Yin Yang Hotel.

It is a place where the Yin family has been inherited for hundreds of years.

It is also famous in the entire Yin Xing.

I've said it before.

This is a restaurant that earns money from the living during the day and helps the dead complete their obsessions at night.

In the eyes of most people.

The Yinyang Hotel only has four floors, and you won't know that there is a fifth floor.

Su Yu was also after returning from Fengmen Village earlier.

When he went to the Yin-Yang Hotel to collect the magic weapon, the old man Yin informed him of the existence of the fifth floor of the Yin-Yang Hotel.

One of the main things about the Yinyang Hotel is.

For those unwilling souls and ghosts, complete their own obsessions.

This can be regarded as a great thing to accumulate yin virtue.

After all, nothing was forced.

Whether or not you want to take on the obsession of ghosts is also all voluntary.

It can be said that it is.

No pressure or burden was given.

But this is the case.

It only applies to the second, third, and fourth layers, the ghosts of these three layers.

Once a ghost comes to the Yinyang Hotel with an obsession.

And the obsession and resentment are extremely deep.

Identified as a fifth-level ghost.

Then it is necessary to complete the obsession in a very short time.

To this day, Su Yu still remembers the words of the old man Yin.

"It is rare for a ghost to be designated as the fifth layer appear, but if it does, it will inevitably help it complete its obsession. "

"Otherwise, the ghost spirit will directly incarnate into an evil ghost and cause great trouble. "

"The last time a fifth-layer ghost appeared was thirty years ago, when my Yin family gathered dozens of Yin Masters to complete their obsession together. "

"As for the dead and wounded..."

"There are three masters who have been directly killed, and the rest of them are all injured to varying degrees. "

The ghosts of the fifth layer appear.

It's a great disaster!!

Hearing the old man who rushed in, he directly talked about the fifth-layer ghosts.

Cheng Banxian's eyes suddenly became solemn, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Yin old man. "

"Are you sure it's a ghost who can be classified as a fifth-tier ghost?"

"If it is really a ghost with this kind of obsession, it can be regarded as a big deal for our entire Kyushu Yin Xing. "

The old man Yin took a deep breath, and his usual calmness was completely lost at this moment, and replied.

"I don't know how much of an impact this will have. "

"The Yin-Yang Hotel on the fifth floor has not had guests for nearly 20 years, and just this morning, the fifth floor, which was originally surrounded by a curtain, also revealed its true face. "

In other words. "

"This ghost is rated as a guest on the fifth level, and it's not something I can decide at all. "

"It is a matter of heaven. "

Cheng Banxian frowned and continued to ask.

"What is this ghost's appeal, have you asked?"

"If only you could know in advance what is obsessed with him in his heart. "

"We've been preparing early. "

When Cheng Banxian said this, he didn't mean to retreat.

As a person in the shadows.

Naturally, he understood.

The ghosts on the fifth floor of the Yinyang Hotel are extremely resentful.

If it is not properly disposed of.

It's not much different from a bomb that could explode at any moment.

Old man Yin shook his head helplessly and said slowly.

"There's no way to know. "

"I didn't dare to ask first. "

"After all, I don't know what kind of character and appeal this guest is. "

"If you don't have all the people called, you must not bother for half a minute. "

"If you accidentally annoy him, it will be more troublesome. "

"I'm here to tell you three of you, after all, it's on our street. "

"Except for the three of you, the others are either famous and famous, or they are good at three or two cat kung fu, so they come to pretend to be big-headed garlic. "

"The stakes are high. "

"I can't help but delay for half a minute, if there is no problem with the two of you, after everyone is gathered tonight, we will go to the fifth floor of the Yinyang Hotel. "

"That's right. "

"Master Lin, I'll trouble you two to let me know. "

"I'm going to contact the other Yin Masters now. "

After all that is said.

The old man arched his hand at Cheng Banxian and Su Yu, and walked out of the store in a hurry.

Cheng Banxian tapped the coffee table and asked slowly.

"Su Yu, what do you think?"

"I didn't expect that the fifth floor of the hotel, which I haven't seen for more than 20 years, was opened today, and this matter is probably not so simple. "

"That time more than twenty years ago. "

"In order to complete the same fifth-layer ghost obsession, various Yin Masters have either fallen or been injured, which is enough to show the level of their terrifying threat. "

"Now it's happening again. "

"I'm afraid it's not much different from the difficulty of helping the blind man Liu rob people from the sky. "

Su Yu heard Cheng Banxian's words with some sighs

He also shook his head a little helplessly, but his eyes were unusually firm and replied.

"The monks of the prosperous era collected money, and the Taoist priests of the troubled times went out of the mountain. "

"This is us. "

"What should be done..."

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