ran towards the left slashed out a Heavenly Fire Sword Qi.

The sword qi roared majestically.

The sound of the Heavenly Fire Dao rumbled.

In the face of the galloping sword qi, the two running ghouls were incomparable.

"Puff ——————"

The sound of burning flames instantly sounded in everyone's ears.

The terrible howl of the ghost continued.

Two ghouls with a sinister aura.

At this time, his body was already covered by Dao fire.

It is like water meets fire.

Two completely incompatible breaths cancel out the impact.

Intense pain.

Even ghosts are unbearable.

Fall to the ground.

Tumbling from side to side, wailing and wailing.

But Lao Lin's mood was not at all relaxed.

He knows.

This attack alone simply has no way of doing much damage.

Now it seems that these ghouls are screaming and howling.

It can't hurt the roots.

Unless it's a chase of victory.

It's like hunting in the mountains.

Maybe the earthen iron sand gun can instantly make the black bear vicious.

Burst out of a bloody mist.

It will make it howl in pain,


In the final analysis, it is still just a matter of hurting its flesh and skin.

Unless it's a follow-up shot that pierces its heart or skull.

This seemingly painful offensive.

After all, it can only delay the battle for the time being.

Lao Lin naturally knew this situation.

But even so.

He has a heart for mending the sword.

At this time, there is also some helplessness.

Because of several other directions.

There were already other ghouls rushing in.

If it is forcibly repaired.

will inevitably be given a chance by this kind of ghost thing.

On the contrary, the gains outweigh the losses.

After thinking about it in his mind very calmly, Lao Lin snorted coldly.

Slap the peachwood sword with your right hand.

Shoot straight at one of the ghouls in front of you.

With his left hand, he picked up another mantra and recited it aloud.

"The god of heavenly fire and thunder, thunder from all directions, the god of earth fire and thunder, descend demons and remove essences, the evil spirits go quickly, and give my emperor's order; Tiangang five thunders, urgent as the law. "

Tiangang Five Thunder Mantra!!

The sky was covered with gloom, thunder and lightning flashed, and the true gods roared.

Wrist-thick purple thunder fell from the sky.

Towards the other ghoul on the right, he slashed down!!

The demon howled.

The ghost spirit subsided.

The ghoul on the right was directly slashed to the ground.

I couldn't move, and my breath was sluggish.

Demonic Shadow.

Although it seems immortal.

But under the five thunders of Tiangang and the nine heavenly fires with extremely strong yang energy.


In addition to Lao Lin's superb Taoist skills.

These ghouls.

You can only be beaten in one direction.

But it's just like what I said before.

The ghouls are covered in white bones, and they have long since lost their flesh and blood, and they are unimaginably durable.

Compared to invulnerable zombies.

It will not be inferior by half a point.

And it's not as brainless as a zombie.

Plus these ghouls in this millennia of time.

Absorb yin qi day and night, and gnaw flesh and blood.

Even if it is described as a thousand-year-old ghost, it is not an exaggeration.

It doesn't take a moment to see.

There were four ghouls who were knocked to the ground by Lao Lin, and Cheng Banxian couldn't help but praise from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really Mr. Yin and Yang. "

"Such a gesture. "

"I'm the envy of all of them. "

"Still. "

"I won't be half a point short of Cheng Banxian!!"

Cheng Banxian suddenly flicked the mountain and sea compass in his hand, pressed it the ground, and said in a deep voice.

"Su Yu!"

"Help me !!"

After all that is said.

Cheng Banxian did not hesitate for half a minute.

Directly spread his right hand to the sky, control the yin and yang feng shui, and recite the Dharma in his mouth.

"There are three strange things in the sky, and there are six instruments on the earth; there are elves and ghosts, so the corpses are ambushed; yellow sand and red earth, and the graves are rubble; there are hundreds of squares and hundreds of zhang, and they can be seen everywhere; all evil and strange things are left in a hurry. "

"I am the master of feng shui, yin and yang. "

"Gather Yin, kill ghosts!"

The wind is blowing and roaring.

Yin Qi gathers and turns the world upside down.

The yin qi of the entire worm valley gathered together to form a huge yin dragon.

The yin dragon roared in the sky, the dragon's whiskers flew, and the scales all over his body were like real gold.

Cheng Banxian reached out towards the sky and controlled the Sky Yin Dragon.


Clenched suddenly.

Swing down at the other five ghouls running from the right.


The dragon's groan roared and its tail flapped as it swooped down towards the three ghouls.

That's when it happened.

Su Yu held the black Jiao pattern needle, drew in the air, and read it in his mouth.

"Yin and Yang embroiderers, should lead the mandate of heaven, Yin and Yang rubbing, punish evil and extinguish evil, five elements of divine embroidery, five elements and five mountains, turn the world upside down, reverse yin and yang. "

"Yin and Yang rubbing!"


