He Mei'an's pretty face was already full of tears, and her whole body trembled with excitement.

For her now.

The thing that most wants is not life, nor is it the wealth that most people seek.

I experienced the pain of life being worse than death.

Experienced falling from heaven to hell.

After several years, I didn't dare to look in the mirror.


This kind of bitter experience that ordinary people can hardly imagine makes He Mei'an speechless with satisfaction with the current result.

Fingers caress his face and stare in the mirror at his delicate face.

It's for her.

It's the best gift in years.

Jiang Xue, who had been sitting quietly next to him, did not disturb Su Yu.

After seeing He Mei'an's reaction, he couldn't help but sigh softly and said slowly.

That's the answer you deserve. "

"You know. "

"It wasn't you who did the wrong thing in the first place, it was the five of them. "

"They who are swallowed up by jealousy are the culprits of all this. "

"You have a better stage, a better development, and even a longer and more exciting life. "

"Now it's all like a bubble dissipating, and even there are only seven days left to live. "

"It's, really..."

Speaking of the back.

Jiang Xue didn't know what to say anymore, and her words were full of sadness and sympathy.

He Mei'an gently wiped away the tears in her eyes with her fingers, and choked with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Enough. "

"Enough is enough. "

"It's enough to be able to go back to the way it was before, to have a chance to step on the stage again. "

"I don't want much. "

"It's really not much..."

Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Except for killing the five girls who harmed her, He Mei'an really didn't have any big faults.

The rules of heaven and earth are like this.

People are doing it, the sky is watching, and there are gods in the three feet above their heads.

It cannot be said that killing someone for a reason is extremely wrong.

If only one or two people.

Maybe Su Yu can still have a trace of vitality after using the needle to ask the world.

But the words of five people.

It's already difficult to save the immortals.

After all, no matter what.

In He Mei'an's hands, there are five fresh lives.


She also used this person's face to spend several years, and the cause and effect relationship in this is quite deep.

Therefore, there is still about seven days to restore He Mei'an's face, which is almost the limit.

Adhering to the principle of sending Buddha to the West.

Su Yu touched his chin and pondered for a few seconds before slowly speaking.

"Since you want to perform on a big stage, radiate your own light and heat. "

"So be it. "

"I'll help you get your contacts in order to get everything in order and give you a venue for a show with at least a few thousand people. "

"And then all you have to do is. "

"In the remaining days, I have to repair my state and pick up the dance skills that I once fell on. "

"Because even if there is a white cherry blossom geisha figure, it can make you have singing and dancing abilities far beyond ordinary people. "

"But if you want to be able to play the kind of state you want on the big stage, you still need to practice well in the past few days. "

"As for the rest. "

"It's all wrapped around me. "

After hearing Su Yu's words.

He Mei'an nodded easily, with a grateful look in her eyes, and said from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you, Master Su. "

"Actually. "

"Even though I haven't been relaxing for a moment over the years, I've been practicing silently. "

"Ever since that happened. "

"I only dare to dance my own dance in the middle of the night, even in the middle of the night when I can't even see my face, as if I am continuing my dreams and pursuits. "

"But now. "

"I finally dared to look in the mirror, face the audience, and dance my own dance. "

"Thank you, Master Su..."

Su Yu waved his hand, signaling that He Mei'an could leave first and prepare well.

saw He Mei'an's figure gradually leaving.

Jiang Xue exhaled a deep breath of turbidity, looked at Su Yu next to him and said loudly.

"It's amazing. "

"I was able to come up with such a perfect solution to this matter. "

"What surprised me the most. "

"Master Su, you seem to be omnipotent, no matter what the situation, you have different solutions. "

"This is really a rumor. "

Jiang Xue's words are not boasting or boasting, but a real heartfelt sigh.

Only in the midst of the underworld.

will understand how terrifying Su Yu's Taoism is.

Don't say yes.

It's just about being a person.

How to deal with all kinds of strange things.

How reasonable it is to leave a human touch.

are several times stronger than her.

Hearing Jiang Xue's heartfelt sigh.

Su Yu didn't explain anything, just poured a cup of tea in front of the two.


Seven days later.

The largest gymnasium in the magic capital.

An extremely grand performance, slowly kicked off.

Tens of thousands of people came to watch, and there were even dozens of celebrities and artists, which looked extremely dignified.

Under Su Yu's arrangement.

There is only one protagonist in this performance, and that is He Mei'an.

Tattooed with a picture of a white cherry blossom geisha, she has some heavenly singing and fairy-like dancing, which is enough to support this scene.

In the cheers of tens of thousands of people.

He Mei'an is as tireless, radiating light and heat on the stage.

Until the moment the stage closes.

Her face was full of smiles, and her heart stopped beating...

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