Wind and thunder.

It never stops.

Wherever the four of them went, they roared behind them.

It's like heaven and earth roaring and roaring.

With these roaring visions, there was the tidal pressure.

There was also a strange beating of drums, beating at their hearts.

Wait until the three of them return to Miao Village from the Southern Xinjiang Worm Valley.

It's late at night.

Compared to going to the Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang.


It took more time for the four of them.

It's not because the roads are steep or blocked.

It's the pressure in my heart.

As they approached the place where the swallow died, it grew stronger and stronger.

Just as the four of them came to the cave where the swallows were kept.

The blind willow suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood.

His feet were paralyzed, his face was pale, and he fell to the ground, and he fell into a coma.

See this.

Cheng Banxian hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the wrist of the blind man, carefully probing the pulse.

A moment later.

Turning his head in the direction of Su Yu, he said anxiously.

"Su Yu. "

"Hurry up and give me a needle. "

Heard Cheng Banxian's words.

Su Yu didn't hesitate anything, he directly took out a tattoo needle from his sleeve and handed it to Cheng Banxian.

Take the needle.

Cheng Banxian directly inserted it into the heart of the blind man.

The blind willow who fell into a coma.

Under the stimulation of the needle, I also slowly opened my eyes.

He coughed twice, opened his chapped lips and said hoarsely.


"It seems that this world is really merciless. "

"Even now. "

"Still don't give any chance..."

Cheng Banxian saw that the blind man woke up, let out a long sigh of relief, and spoke.

"Alright. "

"Don't be cheap and good. "

"Originally, your body was extremely weak, under the pressure of heaven and earth. "

"Along the way, my blood and qi have accumulated and my heart is haggard. "

"If I hadn't used this needle to temporarily dredge the qi and blood you had stagnated, I'm afraid you would have died of heart stopping. "

"Blind Liu, I won't hide it from you. "

"With your current physical condition, even if you can resurrect the swallow, you probably won't have much time for yourself. "

"I'm not going to persuade you anymore now. "

"But. "

"No matter what, cherish this time..."

Cheng Banxian's tone was quite low at the end, and he was extremely sad.

As he gets older.

The friends around me also passed away one by one.

For him.

Looking at the brothers and friends who were once in high spirits.

Aged dragon clock, waiting for death.

All kinds of flavors came to my heart for a while.

Bitterness, lamentation, sorrow...

The blind willow clutched the red spar in his hand and laughed.


"Now is the time when I've been obsessed with centrifugation. "

"Even my eyes, which have long been blind, have been temporarily restored at this time, how can I not cherish them. "

"After all, for ten years. "

"I'm waiting. "

"Isn't that the chance? "

"I'm waiting. "

"Isn't it just the resurrection swallow, looking at her?"

As he spoke.

The blind willow staggered to his feet.

His eyes glittered and he walked towards the depths of the cave, where the swallow had died.

Despite the backlash and karma of heaven and earth.

It became more and more intense, and he never flinched and doubted half a step.

This is the way into the depths of the cave.

He walked through it countless times before this decade.

Available today.

But it was the first time I looked at this cave with my eyes.

A place that is incomparably familiar to the mind.

This is a strange time.

Despite the countless times I imagined the appearance in my head, when I actually saw the cave scenery.

The blind willow couldn't help but have muddy tears in his eyes, and muttered to himself.

"Original. "

"That's the kind of place you are. "

"I slept for a whole decade. "

The pace of the blind man became faster and faster, and the expectation in his heart was needless to say.

Su Yu and the three of them followed closely behind the blind man Liu, with different expressions.

There are concerns.

There is dignifiedness.

There are expectations.

Under the urgency of the blind willow.

What would have taken half an hour to travel took less than a quarter of an hour.

With the walk to the deepest part of the cave.

A biting chill suddenly rushed in, penetrating the bone marrow.

The blind willow saw the swallow lying on the stone bed.

His face was pale, and his eyes were closed.

I couldn't help but feel an indescribable pain in my heart again.

If it weren't ten years ago.

He embarked on a lost path.

And how can it be caused.

Such a bitter fruit.

Not even so.

Let the swallow lie in this cold and dim deep hole for ten years.

The blind willow stretched out his hand and stroked the swallow's cheek, his eyes full of grief and sadness.

If only I could have a chance to do it again.

He would rather give up all his ways and become a farmer in the mountains.

In the Miao village of 100,000 mountains.

With the swallows that grew up together, they lived a stable life.


This can only be an extravagant hope and expectation forever.


There has never been a regret pill.

Gently retracting his trembling hand, the blind willow said in a choked voice.

"Master Lin, I want to ask you to help me with something. "

"Recall the soul of my deceased wife, Lan Yan. "

"What are the consequences of this. "

"It's all borne by me Liu Lin alone, and it has nothing to do with Master Lin. "

Hearing the sudden extremely polite words of the blind man.

The old Lin who was originally called became Master Lin.

The words are even more sincere pleading, like two strangers.

Lao Lin was stunned for a moment.

It was immediately clear what this meant.

After coming to this cave with a red spar, what he did was to resurrect the swallow.

He who has been dead for ten years will be resurrected.

This is against heaven and earth.

It is really a taboo in heaven and earth.

Although the blind willow did not say anything directly.

It was never mentioned.

All kinds of divine punishments from heaven and earth.


The blind man didn't understand in his heart.

The three of them helped him get here, and what a terrible price they paid.

Among the yin lines, yin virtue is the most precious.

Compared to putting life and death aside for a long time.

The blind willow who doesn't care about the Yin De deduction comes to it.

The help of the three of them.

It has long surpassed the help of the previous closed village.


As things get deeper.

Every step will be full of crises, and every step will be liquidated by heaven and earth.

Blind Liu didn't want the three of them to be implicated again.

This is the only way to get rid of the relationship with the three of them.

Although it may not make much difference.

But at least.

Better than nothing.

Thinking of this, Lao Lin couldn't help but sigh deeply and said in a deep voice.

"Pity the clarity between you and your wife. "

"This thing. "

"I took !!"

After all that's said.

Lao Lin didn't hesitate anything.

He stepped forward and gently pulled off a strand of the swallow's hair.

With his right hand, he grabbed the formula, and his hair suddenly burned, and he recited it in his mouth.

"Wandering souls, where to stay; Three souls descend early, seven spirits come; Riverside wild stoves, graves and mountain forests; false alarms are weird, lost true souls; today please mountain gods, the land; I am now on a mission, and the soul is possessed." "

"The gate of heaven is open, the gate of earth is open, and the boy of a thousand miles sends his soul to come; "

"Thousand Miles Soul Summoning Spell!"

"I use Lan Yan's hair, but I find its soul !!"

At the moment when Lao Lin finished reciting the mantra.

The yin wind suddenly rose, and there were even more ghost howls.

A green thunderbolt struck directly on the mountain.

The tsunami-like pressure instantly pressed on Lao Lin's body, causing him to cough up blood.

The fire of the burning hair in his hand became fainter and weaker, as if it was about to be extinguished.

There was also a low roar from nowhere, which sounded all around.



"No !!"

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