It was the second Su Yu finished reading.

The yin and yang qi of the entire worm valley was suddenly reversed, and the five mountains and five elements were sealed.

All the yin energy suddenly turned into the mighty yang energy.

The Yin Dragon, which was originally roaring and rushing down, turned into a Yang Dragon full of majestic yang energy in an instant.

Yang energy.

It is the nemesis of all evil.

After the process of being controlled by the half-immortals, the yang dragon condensed and compressed all the yang energy here.

It's terrifying and chills-inducing.

The Yang Dragon was like a huge missile, and it instantly leveled the impact to the ground.

The five ghouls that were still rushing in.

In the impact of the yang dragon, he screamed and screamed, and his whole body was crushed and steamed under the erosion of yang energy.

Compared to Lao Lin's Nine Heavenly Fire.

The power of this yang dragon is even more terrifying.

Or arguably not a grade at all.

Because all the yin qi in this worm valley was condensed into a dragon type by Cheng Banxian.

The power and horror of this.

There's no need to think about it at all.


It's so powerful.

There are also significant drawbacks.

That is.

Only one blow is possible.

Powerful or not.

It is not determined by personal strength.

Instead, it is determined by the majesty of the yin and yang qi here.

It's like an indeterminate blind box.

It may be a jackpot to draw out.

It could also be something that everyone hates.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty and the power of only one blow.

Unless to the Jedi of last resort.

Cheng Banxian basically wouldn't use this trick of drawing wages from the bottom of the kettle.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the yang energy subsided.

As far as the eye can see.

Not a single ghoul was seen.

There were only a few scattered bones and broken pieces of gold and copper coins.

Under the roaring bombardment of the Yang Dragon.

Ghouls simply don't have the slightest ability to resist.

Break through ten thousand laws with one force.

Any struggle seemed incomparably pale and useless at that time.

Cheng Banxian looked at the place where Yang Long bombarded, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and said slowly.

"Vulnerable. "

"It seems that I, an old man, are still not old. "

Then he turned his head to look in Su Yu's direction and praised him.

"Su Yu. "

"Your technique of reversing yin and yang is really terrifying. "

Su Yu put away the black Jiao pattern needle, shook his head and said.

"Reverse yin and yang. "

"You can't do too much of this kind of thing, it's against heaven and earth. "

"It doesn't matter where it is, after all. "

"What is particular about the harmony of yin and yang, yin and yang. "

"If you are in a place where there is nothing to do, forcibly reversing yin and yang will inevitably be deducted from yin virtue. "

"This sort of thing. "


Su Yu's words also illustrate the defect of reversing yin and yang.

After all, alive in this world.

It is necessary to obey the rules of heaven and earth.

Make a difference.

Do something.

If you want to go against the sky.

The terrible punishment that nature will suffer.

This is too.

Why when I heard that the blind man wanted to rob people with the sky.

All three of them looked a little frightened.

It was admonished many times.

Because as a person in the Yin Xing, I understand the deep meaning it represents.

People are doing it, the sky is watching, and there are gods in the three feet above their heads.

Heaven and earth are merciless and merciless.

Su Yu sighed, shook his head, and stared carefully at the prince who was tied to the human bone altar.

Even now the battle is so fierce.

Nor did the prince move in the slightest.

Not even a change.

Even the aura on his body has not changed.

Majestic vitality.

It still kept pouring out of the red spar in the Pingtian Crown.

After thinking carefully in his heart for a moment, Su Yu raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"Millennial planning. "

"After all, it's still a void. "

"Life is entangled and does not enter the body, it is already dead, and there is no way to live again. "

Hearing Su Yu's muttering.

Cheng Banxian also looked up at the prince on the altar, facing the old Lin Dao who was standing in front of him.

"Lao Lin, don't keep your hands. "

"Hurry up and get rid of these four ghouls. "

"I'd like to see. "

"What kind of evil things did the Yin Xing ancestors do thousands of years ago? "

There is no need for Cheng Banxian to remind him to say anything more.

Lao Lin had already lifted the peachwood sword that was burning with heavenly fire.

While the ghouls were still lying on the ground, they wailed.

The sword fell.

Cut off their heads one by one.

With four screams after the ghost howled.

All the ghouls in the depths of the Worm Valley were slain without leaving a single trace.

For yin and evil ghosts.

Lao Lin will not have the slightest mercy.

Mr. Yin and Yang.

It was born to kill ghosts.

The four of them stood side by side, staring at the white bone altar not far away, with different expressions.

There are doubts.

There is surprise.

There is dignifiedness.

And hope.....

The four of them were silent for a few seconds.

The blind willow opened his chapped lips and spoke slowly.

"I can't see it. "

"But I could perceive it very clearly. "

"There's a majestic life ahead of me. "

"I think. "

"That's what you're looking for. "

"This is the confidence to compete with the sky..."

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