This is the confidence to compete with the sky.

Hearing the words of the blind man Liu from the heart.

The three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

One way or another.

At least for now.

There is hope.

Anything is possible.

Against the sky.

Grab people with the sky.

Hearing this will make the scalp tingle of the person in the yin line.

If it is properly realized.

What happens.

Su Yu and the three of them are also unknown.

After pondering for a moment in silence, Cheng Banxian asked.

"So far. "

"Everything is at a glance. "

"This bound man should be the prince who died violently in the ancient records. "

"The nine ghouls from earlier. "

"It is also the barrier specially set up by those capable people in order to protect this prince. "

"I have to say. "

"There is a world of difference between what we have guessed before and what we have ultimately believed. "

"Still. "

"Compared to the previous clueless. "

"Now I can see some hope..."

Although Cheng Banxian said such things.

But he didn't even have half of the real grasp in his heart.

Actually, it's very understandable.

Because the prince who waited for a thousand years.

They couldn't come back to life, and they were eventually tied up silently.

All said.

Man will conquer the heavens.

But in the midst of these thousands of years of history.

No one has ever been able to do that.

It is contrary to the general trend of heaven and earth.

After all, it's not something that smart people do.

This is especially true as a person in the underworld.

At this time, the blind man was already extremely excited in his heart, his hands trembled, and his lips hummed.

"Hopefully. "

"This is the last hope. "

"I've been searching for a lot for ten years, and I finally have an answer at this moment..."

Seeing the increasingly excited look of the blind man, as well as a somewhat confused look.

Su Yu subconsciously frowned, but he didn't say anything to persuade him.

In fact.

In this case.

It is more important to stay calm and stick to the clarity of the heart.

After all, one misstep becomes a thousand hatreds.

The more hope you see, the more likely you are to fall short.

Cheng Banxian carefully looked at the altar for a few seconds, and then slowly spoke.

"Willow is blind. "

"You just wait here for a moment. "

"I'll help you get that red hedroon. "

"Will you be able to fulfill your heart's desires? "

"Try it and you'll see. "

Cheng Banxian finished speaking.

Just as he was about to raise his feet and walk towards the Bone Altar.

But the blind man reached out to stop him, and said in an unquestioning tone.

"Cheng Banxian. "

"I understand your kindness and your suspicions. "

"But now. "

"How could I let you be so risky again. "

"Success or failure. "

"It's all right now. "

"Whatever the consequences, please let me try it myself..."

Hearing Liu Blind's words so sincerely.

Cheng Banxian was also stunned for a moment.

He didn't say anything more, just stood quietly beside him.

In fact, it's just like what the blind man Liu said.

The three of them have reached their limits.

I don't know how this final step will be.

He should have taken the risk.

The blind willow took a deep breath.

Although blind, he was keenly aware of where the altar was.

The expression was solemn.

Excited inside.

Step by step towards the altar.

Every step is slow.

Every step is like nostalgia.

Every step is like an affectionate call.

Every step is like a confrontation with heaven and earth.

Step by step, he walked in front of the White Bone Altar, stretched out his hand and felt the majestic vitality in front of him.

The blind man's expression couldn't help but become more and more nervous and excited.

Gather your thoughts.

Lift your feet and step up the first step of the altar.

That's when it happened.

The wind is howling.

Flying sand and rocks.


Heaven and earth have changed dramatically.

The blind willow snorted, and a wisp of scarlet blood overflowed from his lips.

See this.

Su Yu and the three of them looked at each other, their expressions becoming more and more solemn.

Just that kind of situation.

It is the divine punishment of heaven and earth, which causes the yin virtue to be deducted.

It is the same as Su Yu forcibly leaving Xiangzi's soul some time ago, and the consequences he has borne are generally the same.

But they all understand.

This is just a warning.

Because the blind man is still only stepping on the first step.

Wait until he's gone through all the steps.

What will happen?

All three are unknown.

The blind willow smiled with joy and even a little madness.

Unconcernedly, he reached out to wipe the blood from his lips.

Climb a flight of steps again.

An incomparably majestic pressure arose out of thin air.

From above the mind.

The pressure on the blind willow is non-stop.

A burst of qi and blood surged, and his shoulders seemed to bear the force of a thousand pounds, and the bones in his body were crushed.

The blind willow held on to suppress the accumulated qi and blood.

Haha laughed and walked several steps in succession.

Extremely crazy and with a never-turning back firmness.

This pressure.

Not only did he not dissuade the blind man.

On the contrary, it made her more and more convinced of one thing.

At the highest point of the Bone Altar.

The red spar that was set on the crown of Pingtian was able to complete the obsession in his heart.

Resurrect a swallow that has been dead for ten years.

As long as you can achieve this goal.

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of fire in front of him, and heaven damns hell, the blind willow will not retreat half a point.

His life.

It's already dead.

It all depends on the obsession in the heart.

Now that there is hope, how can we retreat by half a point?

Step by step.

Carrying the huge pressure, the blind willow slowly stepped onto the highest part of the altar.

Just the moment you put your feet on it.

The tsunami-like pressure poured down on him in an instant.

Causes the bones of its whole body to pop.

Weak knees.

Severe pain all over the body.

Coughing up blood.

The yin virtue in the body has long been shattered like catkins.

There was an unexplained roar in his head.

"Get on your knees!"

"Get on your knees!!"

"Kneel down !!"


Kneel down with a thud.

It is like a drum in the heart of a blind willow.

Blood flowed down his lips, and even his chest was completely stained red.

The blind willow looked up to the sky.

Look at the sky that is boiling and thundering at this time.

Laughing maniacally, he roared.

"Ten years!"

