"When, in charge..."

The voice rang out again.

The blind man was stunned on the spot, unable to say a word.

His whole body trembled, and his lips moved.

Tears flowed down from his eyes.

He didn't know.

I don't know how long I've been waiting for this voice.

Turning around stiffly, he stared at the swallow lying on the stone bed.

Look at those eyes that he was so familiar with.

The blind willow suddenly raised his head and bit his arm, trying not to let himself whimper.

No one can relate to how he feels right now.

It's hard to believe.

That kind of loss is regained.

I cherish it in every way.

All kinds of emotions instantly piled up in the heart of the blind man.

He wanted to cry.

But I don't think I should cry at this time.

He wanted to shout, but he wanted to vent.

It is said that men don't flick when they have tears.

But it's just not to the point of sadness.

After taking a few deep breaths to collect his emotions.

Facing the three people who were still standing outside the Yin Qi cage, he arched his hand again to express his gratitude.

Thanks for that.

The blind willow is truly from the heart and heart.

If it weren't for Su Yu's three.

I'm afraid it's a resurrection.

Even going to the deepest part of the Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang is completely impossible.

And in order to help him achieve his heart's desire, he has been obsessed for ten years.

Although the three of them did not fear for their lives.

But only today.

The majestic yin virtue deducted cannot be measured by anything.

Although I didn't mention half a sentence.

But the blind man already understood it in his heart.

It is impossible to have a chance to repay this favor in this life.

After seeing the blind willow hand over again.

Cheng Banxian coughed slightly, patted Lao Lin's shoulder and said happily.

"Got Lao Lin. "

"After all, it is to complete the obsession in the heart of the blind man. "

"It seems that the blood we vomited was not in vain, hahaha. "

Lao Lin also smiled faintly.

staring at the blind willow who still maintained an arched posture, his heart was full of thoughts.

Even he couldn't believe it.

The four of them turned out to be really against the sky.

There is no such thing as an ancient.

The four of them actually made it happen with their own hands.

Although now they do not pursue fame, do not pursue false fame.

But I can help my friend complete the obsession that he has been troubled for ten years.

How happy it is.

Needless to say.

Not only Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin, but even Su Yu was also happy.

Man will conquer the heavens.

Since the appearance of these four words, no one has ever done them.


From today.

From this moment on.

There is finally an answer to this sentence.

"When, in charge..."

The swallow's weak voice rang out again.

Blind Liu finally didn't hesitate anything this time.

Putting away his hand, he hurriedly looked at the swallow.

At this time, although the swallow was still pale, there was not the slightest color of blood.

But the originally loose eyes already have a little brilliance.

Yanzi coughed lightly, slowly raised his hand, which was still extremely cold, stroked the cheek of the blind willow, and asked softly.

"Boss. "

"What's going on, why am I..."

Before the swallow could finish.

The blind willow held her outstretched palm tightly, and said softly with sparkling eyes.

"Good. "

"Don't ask so much. "

"The most important thing is that right now, we're both here. "

Hearing the words of the blind man.

Even if the swallow doesn't understand it, he understands that this matter is definitely not that simple.

But Yanzi, who has always been dominated by willow blindness, nodded with a smile on his face, put down the doubts in his heart and did not continue to ask anything.


A wisp of scarlet blood coughed up from the corner of the swallow's mouth, and his face darkened a little.

The blind man couldn't help but sink his heart, and his expression changed slightly.

He could feel it very clearly.

The majestic vitality is rapidly fading from the swallow's body.

The speed at which it passed was terrifying.

If it were a normal person, it would be estimated that it would take less than three minutes to completely pass away and die.

The reason why the swallow has been able to support it for so long.

It was completely relying on the red spar on his chest for tenacious support.

Just now, when he cut his wrists and dripped blood to summon spirits.

It was already linked to the lives of the two.

After seeing that the face of the blind man changed in Liu.

The swallow reached out and stroked its cheek and said in a reassuring voice.

"Boss. "

"It's okay, in fact, I can be resurrected at this time, and I am already satisfied to look at you. "

"Still. "

"You've been old for ten years..."

After hearing this.

The blind willow couldn't suppress his inner emotions all of a sudden, and bean-sized tears slipped down from the corners of his eyes.

The swallow struggled to get up and gently hugged the blind willow, feeling the temperature on his body.

The pale face could not hide the sadness in his heart, and the corners of his eyes moistened a little and spoke.

"Boss. "

"Why are you so troubled? "

The blind willow lay on the swallow's shoulder, wept silently, and choked up.

"I don't feel bitter. "

"As long as I can see you and hear your voice, I don't feel like crying. "

"I know very well. "

"In this world, the most painful thing for me is that I can't hear your voice, I can't see your smile, I can't feel your temperature. "

"That's it. "

"That's it. "

"The most painful thing for me. "

A blind willow who knows that he doesn't have much time.

I didn't hide the thoughts of the swallow in my heart.

This decade.

The kind of self-reproach and lovesickness that he suffered, only he understood it.

No one can empathize.


A whole decade of dedication.

Even if it costs with your own life for it.

In the end, I can only say one word to Yanzi.

He thinks it's worth it.

Swallow put the head of the blind willow on his shoulder and said slowly.

"Boss. "

"Do you remember when we first met?"

"I've been following you as if I've been identifying you since my last life. "

"That's when I told myself in my heart. "

"He's the person I'm looking for in my life..."

The two reminisced about the past and told all kinds of things about the past.

Although time is running out.

But it is extremely warm and harmonious.

After Su Yu and the three of them glanced at each other, they walked towards the outside of the cave.

They've pushed the envelope.

The latter case.

In any case, it is no longer something they can handle.

Just after the three of them walked out of the cave.

Lightning and thunder thundered in the sky.

Dozens of cyan thunderbolts slashed towards the top of the cave.

Just under the eyes of the three of them.

The entire cave was smashed to pieces until it collapsed.

The caves are already like that.

As for the two people who are still in the cave, Liu Blind and Swallow, there is no need to say much.

Watch the thunder road fall.

After understanding that his former friend had left another one, Cheng Banxian asked in a hoarse voice.

"You say. "

"Ten years in exchange for this reunion of less than an hour. "

"Does he regret it?"

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