"Old Forest !!"

Cheng Banxian exclaimed.

Looking at Lao Lin, who was coughing up blood.

Not only Cheng Banxian, but even Su Yu's heart was hanging high.

Although they have long been mentally prepared.

But I didn't expect it.

None of them have been resurrected.

Just summoning spirits can cause such great karmic retribution.

Lao Lin is Mr. Yin and Yang.

It is our mission to get rid of evil spirits.

but those who are sheltered by heaven and earth.


Even the ghosts in the Huangquan Underground Mansion are handsome.

To Lao Lin will be extremely polite.

Right now.

It was just a conjuring spirit, which made Lao Lin cough up blood.

It's still.

When the blind willow said those words first.

If the blind man didn't say that, or Lao Lin was not Mr. Yin and Yang with a special identity.

I'm afraid.

If you change it, everyone else will die violently.

Lao Lin, who coughed up blood, stretched out his hand and waved it to indicate that he was fine.

But the original tip of the swallow's hair.

The flames on it were gone.

Lao Lin took two deep breaths, wiped the blood from his lips, and said slowly.

"Did you hear the voice of heaven and earth just now?"

Su Yu's eyes flashed with yin and yang gossip, and he replied in a deep voice.

"Just now, there was the sound of heaven and earth, which rang in our ears non-stop. "

There is only one word in it. "

"That is, it is not allowed to recall the soul of the swallow. "

"Just saw it under my observation. "

"When Lao Lin summoned your soul before, all the surrounding areas were chaotic yin and yang qi, crashing everywhere, and I didn't know what to do. "

Hearing Su Yu's answer.

Lao Lin's whole heart sank to the bottom, and he explained slowly.

"I am Mr. Yin and Yang, even if I can't control the feng shui yin and yang around me like Cheng Banxian. "

"But at the time of the conjuring. "

"Because it takes thousands of miles to find the soul, it stands to reason that all around me should be the Yin Qi of Heshun. "

"If there is a chaotic yin and yang. "

"This only says one thing. "

"That is. "

"Heaven and earth have interfered with the conjuring, no matter how many times they try. "

"I'm afraid..."

"I can't recall the soul of the swallow. "

Speaking of which.

Lao Lin's expression was also quite helpless.

It stands to reason.

Conjuring spirits is an established rule of heaven and earth, and there is a set of rules for implementation.

Just follow the guidelines.

Heaven and earth will not interfere much.

But in that case.

The swallow's soul was supposed to be recalled.

As a result, he was forcibly snuffed out by heaven and earth, and he was given a punishment.

This situation.

Enough to say it all.

The blind man listened to Lao Lin's explanation sideways, and couldn't help but slowly lower his head.

Against the sky.

Grab people with the sky.

Judging from the loss of contact with normal people, it is a big rebellion.

Even if you encounter all kinds of weird and weird.

All seem extremely normal.

What stumbles along the way.

He could understand it too.

After all, for the past ten years.

Various situations.

He had already anticipated it.

But now.

If you don't even give him a chance to conjure spirits.

It's tantamount to taking a salary from the bottom of the kettle.

There is no soul of a swallow.

And how can it be resurrected?

The blind willow bowed his head silently, staring at the red spar in his hand, thinking for a few seconds.

A sharp dagger was taken out of his pocket.

In the puzzled gaze of the three.

The blind willow held the dagger from his left chest, stabbed it hard, and then slashed it diagonally from side to side twice.

Blood spat out of the mouth of the blind willow.

The three of them instantly looked horrified, and Cheng Banxian hurriedly shouted.

"Willow Blind !!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Even if we can't summon spirits, we can think of a way, what are you going to do!!"

The blind man leaned against the stone wall behind him and looked at Su Yu and the three of them with a big breath.

Not only did not answer them.

Directly pull out the dagger and throw it aside.

And then.

The index and middle fingers of his left hand were stretched out and plunged directly into the wound.

Such a terrifying sight.

All three of them were a little stunned.

Right now.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on the face of the blind willow.

Slowly pull out two fingers from his wound.

Don't wait for the three of them to come over anyway.

The blind willow had already pressed the red hedron to his chest.

The majestic vitality instantly filled the body of the blind man.

Originally because of coughing up blood、Sick weak look。

At this time, it was swept away.

The blind willow's face was flushed, and life was piled up and down his body to sustain his life.

It's not the scariest thing either.

What shocked Su Yu and the others the most was that the two fingers that the blind man took out from his heart.

It turned out to be a scarlet witch worm.

A witch Gu that can appear near the heart of the blind willow.

What it is is already needless to say.

This witch.

It was the natal Gu used by Yanzi ten years ago in order to save the blind man.

The blind willow leaned against the wall, and after relieving himself, he slowly spoke.

"Master Lin. "

"I know that you Mr. Yin Yang have different ways of summoning spirits. "

"In addition to relying on heaven and earth to help. "

"There's also its alternative method of conjuring spirits. "

"This natal Gu has been in the swallow's body before, contaminated with her breath for decades. "

"If you can use the most intimate thing to summon the soul without going through the love of heaven and earth. "

"Whether it works or not. "

"I beg Master Lin, help me one last time. "

Hearing the words of the blind man.

Lao Lin couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

All emotions are contained in this sigh.

The left hand that the blind man had just raised was still holding the Natal Gu on it, dripping with blood.

It was a living dagger.

Dig out his heart and take down the natal Gu that he relied on for survival.

Then use the red spar taken earlier as a life-sustaining thing.

This situation.


If not, there is no way out.

It is impossible to use this as if.

Looking at the determined gaze of the blind willow.

Lao Lin sighed.

Took the scarlet natal Gu from the hand of the blind willow.

His face suddenly turned cold.

The peachwood sword in his hand flipped up, and his fingers pressed on the back of the natal Gu, drawing a spell, and chanting non-stop.

"Holding up the hand and reciting the sutra with a fragrant mouth, the upper realm and the lower part are pure, and when people leave difficulties, it is difficult to leave the body, and all disasters turn into dust. "

"I'm not afraid of the passing years and Guan Sha, I'm not afraid of the Tai Sui to compete; now the spell water sends disasters, and the fierce gods and evil gods dare not be; thousands of miles to find three souls, thousands of miles to seek seven spirits. "

"Heavenly spirits, earth spirits. "

"Taishang Laojun is as anxious as the law. "

At the moment when Lao Lin finished reciting the spell.

The natal Gu that originally belonged to the swallow suddenly burst into flames, emitting a weird squeaky scream.

The yin wind blows, and the ghostly spirit is surging.

The sky flashed and the thunder did not stop, and the ground shook and collapsed.

In the midst of an incomparably thick ghostly aura.

A figure slowly appeared...

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