Faced with Qin Mu’s invitation, Karuni and the crew had no reason to refuse.

Qin Mu said that Chief Rem was just a small animal.

Of course, they would not believe it all, they would only regard this as Qin Mu’s modesty.

After all, in the eyes of the strong, Chief Rem may really be just a small animal to him.

But for other trainers, it is the level of divine beasts.

But I don’t know why, Karuni always had a feeling.

That is, Qin Mu really thought that Chief Rem was a cute little animal.

It didn’t treat it as a divine beast at all.

He also did not feel that Qin Mu was out of modesty.

From the end of Qin Mu’s sudden appearance on the beach to not heeding Karuni’s warning.

Then pat Chief Rem and reprimand it, all this happened too naturally.

“Maybe the strong are so invisible.”

Karuni thought about it and shook her head.

Qin Mu is now a hidden powerhouse in Karuni’s eyes.


Qin Mu launched the invitation again.

“Go, that’s bothering you.”

Karuni smiled slightly.

It’s not because I’m hungry, but I want to know more about Qin Mu.

She cared more about Qin Mu’s other elves.

I want to see what level Qin Mu’s other elves are.

If it is also of the level of Chief Reim, it will be terrifying.

The crew left the camera, lighting props, etc. in place.

Anyway, Qin Mu said that on this island, he was the only one, and no one would come to steal it.

Qin Mu and Chief Rem walked in front to lead the way.

Karuni and the crew followed.

Along the way, the eyes of those staff members kept wandering over Sheik Reim’s body.

They still couldn’t forget the terrifying look when Chief Rem suddenly appeared.

Chief Rem at that time and Chief Rem who is now walking obediently in front are like two elves.

Being able to train a hot-tempered divine beast to obey it like this.

The group admired Qin Mu even more.

The place where the crew landed on the island was not far from Qin Mu’s cabin.

After only ten minutes of walking, I arrived.

In these ten minutes, Qin Mu and the staff and Karuni said a lot.

Qin Mu told them a lot about Tianlong Island.

What was the topography of the island like, how he developed it, and what it is now.

Basically, Qin Mu had all questions and answers about Karuni.

And the attitude is quite good and very enthusiastic.

Qin Mu has been on the island for a long time, and he is with Elf Dream all day long.

Although accompanied by elves, it will not be lonely.

But the elves couldn’t speak after all, and every time Qin Mu spoke to them, he could only get an incomprehensible elven language as a response.

Today was the day that Qin Mu had spoken to other humans the most in so long.

So it was extra enthusiastic.

However, Karuni did not know about Qin Mu’s situation.

Qin Mu’s enthusiasm for her, Karuni understood that Qin Mu had no shelves at all.

According to Karuni’s experience, a divine beast trainer like Qin Mu who can tame divine beasts.

Such strong people have a sense of pride.

Even if it is Karuni, in front of such a strong person, although she is not a weak person, she must be three points lower.

Karuni also kept tense and spoke to Qin Mu in a respectful tone.

I was afraid that saying the wrong thing would make Qin Mu unhappy.

But Qin Mu made Karuni feel.

He did not see himself as a strong man.

On the contrary, the conversation between them is like between ordinary friends.

And not full of the pride of that strong man.

This made Karuni’s favorability for Qin Mu increase a little more.

The crew was originally worried that Qin Mu would be difficult to get along with.

As a result, in these ten minutes away, Qin Mu said so many things to them.

There is no shelf that belongs to the strong at all.

This made them very emotional.

And when they arrived at Qin Mu’s residence, they were even more surprised.

I originally thought that the residence of a strong man like Qin Mu must be very luxurious.

At least it has to be a building, right?

When Qin Mu pointed to the log cabin and Karuni and introduced them, Karuni and they were all stunned.

This is where the Divine Beast Trainer lives? A chalet?

It’s hard to believe.

Karuni glared and walked around the cabin.

It was found that although this was a log cabin, it was cleaned up by Qin Mu in an orderly manner.

There should be no less.

In fact, it is quite comfortable to live.

At this time, Karuni discovered a huge fish pond.

She was taken aback, because she found that there were actually five tyrannosaurs swimming in the fish pond!

“This, this, this…”

Karuni pointed to the fish pond in surprise.

“Oh, it’s a big mouth. They love to swim, so I built a fish pond for them, and they can have fun swimming every day. ”

“Big mouth?”

Karuni tilted her head, and then understood that Qin Mu called his tyrannosaurus Big Mouth.

When the tyrannosaurs saw Qin Mu returning, they all stood up from the fish pond and greeted Qin Mu shakily.

They looked extremely excited because Qin Mu had returned.

“What a strange person who calls the Tyrannosaurus Big Mouth.”

Karuni looked at the sausage-like mouths of the tyrannosaurs and couldn’t help but smile.

Not far away, there was another exclamation.

Some crew members have discovered new elves.

It was next to the generator that Qin Mu made himself.

The elf resembled an upright walking cat.

It has blue flesh pads on its hands, and there are some lightning-like blue or black patterns all over its body.

And blue is mainly on the upper body.

At this time, the elf was contentedly drawing electricity next to the generator.

“Isn’t this Terra Ora?”

Karuni was stunned.

This is a rather rare electric attribute elf.

Although it is electric, Terra Ola does not have an organ that can generate electricity on its own.

If it wants to discharge attacks, it needs to draw power from elsewhere.

Just now, he should be absorbing Qin Mu’s electric energy.

Terra Ola didn’t like humans very much, and seeing so many people suddenly coming, she suddenly became very alert.

Swooped into the forest.


The sky streaked with three long chirps.

Karuni looked up and actually saw the three holy birds.

The three figures of yellow, blue, and red swooped past.

Then he swooped down next to Qin Mu.

Crackling put the firewood in his mouth at Qin Mu’s feet.

Then looked at Karuni and the others with vigilant eyes.

Karuni and the crew were shocked to witness the scene.

Actually used the three holy birds to collect firewood for himself?

And now, in less than five minutes, I have seen so many elves!

Karuni’s eyes widened, and she was shocked and couldn’t say a word.

Qin Mu was puzzled by their attitude.

“What’s wrong with you guys? I’m not saying, I know a lot of small animals. ”

“Since the bonfire party is held, there are more friends coming in the evening.”

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