In this world.

There are always people who are trying to work towards their dreams.

There are also people who do disgusting and disgusting things because of jealousy.

This cannot be avoided.

is like He Mei'an, even if he fulfills his obsessive wish.

The life that should be brilliant and radiant was ruined.

All the energy, light and heat, are put on the last only stage to release.

It's like a butterfly.

After hibernation for many days, I don't know how much pain I suffered, just for the time when I finally turned into a butterfly.

Looks pathetic.

But there is nothing to be done.

All Su Yu could do was to fulfill her wish before she died.

As for going one step further.

There is no longer any possibility.

Pay attention to the rules in the yin line, and also pay attention to human feelings.

Good deeds must be satisfied if they can be satisfied.

There will be no tolerance for evil.

But no matter what.

Life is always like this.

Nine points of bitterness, accompanied by a point of sweetness.



The dark street, which had been quiet all night, was noisy again.

But if there is a little way.

The people in the yin line who talk about the rules all opened the door of the store invariably.

Su Yu just opened the store.

I found that Cheng Banxian approached the store with a bag of buns, and raised the buns in his hand to signal.

"Come on, come on, try this bun. "

"This is a bun I bought all the way from the next street. "

"To talk about the taste. "

"It's the one we have here. "

Cheng Banxian gave Su Yu a thumbs up.

Seeing Cheng Banxian's enthusiastic appearance, Su Yu also smiled and said.

"There aren't many things that can make you Cheng Banxian look at them. "

"Then I really have to try it. "

Cheng Banxian didn't say anything politely, and walked directly into Su Yu's shop.

Sit on the couch.

picked up a bun and handed it to Su Yu, and ate it silently.

While eating, he said thoughtfully.

"Hey, time flies so fast, and it's going to be the end of the year again. "

"This year, there is one less old friend, and I don't know if he can still live in this world. "

The person Cheng Banxian was referring to.

Don't think about it.

Naturally, it is the willow blind.

Although he is a master of Yin Xing, Cheng Banxian also sighs and regrets.

Su Yu was originally trying to comfort the blind man Liu.

Something suddenly came to mind.

Hurriedly put down the bun in his mouth and pulled the suitcase aside.

Take out the two paper figurines that have been collected in them.

It's the same as I saw it before.

There was a mark of penetration on the chest of the paper man, which was scorched black and foul, and it looked extremely terrifying.

Cheng Banxian saw Su Yu in such a hurry, and asked out loud in confusion.

"What's going on?"

"Su Yu, why did you suddenly take out two paper figures and put them on the table. "

"And these two paper figures are a little weird, they don't know what they have penetrated their chests, and they smell of burning. "

"How could it be so weird. "

Su Yu stared at the paper figure, and also shook his head and explained.

"I'm also a little puzzled as to why it's so weird. "

"I was busy with other things, so I forgot about it all of a sudden. "

"I don't think about it until now. "

"What is the specific situation, I'm going to look for a light snow now. "

"Compared to us two laymen, the paper-binding lineage must know better than us why such a strange thing happened. "

After all that is said.

Su Yu didn't hesitate for a moment.

Go straight out and walk towards Jiang Xue's shop next door.

Walk into Jiang Xue's shop.

Finding that she was wearing a brand new paper figure, Su Yu waited silently beside her for a few seconds.

After Jiang Xue stopped his movements, he slowly said loudly.

"Xiaoxue, you come to my shop. "

"Why the two paper figures we saw before are in such a strange situation, you haven't made it clear to me. "

After hearing Su Yu's words.

Jiang Xue also nodded, temporarily covered the paper figure with a red cloth, and came to Su Yu's shop.

Seeing Cheng Banxian also sitting aside, he stared at the paper figure in front of him with a puzzled expression.

Jiang Xue didn't play any more dumb riddles, and said bluntly.

"These two paper figures should have become like this after receiving retribution for others. "

However, judging from the piercing of the chest and the smell of burning, it should be that they did not fully bear the retribution, and the two sufferers probably also suffered subsequent karma. "

These words are like a morning bell in the ear.

In an instant, Cheng Banxian hit a spirit.

I once again recalled the scene in southern Xinjiang at that time, and the cave that was finally destroyed by thunder.

He took a deep breath and said something.

"So to speak. "

"There is a glimmer of hope in the midst of despair. "

"If you can keep your soul, even if you suffer pain and punishment in hell, it is better than being in the world and scattering your soul. "

Cheng Banxian said this.

All of a sudden, Jiang Xue didn't know what to say, and she didn't know what kind of dumb riddle Cheng Banxian was playing.

Just when I was taking this opportunity to inquire about the specific situation in southern Xinjiang.

An elderly man walked directly into the tattoo parlor and said in a deep voice.

"Master Su, Master Cheng, there is something I want to say. "

"On the fifth floor of the Yinyang Hotel, a guest has just arrived. "

"All the old decays implore the two masters to help..."

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