As the red cloth fell.

The fifth floor of this Yin-Yang Hotel is also slowly revealing its true face.

It's different from what Su Yu imagined.

The fifth floor of the Yinyang Hotel is extremely simple.

It's so simple that they all have only one room.

The second, third, and fourth floors represent rooms with different obsessions, and at least several rooms are available for backup.

to the fifth floor.

But it was directly reduced to only one room.

This situation.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Yu also understood why.

After all, compared to the ghosts of other layers.

Spirits of the fifth layer.

Resentment and anger are extremely heavy, and if there are other rooms on the side, it is inevitable that they will affect each other.

If that's why.

Causes the ghost to erupt out of control.

Whether it is for the Yinyang Hotel or the ghosts themselves, it is a disaster.

So there is only one room on the fifth floor.

This possibility is directly cut off.

And most importantly, here's why.

The obsessions in the hearts of the fifth-layer ghosts are all extremely terrifying that are difficult to complete.

Even if so many Yin Masters have been summoned.

There is also a high probability that they will return home.

After all, that incident more than twenty years ago.

is the best proof of this.

Even if the obsession is completed, the casualties will be extremely heavy.

So for a while.

Being able to complete a fifth-layer ghost obsession is already the greatest blessing.

When I saw the Yinyang Hotel on the fifth floor.

Even if Su Yu didn't use the Yin Yang Heavenly Eye, he felt the terrifying yin aura that rushed out of it.

It was as if it was on the verge of spiraling out of control.

Any little bit of stimulation.

can lead to a direct outburst and incomparably terrifying consequences.

The old man looked up at the hut on the fifth floor and spoke slowly.

"I've already helped you invite the Yin Masters to do so. "

"All what obsessions. "

"Just say it. "

"All of us here will do our best to help you out. "

Old man Yin's words were neither humble nor arrogant.

While explaining the situation to everyone, he also wanted to relax the ghosts in the room.

Don't let the momentary emotion lead to everything falling short.

As the old man's voice fell.

For a full thirty seconds, not a single sound came out, and everyone waited silently, without saying a word.

After all, no one wants to repeat it.

The big accident that occurred in the first Yinyang Hotel.

Three minutes passed.

The ghost that had been hiding in the room finally spoke slowly at this time.

"I've kept you waiting. "

"This time, my obsession is to ask the masters to help me find my girlfriend. "

"To live to see a man, to die to see a corpse. "

"I can't bear to disappear like this, and I feel like I can't put it into words. "

"After all. "

"I didn't expect it to be the last time I saw her. "

"I had a guess in my mind. "

"I'm even more suspicious of some people, but I haven't been able to find out yet. "

"I just became what I am now. "

"It's like. "

"There's a huge hand behind my back that's controlling it all, holding me back. "

"I hate, I hate!!"

"How could this happen if I went with her. "

Hear here.

Su Yu had roughly understood the obsession and appeal of this ghost.

Find your disappeared girlfriend.

Live to see people.

Death is to see the corpse.

It's actually not that difficult to find someone, and all the Yin Masters present are estimated to be able to do it.

After all, he is mixed in the shadows.

If you can't even use magic to find people, let alone other more advanced Dao techniques.

But precisely because it doesn't look that hard.

Instead, it caused Su Yu's doubts from the bottom of his heart.

The fifth floor of the Yin Yang Hotel.

The obsession in the heart can be rated as the fifth layer.

This is not something that the old man of Yin or even other Yin masters can decide.


Even the spirits themselves.

I can't know what I think about in my heart, and I will shoot the first layer.

It is chosen by heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are yellow, nine roads and three clears.

There is providence in everything.


Judging from the current situation.

There must be something else going on in this matter.

Maybe it's really as the ghost said, there has always been a pair of hands that have been secretly controlling and monitoring him.

The ghost's voice continued.

"No matter what. "

"Even if I die and become a ghost, I can't let this matter be unknown. "

"It's like abandoned garbage, no one will look at it, and occasionally you have to cover your nose and pass by. "

"For me. "

"All I needed was an answer. "

"Is it death?"

"Dead or alive?"

"Is it better to live than to die?"

"Answer, I want answer. "

The ghost's voice seemed to be fading away, slowly dissipating...

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