White Sakura Geisha picture.

It is the most suitable picture for Ho Mei'an now.

Geisha is part of the ancient tradition.

A Hongchen woman who sells her art but does not sell herself.

is in the dust, but always sticks to the bottom line in his heart.

This situation.

It's enough to make people praise it.

The sufferings of them are even less known.

It has the same thing as He Mei'an.

Just like she said.

Since childhood, he has been aiming to get on the biggest stage, and he has never relaxed at all.

No matter how much hardship I endured and how much sweat I shed, I never hesitated to make my decision.

You can do that.

Suffice it to say that before such an accident occurred.

She has a pure heart, and all her efforts are towards her dreams.

I have never walked through any crooked ways.

I just want to rely on my own strength to knock on the door to success.

At the time.

It is enough to praise it.

Out of the mud without staining.

When the people around him were lazy and relaxed, they never relaxed the strings in their hearts.

Because geisha are good at singing and dancing.

As long as it is able to carry the tattoo.

The person on it will also be very good at singing and dancing

And the white cherry blossom represents purity, but also represents new life.

Although because of what Ho Mei An did.

Unable to save her life.

But under the action of the white cherry blossoms.

Her face was twisted together and her facial features were unrecognizable.

It is definitely possible to return to the same as before.

And even the exact same situation.

White Sakura Geisha picture.

Definitely the best option at the moment.

After hearing Su Yu say that he could help her.

He Mei'an clenched her fists hard and asked in a choked voice.

"Master Su, I want to ask. "

"When will it be able to help me complete the obsession in my heart? "

"I don't want to. "

"Not anymore. "

"Live in the world with this face. "

"I wanted to stand on the stage with my original face and let everyone see me. "

Hearing Ho Mei'an's words in such a hurry.

Su Yu naturally understood what she meant.

Tapping his fingers lightly on the coffee table, he spoke slowly.

"If you don't have any problems. "

"Now is the time to start. "

"You need to lift the clothes off your back and lie on the tattoo platform. "

"This is a tattoo on the back. "

He Mei'an heard Su Yu's affirmative reply.

I didn't hesitate at all.

Facing directly to Su Yu, he half-faded the clothes on his body and lay on the tattoo platform.

Su Yu also understood the anxiety in her heart.

After making all the preparations, he directly held the black Jiao pattern needle and tapped it towards He Mei'an's back.

Su Yu's tattoo speed is extremely fast,

Hands flutter up and down, all kinds of ink colors are dyed together.

Less than an hour's work.

The complete picture of the white cherry geisha appeared on Ho Mei'an's back.

The geisha in the picture is still holding the pipa and half-covering his face, which instantly shows the temperament of the geisha to the fullest.

The white cherry trees behind him are even more vivid, as if the real cherry blossoms are withering and falling in color.

Even Su Yu's nose inhaled hard, as if he could smell the faint aroma of cherry blossoms.

After staring at the white cherry geisha picture for a few seconds.

Su Yu nodded lightly and said slowly.

"Okay, I've got you a tattoo yet. "

"Now. "

"If you're ready, look into the mirror next to you. "

Actually, when I first entered the tattoo parlor.

Su Yu discovered one thing.

He Mei'an didn't dare to look at the mirror next to him at all.

Even when looking around at the tattoo parlor environment.

As soon as you see the mirror, your eyes will quickly glance away.

This situation.

Suffice it to say that over the years.

How painful is the torment and torture in his heart.

He Mei'an couldn't stop trembling slightly, and asked in a panic.

"Sue-Master Su, am I-really able to look in the mirror?"


After Su Yu heard He Mei'an's question.

I couldn't help but sigh secretly in my heart.

For so many years.

The pressure she was under in Anxin made her suffer.

I thought it was going to be like this until I died.

But there was a turning point in his shop.

This difference between heaven and hell instantly made her a little unbelievable.

Packing up the tattoo equipment in his hand, Su Yu said slowly with extremely affirmative words.

"Rest assured. "

"I said I could watch it, so naturally I won't lie to you. "

After He Mei'an got Su Yu's affirmative answer.

Slowly tilting his head to look at the mirror beside him, his eyes full of anticipation and fear.

Looking forward to getting better.

I'm afraid that it's still the same ugly appearance as it used to be.

After a few seconds of hesitation.

He Mei'an finally mustered up the courage to look at herself in the mirror.

I saw exactly the same as I had before the accident.

There is not even the slightest change in the face.

Tears fell from He Mei'an's eyes.

knelt down directly in the direction of Su Yu, and cried with tears in his eyes.

"Xie-Xie, Master Su. "

"Thank you so much, I-I don't even know how long it has been since I saw myself. "

"I don't know how long, I haven't looked in the mirror. "

"I don't know how long, I haven't been running towards my dreams..."

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