Take a deep breath.

Su Yu pulled the suitcase, did not move the two paper figures, and said slowly after pondering for a moment.

"We'll talk about the situation of these two paper figures later. "

"Now it's still the bitter lord who just came, what do you want..."

Jiang Xue also nodded and agreed.

"When you open your door to do business, you naturally have to focus on business. "

"Now that they've come back safely. "

"After that, of course, we can not rush it for the time being. "

"Let's see. "

"Master Su has some business again. "

After all that's said.

Jiang Xue also blinked, looking extremely playful and cute.

Only really came to Gusu.

Jiang Xue understood.

Su Yu has long thought that he is the most popular master in the entire Yin Xing.

Yin lineage.

Ordinary people are already taboo to deal with.

Basically, it belongs to the profession that does not open for three years and eats for three years.

But it was only three or four days in Gusu.

Jiang Xue saw several people who came to this street to find Su Yu's help.

To know.

Someone who can come to the Yin Master for help.

Ten inside.

At least eight of them are not good people.

Good guys after all.

How can we turn evil into good fortune and eliminate evil?

Normally, it stands to reason.

Ordinary people in the yin line may not have one guest in three days.

But Su Yu is here.

The guests seemed to be in an endless stream, which really surprised Jiang Xue a little.

But there was no resentment or jealousy.

After all.

Su Yu's ability and Taoism already explain everything.

Seeing Jiang Xue, she had no intention of leaving.

Su Yu didn't say anything, put his luggage aside, and said in a deep voice towards the door.

"Come in. "

"I'm right here. "

As Su Yu's voice fell.

A woman wearing a huge sunhat and a fox demon on her face walked slowly into the store.

Hands clasped together.

Some people are cramped and don't know what to do.

His eyes looked around, not daring to look directly at Su Yu and Jiang Xue.

Seeing the woman's nervous appearance.

Su Yu also frowned, and tapped lightly on the coffee table.

"Rest assured. "

"Came to me. "

"As long as you don't deserve to die, I can help you get it back. "

"But if it is. "

"He did all kinds of evil, and he was damned. "

"It's better to go back early and prepare for the future, which is the best result. "

Hearing Su Yu's ruthless words.

The woman sat on the couch, bowed her head and remained silent.

His hands were pressed tightly on his knees, and his body was trembling slightly.

It's as if in the heart, there is a battle between heaven and man, fierce conflicts and struggles.

Exactly a few dozen seconds later.

The woman let go of her clenched hand, suddenly relaxed her whole body, and asked slowly.

"Master Su. "

"I want to ask you something. "

"What is the punishment of God, what is the right thing to do?"

The woman's words at this time seemed extremely strange and abrupt.

Jiang Xue turned her head to look at Su Yu.

There was undisguised curiosity in his eyes, wanting to know how Su Yu would answer this sentence.

The tattoo parlor fell silent.

It's like.

Everyone was waiting for that appropriate answer.

Su Yu leaned back on the sofa and muttered for a few seconds.

Looking at the woman, he pointed to the ceiling.

"People are doing it, the sky is watching, and there are gods in the head. "

"If you think that no one needs to know about doing evil, then you are really wrong. "

"If you do something evil, you will be rewarded with evil. "

"As for. "

"How to count as a curse, how to count as nothing evil. "

"I don't count. "

"But everybody knows it in their hearts. "

"Heavens. "

"There are different weighing standards for everyone and everything. "

"Doing an evil thing seems to be fine, and there is nothing abnormal. "

"I don't know. "

"There has already been a price tag on the hit. "

Su Yu said these words.

Jiang Xue nodded in agreement, and her eyes were full of brilliance.

Although Su Yu gave this explanation.

It seems to be foggy, and people don't know what to say.

But in the eyes of those who have a heart and understand, it is like a beacon.

It was even more clear that the doubts in the heart of the woman in front of her were answered.

People are doing it, and the sky is watching.

Six words that seem ordinary.

But it contains all the truth.

Do not do evil.

and they will not invite trouble.

Do many good deeds.

It will accumulate merit.

The woman who heard Su Yu's answer clenched her hands slightly and then let go.

As if he had figured out something, he whispered.

"My name is He Mei'an, and I grew up in the magic capital. "

"The magic capital is only more than 100 kilometers away from Gusu, and Master Su's reputation has long been spread. "

"So today. "

"I also took the time to come to Master Su's shop in my spare time, and I wanted you to help me. "

Free time.


As soon as these two words came out.

Su Yudu hasn't said anything yet.

Jiang Xue's brows instantly frowned, and she was already a little dissatisfied in her heart.

In the midst of the underworld.

The most particular thing is a fate word.

Acquaintance is fate.

Saving people is fate.

Giving advice and showing the way is also fate.

Under the word edge.

Leisure and time are too emotional.

Ho seems to be extremely good at reading words and feelings.

After vaguely feeling Jiang Xue's resentment, he turned his head to look at Jiang Xue and whispered in an apologetic tone.

"I'm really sorry. "

"If there is anything that accidentally offends the beauty, please understand. "

"I'm sorry. "

"Please forgive me for my rashness. "

Jiang Xue, who had not yet spoken, couldn't help but be even more vigilant in her heart when she heard He Mei'an's words.

Observe the words.

Although everybody will.

But it must not be easy for someone who can achieve He Mei'an's level.

Su Yu shook his head helplessly, tapped the coffee table and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't talk about anything else. "

"If you can come to me, you must have asked for something. "

"Such a delay will not only have no effect, but it may also miss the time. "

"I see you have a mask on your face. "

"This question should be in your face, right?"

After He Mei'an heard this.

He was slightly stunned, then nodded.

Stretch out a trembling hand.

Slowly unmask your face...

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