"I've been waiting for !! for 10 years"

"It's finally come to this point, how can I retreat half a step. "

"Even if heaven and earth do not allow it. "

"I'm just going to be pushy. "

"Against the sky!!"

After saying this.

Cheng Banxian faced the prince who was tied to the top.

Gritting his teeth and carrying the huge pressure brought by heaven and earth.

Reach out.

Through keen perception.

Grab the red hedron above the prince's head.

Just a palm's throw away from the red spar.

Sudden mutations.

The wind howled around the altar.

A majestic voice suddenly sounded.

"It's kind of interesting. "

"I didn't expect that thousands of years later, someone would be able to get here..."

Hear that.

Su Yu and the three of them glanced at each other, with a little horror in their eyes.

To be able to say something like that.

Naturally, the owner of this voice does not need to say much.

But that's exactly what happened.

It's extremely weird.

The body is long dead, only alive and alive, and there is no possibility of resuscitation.

Lao Lin stared at the altar with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

The voice. "

"It should be the remnant of the prince's obsession. "

"In fact, there is no way to support its resurrection. "

But there was still a little consciousness, lingering near his Wang Sen. "

"That's why when the blind willow was about to pick off the red spar just now, there was such a strange sudden sound..."

"But it's not a big problem. "

"After all, he is no longer the prince who once commanded one side. "

"Only remnants of souls remain..."

After hearing this voice, the blind man was also quite strange for a while, and stopped the movements of his hands.

A grimace formed by yin qi slowly formed near the blind willow.

After staring at the blind man for a few seconds, these two words said.

"I'm really a bit of a skill. "

"I was able to overcome all kinds of obstacles to get to this place. "

didn't wait for the blind willow to answer or ask questions.

The grimace continued to himself.

"The thousand-year-old plan is still empty after all. "

"Kill 10,000 people, dig trenches, build altars, gather life. "

"Vainly trying to reverse yin and yang, and establish the general trend of heaven and earth. "

"With confidence. "

But after all, it was empty joy. "

"It is difficult to say that Shu is difficult, as if it is difficult to go to the sky. "

"But there is still a way to go in Shu. "

"The sky is blue, but there is no way, and there is no way to reverse..."

The remnant of the prince is not finished.

The blind willow opened his chapped lips and retorted firmly.

"I can defy the sky!"

"I'm going to rob people with the sky!!"

"Even if there are all kinds of dangers, the heavens and the earth are shattered in front of my eyes, I will go against the sky!!"

This sentence is full of pride and ambition.

In an instant, the grimace froze in place, and it took a few seconds before it came back to its senses and asked.

"Want to go against the odds?"

"What are you here for?"

Facing the prince who once had the same ambition as him, the blind man did not pretend to be posturing.

Clenched his fists, and said angrily.

"I will resurrect my dead wife. "

"Ten years ago he died for me, and now I'm going to fight the heavens. "

The grimace next to the blind willow showed a look of reminiscence, and persuaded in a low voice.


"Robbing people with the sky?"

"Hehe, it seems that he is also a fellow practitioner. "

"But you'd better go back. "

"Going against heaven and earth is a dead end. "

"Even if you have the best in the world, the unparalleled Taoism, under the general trend of heaven and earth, you are as small as an ant. "

"And heaven and earth ... But it was an elephant. "

"Even if the ants use all their strength and gnaw with their sharp teeth. "

"For elephants. "

"It's also a lack of feeling. "

Even with a slight step on it, he turned into an ant and fell into a boundless hell. "

"There's no hope, give up. "

"At least you can leave your own life..."

Hearing the persuasion of this former passer.

The blind man still had a firm look in his eyes, and replied without wavering.

"If it's a dead end. "

"At the end of the road was a cliff that would break me to pieces. "

"That's not going to hold back even a step. "

"That's what I'm obsessed !!"

"Life and Death!!"

The spirit of the blind man did not fade because of anyone's persuasion.

On the contrary, when I saw hope, it burned even more.

Previously blind.

I never flinched, I didn't give up.

Now there is hope.

How could you give up so easily?

The grimace condensed by the yin qi was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly burst out laughing.

"I am a prince, and I have gathered the power of the world, but I have not been able to go against the sky. "

"You are a blind man, and you dare to boast about Haikou like this. "


"I don't know if you should say that you are not ashamed or not. "

"But. "

"This kind of arrogance that is the enemy of heaven and earth really makes me admire. "

"That being the case. "

"I'm already dead, and I don't have a chance to be resurrected, so I'm here to help you. "

"Let me see it with my own eyes, too. "

"Can you do it against the sky?"

"Or did you die halfway?"

After all that is said.

This black yin qi surged towards the eyes of the blind man.

It's just a blink of an eye.

The original cloudy eyes.

Under the nourishment of the yin qi of the strange remnant soul, it actually shone brightly, clear and bright.

Blind in both eyes for ten years.

At this moment, I saw what I saw again.

In front of him was the corpse of a prince who was still very well preserved, without the slightest decay.

The face is majestic and resolute, and the costume is even more unique.

The blind willow pursed his lips and pondered for a moment, then sighed deeply.

He arched his hand at the corpse of the prince in front of him and whispered sincerely.

"Thank you, princely for your success. "

"Although I also know how difficult it is to go against the sky. "

"But I have no other thoughts in my heart, and fighting to the death is my last hope..."

"If you want me to die. "

"I will not have the slightest doubt about exchanging my humble life for my wife's resurrection. "

"After all..."

"In the past ten years, I have been thinking about the day when I can resurrect my wife. "

"It's become a pillar in my heart. "

Speaking of which.

The blind willow bent down and bowed, and said slowly.

"For all offenses, please forgive the prince. "

Then his eyes suddenly sharpened.

Probe again.

Grab at the red hedron on the crown of the flat sky...

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