He Mei'an uncovered the fox demon mask on his face.

reveals an extremely charming and enchanting, delicate and beautiful face.

Seeing this face, Jiang Xue couldn't help frowning, and asked out in confusion.

"It's not a big deal, and the face is exquisite. "

"What are you doing when you come to Master Su's shop?"

Jiang Xue didn't have a good impression of He Mei'an, and even felt that she was quite scheming.

After He Mei'an heard this, he didn't say anything.

It's just that his face shows a rather sad face, and his nails pinch the skin next to his ears.

Gently tear off as if tearing off an ointment.

The situation that made the scalp tingle happened in front of Su Yu and Jiang Xue.

He Mei'an easily tore off her own skin, as if she was wearing a mask.

And that's not even the scariest thing.

The most chilling thing is that He Mei'an's own face has been hidden behind the mask.

The faces were strangely twisted together, and the facial features could not be distinguished at all, and there were obvious burn marks.

It's terrifying, it's terrifying, and it's infiltrating.

This situation.

Su Yu had only seen it once before.

And that person.

It was splashed on the face by the enemy with concentrated sulfuric acid.

was originally a good face, but it was corroded and not good, and it was good to be able to save a life.

Now Ho Mei An's situation.

It is not much different from the person Su Yu once saw, and it can even be said to be more serious.

Because all the five senses are already knotted together, it is impossible to distinguish at all.

But that's it.

It's even more weird.

Why is he so faced, he Mei'an, who can't see his facial features clearly.

After putting on a human skin mask.

But it is vivid, no different from a normal person.

Or rather.

The appearance is even more outstanding, which is enough to make ordinary girls feel ashamed.

Su Yu touched his chin and pondered for a few seconds.

He tapped the table pointedly and asked in a deep voice.

I asked. "

Then you answer truthfully. "

"Based on what I saw just now, is this mask you wearing a living human skin?"

Hear the words living human skin.

He Mei'an couldn't help but tremble, and after quickly adjusting her expression, she replied slowly.

"It is worthy of Master Su. "

"I have even heard of such a remote Yin Xing technique as the skin of a living person. "

"That being the case. "

"I'm not going to hide it. "

"The mask on my face just now is the skin of a living person. "

Jiang Xue's eyes were full of confusion and doubt.

Living human skin?

During the time she was engaged in the underworld.

Not only have I never seen it, but I have never heard of it.

Sensing Jiang Xue's confusion, Su Yu also tapped the coffee table, stared at He Mei'an with cold eyes, and slowly explained.

"The reason why you don't know about the skin of the living is because this thing is too vicious and too sinister. "

"Ordinary people don't have access to this thing at all, or rather, they don't need it at all. "

"So in the midst of the underworld. "

"There are few people who know about it now, and I happened to see it in basic ancient books. "

When I say that again.

Su Yu's eyes never left He Mei'an, which made him bow his head deeply.

With his hands on his knees, he didn't dare to say more than half a word.

Su Yu retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at Jiang Xue, and continued to explain.

"The skin of a living man, as the name suggests, is a mask in the shape of a human face, as we have just seen. "

"But this mask. "

"You don't need to measure anything, and you don't need to prepare the material, because it's made of human skin..."

Hear here.

Jiang Xue became more and more puzzled, and asked with a puzzled face.

"That's not right, Master Su. "

"I know that human skin makes masks. "

"Isn't it necessary to measure the size of this kind of human skin mask and whether the contrast is appropriate before it can be worn on the face?"

Su Yu glanced at He Mei'an again, shook his head and said slowly.

"Look at the name of this mask, the living human skin face, do you feel that there is something wrong?"

"I'm not going to sell it, so let's put it this way. "

The mask that He Mei'an had just ripped off was cut alive from the face of a young girl. "

"During the cutting period, it is necessary to prevent the sufferer from falling into a coma due to pain, so basically the anesthetic and demerol are injected beyond the burden of the human body. "

"As far as this goes. "

What kind of consequences will be caused is not in her consideration at all. "

"Because the girl who was stripped of her skin has no chance of surviving. "

"In order to maintain the vitality of the skin, it is necessary to soak it in the owner's blood every day. "

That's what that means. "

"During the day, I use this human skin mask as my face, and at night, I remove it and soak it in blood to keep it alive. "

"In order to maintain the best activity and condition, I need to wash my face with blood every morning, and I have made a perfect patch and human skin mask. "

"People are killed. "

But his face was pasted on top of his enemy and replaced by him. "

"I'm afraid it's hard to look at it in the Huangquan Underground Mansion. "

"Am I right?"


Su Yu's last two rhetorical questions were obviously towards He Mei'an.

The coldness and questioning in the tone are needless to say.

He Mei'an lowered his head and didn't dare to answer at all, his whole body was trembling slightly, his hands were on his knees, and his feet were close together.

Jiang Xue saw He Mei'an's appearance like this, and she already understood in her heart.

Even if there is some way out for what Su Yu said, I am afraid that it is not far from ten.

Peel off the girl's face alive, and don't let her faint, and after death, she will bleed her whole body to maintain her face.

Such a horrible thing.

If you think about it, you will find it unbelievable, and you will get goosebumps all over your body.

Jiang Xue squinted and thought for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked.

"If you have to soak in blood and smear your face with blood every day, a person's blood is limited and simply can't support it for long. "

"So there's only one possibility, and that's..."

didn't wait for Jiang Xue to finish speaking.

As if she had figured out her thoughts, He Mei'an raised her head and spoke like a walking corpse.

"Five. "

"I killed five people like this and skinned them off. "

"But that's what I'm trying to say. "

"They all deserve to die, they all deserve to die!!"

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