“Why, Chief Rem actually has such an intimate performance.”

Karuni covered her mouth, quite shocked.

It is clear that Chief Reim, who was still very majestic just now, how did he become like this now.

Since the boy came, Chief Reim’s has become not terrifying at all.

Moreover, Chief Rem seems to be still deliberately currying favor with the teenager?

God, what exactly is the relationship between them?

What is the identity of that teenager?

Is it a trainer?

The sight in front of her made too many questions pop up in Karuni’s head at once.

She desperately wanted to know what the teenager’s identity was.

Shanaido was also surprised, and walked over to pull on the sleeves of Karuni.

It also didn’t know what had happened and why Dragon King Chief Rem suddenly changed his face.

The powerful sense of oppression it had received from Chief Reim before as an inspiration had now disappeared without a trace.

All this seems to be the credit of that teenager.

“Miss Karuni, this…”

A staff member of the crew came over.

In the light, Karuni saw that his face was covered in sweat.

The majesty of Chief Rem just now frightened him.

Everyone thought they were going to die here.

Now that the teenager suddenly appears, Chief Rem has changed his face, which makes people feel a little unreal.

The crew felt that Miss Karuni, as a king-level elf trainer, must know something.

As a result, Karuni waved her hand.

“I don’t know what the identity of this teenager is.”

Karuni shrugged, saying she had no idea.

However, she guessed that this teenager must be a trainer, and the level is not low.

Perhaps, Chief Rem has already been tamed by him.

“You say, this teenager is a trainer?”

“Yes, that’s my guess, but there’s no more reasonable idea.”

Karuni nodded.

Which crew member was stunned at once.

If it’s a trainer, doesn’t that mean it’s even more powerful than Miss Karuni?

Miss Karuni is already a king-level trainer.

But in the face of a divine beast like Chief Reim, there is still no way to do it.

Only Shanaido can be sent to constantly delay time.

Once Chief Rem has the intention to kill, these people will surely die.

And the trainer who can tame Chief Reim, its level, should be…

The staff stared closely at Karuni’s face.

“That’s right.”

Karuni said word by word.

“This boy must be a divine beast trainer!”

Divine Beast Trainer!

After hearing Miss Karuni’s words, the surrounding crew were shocked.

“It’s actually a Divine Beast Trainer!”

“This island is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, I really can’t imagine that there is a divine beast trainer hidden.”

“Even an elf of the level of Chief Rem can be tamed, and the Divine Beast Trainer really deserves his name.”

The people in the crew did not die, and they were saved by Qin Mu, and their good feelings for Qin Mu increased greatly.

After determining that Chief Rem is Qin Mu’s elf and will not cause harm to them.

The chatterbox opens.

For Chief Reim, he naturally did not have the same fear as just now.

However, it is still far away from Chief Reim, admiring the majesty of Chief Reim.

They are not trainers, but they aspire to be trainers.

For trainers who can tame divine beasts, it is quite admirable.

And often imagine how great it would be if they could one day have a powerful elf.

But just thinking about it, to be a strong trainer, you need talent.

There are too few people like Karuni to become king-level trainers at a young age.

Karuni was more interested in Qin Mu.

While everyone else was observing Chief Reim, Karuni kept looking at Qin Mu.

She was surprised by Qin Mu’s youth.

It was amazing that he could become a Divine Beast Trainer at such a young age.

This kind of talent made Karuni out of reach.

She is a trainer herself, and she certainly knows how much it takes to become one.

Not only does it take talent, but it also requires more sweat and effort than ordinary people to succeed.

A young man like Qin Mu can tame Chief Reim, not only is he talented, but he must have put in a lot of sweat behind it.

Thinking of this, Karuni also had a lot of good feelings for Qin Mu.

“Hello, my name is Karuni, I am a trainer, can you tell me your name?”

Karuni observed the interaction between Chief Rem and Qin Mu for a while, and stepped forward to greet Qin Mu.

“My name is Qin Mu.”

Qin Mu stretched out his hand to shake hands with Karuni.

“You must be a Divine Beast Trainer, right?”

Karuni looked up at the majestic Chief Rem and said with great admiration.

“Divine beast? Where are the mythical beasts? ”


Karuni thought that Qin Mu was joking, and snorted strangely.

“This one, O Chief Reim! Isn’t it a mythical beast? ”

“Do you all call it Chief Reim? Isn’t it a chameleon? ”

Karuni gasped in surprise, and did not come to her senses for a long time.

She thought she had misheard.

What did Qin Mu just say?


He actually called Chief Reim, one of the three dragons, a chameleon?

How dare he!

“It’s not a chameleon, it’s a divine beast!”

Karuni emphasized again.

Qin Mu waved his hand, he didn’t believe that Chief Rem was a divine beast.

Any divine beast can eat roast lamb so fragrantly.

“What kind of divine beasts, these are just small animals.”

Karuni completely fainted.

“Little, animal?”

“Yes, in my eyes, they are small animals.”

Qin Mu stroked Chief Rem again.

Karuni glanced at Chief Rem worriedly, she didn’t know what Chief Rem would think when she heard Qin Mu call it a small animal.

But Chief Rem didn’t seem to care, and instead leaned towards Qin Mu’s side.

The people in the crew were also stunned after hearing what Qin Mu said.

This young man named Qin Mu actually called Chief Rem a small animal?

And still don’t know that it is a divine beast?

That’s too far-fetched, isn’t it?

Someone found the point in Qin Mu’s words again.

Wait, he just said they’re small animals in my eyes.

They’re very sophisticated.

Could it be that in addition to Chief Reim, there are other elves belonging to Qin Mu on this island?

Moreover, being able to tame the trainer of Chief Reim, the other elves must not be too bad.

Maybe it’s a divine beast similar to Chief Reim!

Almost everyone present thought of this.

They all gasped.

If this is really the case, then Qin Mu’s identity is really terrifying.

Qin Mu didn’t notice that the eyes of the others looking at him changed.

He touched his stomach, and the barbecue was not full in the evening.

I’m really a little hungry now.

Qin Mu said with a smile to Karuni and the crew.

“Guys, I’m the guardian of this island, are you hungry? How about we have a bonfire party in the evening? ”

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