The horror of the fifth layer.

Everyone here knows it.

But he still came here without hesitation.

This is because.


It has to be done.

Someone has to do it too.

With great power comes great responsibility, and this saying is not empty talk.

There may be some people.

will have a disdainful attitude towards this sentence, and even feel a bit of moral kidnapping.


Countless things in history.

All illustrate this truth.

The more capable a person is, how can he watch the evil things in the world run rampant.

Everyone present.

They are basically people who have been famous for a long time in the yin line.

Usually it is basically idle clouds and wild cranes, and the dragon sees the head but does not see the tail.

It was eight o'clock in the evening.

The old man Yin stood on the high platform and spoke slowly.

"All the masters, they are all among the best people in our yin industry, and I am very grateful to the old man for coming to this small yin-yang hotel without any painstaking efforts. "

"Everyone here is probably quite familiar with each other. "

"So I won't introduce anything more to the old man, the most important thing is the guest who has been waiting on the fifth floor for a long time. "

"Another quarter of an hour. "

"I'll take you to the fifth layer, all kinds of things that should be avoided, you should be clear, and I won't go into details. "

"I only hope this once. "

"All of us will come back safe and sound..."

After saying that.

The old man closed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Cheng Banxian, who was sitting in the seat, turned his head to look at Su Yu and Jiang Xue, and said in a low voice.

"The thing that the old man said just now is evasive. "

"Although both of you should know about it, just in case there are any accidents, I will tell you again. "

"When I saw the bitter Lord. "

"Don't mention too much about his life when you go, because the bitter master of the fifth layer is extremely resentful and evil. "

"I talked too much about his life. "

"It will only cause unnecessary trouble. "

"And most importantly, it didn't help us in the slightest for our purpose this time. "

"Just remember one thing. "

"This time, we are going to listen to the obsession and appeal of the suffering master, not to ask and explain him. "

"Everything about it. "

"All of them take stabilizing the emotions of the bitter master and completing his obsession as the primary goal. "

Hearing Cheng Banxian's words.

Jiang Xue, who was already full of doubts, became even more confused and asked out loud.

"Uncle, why is that?"

"Shouldn't it be right for us to hear the demands of the sufferer and see if we can carry them out?"

Cheng Banxian tapped the coffee table and slowly introduced.

"Xiaoxue, you still don't understand. "

"I'll just tell you this, for the obsessions and requirements of ordinary people, we naturally need to get to the bottom of it to prove whether what we are doing is right. "

"But if you are facing, the bitter master who is on the fifth floor of the Yinyang Hotel. "

"Listen to your needs. "

"It's the best and most important thing. "

"That's why it's happening. "

"It's also because there has been a real tragedy in history. "

"Just a hundred years ago. "

"When the fifth floor of the Yinyang Hotel was opened for the first time, I had to deal with it like this because I didn't understand. "

A Yin Master asked him in every detail, and it could be this question. "

"Because it once again evoked the memory of the bitter master, the bitter master, who was already full of resentment, exploded directly in the Yin-Yang Hotel. "

"It was supposed to help with the obsession, but it turned out to be like that. "

"Good things turn bad..."

Speaking of which.

Cheng Banxian had already stopped talking.

Jiang Xue nodded thoughtfully and didn't say anything more.

In the midst of the underworld.

Be taboo.

There are many things that cannot be surpassed.

A quarter of an hour is extremely fast.

The old man slowly opened his eyes and glanced around at everyone present.

"Although I understand that you are all people who have experienced strong winds and waves, you have all come here, and you will not regret turning back. "

"But according to the rules, I still have to ask you again. "

"But someone has a different mind?"

"When you haven't entered the Yin-Yang Hotel on the fifth floor, you can exit without causing trouble. "

"If you wait, you will listen to the prayers and obsessions of the bitter master. "

"Cause and effect arise. "

"You can't just leave as if nothing happened. "

The old man Yin said this.

After waiting for dozens of seconds, he continued to speak.

"Since there is no intention of backing down. "

"Then please. "

"Wait with me for a while, and I'll open the fifth floor of the Yinyang Hotel. "

As the voice fell.

The old man picked up a startling wood from his side and gently patted it on the desk.

With the crisp voice of the startling wood, it sounded.

The red curtain that had been covering the top of the hotel slowly fell.

The hidden fifth-floor Yin-Yang Hotel is revealed...

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