See this ghost.

The blind willow man was as if he had been struck by lightning, his lips moved, and his whole body trembled.

It's like losing your soul.

Stretched out his hand with a sluggish expression, pointed at the ghost figure who could only see the figure clearly, and said hoarsely and slowly.

"Swallow... Swallow, is that you? "

After all that's said.

I couldn't stop walking forward slowly.

I want to touch the swallow.

Cheng Banxian saw the blind man who was emotionally broken, and hurriedly reached out to pull him back.

Suppressed his voice, he spoke in an extremely serious tone.

"Blind Liu, I know you are anxious. "

"But you can't do that now. "

"Lao Lin has endured an unknown amount of karmic retribution and is helping you summon your spirit. "

"If you interrupt him with your sudden outstretched hand, the conjuring fails. "

"Not only Lao Lin is worried about his life, but even the soul of the swallow cannot be recalled. "

"Would you like this to happen?"

Heard Cheng Banxian's persuasive words.

The blind man also slowly came back to his senses, turned his head and nodded at Cheng Banxian.

Clenched his fists, trembling all over, staring at Lao Lin who was summoning spirits.

With the screams of the natal Gu getting sharper and sharper.

The ghost shadow of the conjuring spirit is also becoming more and more condensed.

Hearts of all.

At this moment, it is like a stone, hanging high.


Lao Lin instantly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his feet suddenly fell to his knees.

Cheng Banxian's face was shocked.

Su Yu also looked solemn, and handed over a tattoo needle with great tacit understanding.

Cheng Banxian hurriedly took the needle and inserted it into Lao Lin's neck.

The other hand grabbed Lao Lin's wrist and felt the pulse carefully.

Lao Lin breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes gently, shook his head and said weakly,

"It's fine. "

"It's just that I've just been punished by heaven and earth. "

"It was directly the Yin Virtue that had been detained for five years that caused me to vomit such a big mouthful of blood. "

"I didn't expect that even if I used my own token to summon spirits, and I didn't build a channel through heaven and earth, it would cause such a heavy backlash. "

"But there was a miscalculation. "

"But it's a blessing to be alive and to be able to recall the swallow's soul. "

Hearing what Lao Lin said, he recalled the swallow's soul.

Now the willow blind man on the side.

His eyes widened all of a sudden, he squatted down and grabbed Lao Lin's shoulder, and said hurriedly.

"Lao Lin, Lao Lin, what you just said was..."

"Find. "

"Did you find it?"

Lao Lin was shaken by the blind willow and coughed a few times, nodded slowly, and replied seriously.

"Found it. "

"I use the essence blood of my natal Gu, supplemented by Mr. Yin Yang's original soul conjuring secret method. "

"Rid of the passages that existed in the first place of heaven and earth. "

"Among the hundreds of millions of lonely souls and wild ghosts, search for souls that can react with the essence blood of the natal Gu. "

"Eventually. "

"In the darkness, the soul of the swallow was finally recovered. "

Hearing Lao Lin's words of great certainty.

The blind willow's eyes suddenly overflowed with tears, and he wanted to kneel down to thank him.

Lao Lin stretched out his hand to stop him, pointed to the soul on the side and said seriously.

"Don't get into all this thanks-to-thanks-and-thanks-and-thanks-and-go-go-and-go "

"Because now that the attraction of the Natal Gu has been lost, the soul of the swallow can't last long here. "

"If we don't introduce her soul into our body in time, we may never be able to resurrect her. "

"Leave the rest alone. "

"To complete the obsession in your heart, the most important thing is to resurrect the swallow. "

Cheng Banxian also pulled up the blind man and said in a deep voice.

"Blind Liu, don't say anything else. "

"It's not the time to be sad. "

"I'll help you create an environment suitable for the soul to enter the body now, and then you will drag the swallow's soul into the dead and resurrected. "

Understand that things are quite critical.

Cheng Banxian didn't have the unreliable appearance he had before.

Just stand up.

Squinting slightly, feeling the flow of yin and yang around him.

Then he suddenly pressed the mountain and sea compass in his hand and pinched the magic trick in his hand.

"There are three strange things in the sky, and there are six instruments on the earth; there are elves and ghosts, so the corpses are ambushed; yellow sand and red earth, and the graves are rubble; there are hundreds of squares and hundreds of zhang, and they can be seen everywhere; all evil and strange things are left in a hurry. "

"I am the master of feng shui, yin and yang. "

"Gather Yin, protect the soul!"

The majestic yin qi was like an arm in Cheng Banxian's hands, and it turned into a square-like yin qi cage in an instant.

The willow blind man and the swallow are shrouded in it.

After doing all this.

Cheng Banxian also spit out a mouthful of blood, and his brain was extremely dizzy.

Just help with this spell.

He was deducted from the Yin Virtue that he had accumulated for about three years.

Against the sky.

Grab people with the sky.

Needless to say, how terrifying it is.

Cheng Banxian saw the blind willow who was covered by the yin qi cage, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice.

"Blind Liu, we can only send you here. "

"The soul and body of the swallow in the back are fused, and you need to go down by yourself. "

The blind man Liu, who was a little emotionally unbalanced, arched his hand at the three of them and said sincerely.

"Cheng Banxian, Lao Lin, Su Yu, the grace of the three of you today, I am blind and remember it in my heart. "

"It's not just in my heart, it's in my heart. "

"If there is a chance. "

"I will repay you in the next life. "

Say this.

The meaning is already very obvious.

Even the blind man himself understands one thing very clearly.

Even if you can resurrect the swallow.

He didn't have much time left.

The blind willow slashed his wrist with a dagger and placed it on the stone bed.

Scarlet blood dripped down, staining the stone bed red.

The blind willow stared at the soul of the swallow next to him affectionately, and said gently.

"With my blood, awaken your soul, and in the name of my husband, I pray for my wife, whose soul is outside, and who has suffered a lot, and now I will seek my soul and return quickly. "

"Hurry back!"

"Get back quickly!!"

"Speed... Hurry back !!"

As he shouted, his voice became more and more choked.

Under the call of the blind willow, the soul of the swallow slowly sank into the dead.

Under the gaze of all.

The originally cold body moved his fingers slightly.

A choked voice came.

"When, in charge..."

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