The sound of the valley collapsing behind him.

It was like a hammer striking on the hearts of the three of them.

Man will conquer the day?

In exchange for ten years of painful obsession and unimaginable yin virtue, in exchange for this kind of ending.

Did you win after all?

Or lost?

No one can come up with a reason.

There is no real answer.


The only thing that is certain is.

In the past ten years, the blind man has never regretted it, and he has never wavered.

This is his obsession.

The three of them didn't say anything on the way back to Miao Village.

Or that my heart is heavy and I can't say a word.

Near Miao Village.

Cheng Banxian looked at the smoke curling, and couldn't help but feel extremely bitter in his heart, and said hoarsely.

"Four people go. "

The three of them returned. "

"Despite being mentally prepared. "

"But when that happens, I don't know what to say. "

"In the shadows for nearly forty years, I have seen many life and death partings. "

"But. "

"It's my first time. "

"It's so uncomfortable, and there are all kinds of flavors piled up in my heart. "

"Even when I heard the news of my old friend's death, I just sighed for a moment, lamenting that time waits for no one. "

"But just now he died in front of me. "

"That's how I can pretend that nothing happened. "

Heard Cheng Banxian's words.

Lao Lin was also silent and looked back at the direction where the valley was located, sighed deeply, and said in a low voice.

"Let's go. "

"Let's go back to Gusu. "

"This place is a sad place after all. "

The three fell silent again.

After packing all the luggage and telling the villagers politely, he left the Miao village in the middle of the mountain.

As for the Southern Xinjiang Worm Valley, which has been completely eliminated by the Yin Qi Ban.

Cheng Banxian also made a special call.

Let people go and bury the bones of those burial trenches and those who have been exposed to wind and rain for thousands of years, neatly put away and bury them, and put them into the ground.

Ten years of obsession.

Against the sky.

Grab people with the sky.

After all, there is a final result.

Despite this result.

It looks unacceptable.

It was a heavy price to pay for less than an hour.

For southern Xinjiang.

It's not the first time the trio have been here.


This ending made them depressed, indescribable, and not in the mood to linger.

Early the next morning.

The three of them took the fastest flight and arrived in Gusu.

Come to the most familiar Yin Xing street.

It is the time when all the people in the shadows open their doors.

Listen to the bustling voices in your ears and the cries of some small breakfast vendors carrying their burdens.

Cheng Banxian couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and said slowly.

"100,000 mountains are good. "

"But after all, there is a little less breath of life. "

"It's too cozy. "

"Maybe it's not what we're after. "

"It's in this one street. "

"Look at the things of each person and his family, if you can help, you will help, and if you can't help, you will directly refuse. "

"Maybe. "

"It's the most suitable life for us..."

Cheng Banxian suddenly paused when he said this, and said with a reluctant smile on his face.

"Count, count. "

"All this is also the fault of the blind man. "

"No matter how sad I am for him, it is useless. "

"I climbed over several mountains. "

"I can't bear it anymore, so I'll go back to the store to rest first..."

After all that is said.

Cheng Banxian's back was a little gloomy and he returned to the store.

But the store was closed.

Seeing Cheng Banxian's appearance, Lao Lin also shook his head and explained.

"Forget it. "

"Let him calm himself. "

"It is estimated that Cheng Banxian will not be able to pass this hurdle for a while. "

After all that is said.

Lao Lin nodded at Su Yu and walked into his shop.

Su Yu's interest in seeing Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin was not high.

It's even a little low.

I can't help but sigh in my heart.

Although he didn't have a deep friendship with the blind man, he didn't know much about him.


The belief that the willow blind man was indestructible before.

But it made Su Yu remember it very well.

After standing still and thinking for a few seconds.

After Su Yu exhaled a long breath of turbidity, he walked into his tattoo parlor.

Just walked into the store.

Putting down the luggage on her body, Jiang Xue cautiously walked into the store.

After carefully looking at Su Yu's expression for a while.

Sitting on the sofa seemingly well-behaved, he asked softly.

"Eh, Su Yu. "

"What the hell is going on?"

"How do I feel that when the three of you come back, your faces are not good-looking. "

"Even my uncle can't get out?"

"This exactly. "

"What's going on?"

Jiang Xue had a beautiful face, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

Su Yu, who was about to sort out his thoughts, could only sigh helplessly.

"This thing. "

"Although it is finished, the bitter master is also satisfied. "

"But the three of us. "

Or Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin, but they can't get over the hurdle in their hearts. "

"Against the sky. "

"It's a dead end anyway. "

Hear these four words.

Jiang Xue's face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly asked.

"Master Su, have you ever used the two paper figures I handed over to you earlier?"

Su Yu heard the anxiety in Jiang Xue's tone, frowned a little puzzled, and replied.

"Along the way. "

"Although there are many crises, it is still useless to use the paper figure you gave me. "

"Now. "

"Just give these two back to you. "

Su Yu opened the luggage beside him.

When I was about to take out the paper figure from the inner layer, my eyes couldn't help but wrinkle deeply.

The two paper figures in the trunk at this time.

There was a mark of penetration everywhere on the chest, and it was scorched black and foul-smelling, and it looked extremely terrifying.

Jiang Xue also stared at the two paper figures tightly.

His eyes were shaken.

That's right.

A hoarse, old, shriveled voice sounded at the door.

"Master Su. "

"You... Are you there?"

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