Chapter 0059 – Chief Reim, Defeated?!!

Dense ice picks rushed towards Ipertal with a cold air.

These ice picks from divine beasts are obviously much faster than human weapon missiles.

And in terms of density, it is also better.

If Ipertar had hid hard, it would obviously be impossible to be unharmed.

What’s more, just now the wings were frozen by the freeze-drying of Chief Reim, which slowed down.

These ice picks are most likely impossible to dodge.

The audience in the live broadcast room was excited.

“Great, just fight like that! Don’t give the opposite side a chance to breathe! ”

“Chief Reim, take advantage of the advantage and teach Ipertal a hard lesson!”

The audience in the live broadcast room was simply enthusiastic watching the battle of the divine beast at this moment.

It felt as if he was standing on the scene and became a divine beast trainer.

And Chief Rem is his own elf who can command it and fight the evil Ipertar.

Seeing that he could not dodge the ice pick of Chief Reim, Ipertar made an amazing move.

I saw it in the air, crossing two huge wings together, forming a protective layer.

Its feathers seemed to be extremely hard, and those ice picks hit its feathers, without exception, all of them shattered.

This surprised Chief Reim, did its ice pick attack have no effect on Ipertar?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

“How is this possible? Took a trick abruptly? ”

“Are this bird’s feathers so hard? Impossible! ”

“Chief Rem hurry up, take advantage of it before it reacts, continue to put skills!”

“Rush, it’s up to you Unitim!”

In the distance, Gurador who was protecting Qin Mu was about to move, and it couldn’t wait to join the battle.

The grumpy Gurado really didn’t want to see his partner at a disadvantage, and he thought if he joined the fight now.

That Ipertar definitely can’t be the opponent of the two divine beasts.

The form of the battle will be reversed in an instant.

It has this certainty! It only takes a few minutes for Ipertal to be defeated.

Just when Gurado was about to join the battlefield, Chief Reim actually took the time to give Gurado a warning.

Warn Gurado not to join his own fight.

This battle is to be solved personally.

If Gurado dares to join the battle without permission, then even if Chief Reim wins this time, he will fight with Gurado afterwards.

Gurado was stunned, and after all, there was no end.

Qin Mu smiled knowingly.

He understood that now Chief Rem had been aroused to fight. Take Ipertar seriously as his opponent.

The duel between the divine beasts has always been upright.

Gurado joins the battle at this time, which will make Chief Rem victorious.

Seeing that the ice pick attack was ineffective, Chief Rem flashed to Ipertar’s side with a swoosh, and when he got closer to Ipertar, he could use the Mysterious Sword

This is a physical attack.

Attack by slashing opponents with its long horns, which will deal physical damage with magical powers.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this trick and started the discussion again.

“At such a close distance, you must not be able to hide!?”

“It is difficult to escape this time, Chief Rem directly attacks at close range, it is impossible to hide!”

“Play well, this time will definitely give Ipertar a heavy blow!”

Who knows, this close attack of Chief Reim, the mysterious sword, is actually empty again.

Seeing that its long horns were about to attack Ipertar, the Ipertar in front of him suddenly turned into a phantom.

And its body suddenly passed behind Chief Reim.

Chief Rem was shocked, but it was too late.

Ipertar slammed a hard blow behind Chief Reim.

Knocked Chief Rem to the ground and lost his balance.

Chief Rem threw himself towards the ice, and at the moment when he was about to fall, he stretched out his wings again, which stabilized his posture.

Still, I glided a long way on the ice.

It can be seen that this blow caused damage to Chief Reim.

In a state of completely defenseless back, he was hit by Ipertar, and a little blood flowed from his back.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked, they didn’t understand why Chief Reim’s skill seemed to hit Ipertar, and why it could still be avoided.

“How can this still be avoided? It doesn’t make sense! ”

“I obviously saw that I hit ah, why didn’t it hurt?”

“At that moment just now, Ipertar seemed to turn into a phantom, which was really weird.”

“Moreover, why did Ipertal suddenly appear behind Chief Reim? It’s also too weird. ”

Just when everyone was puzzled, the elf researchers who had popularized science before saw the reason.

This is also a skill of Ipertar! The name is Shadow Doppelganger!

Simply put, Ipertal creates doppelgangers by moving quickly and disrupts opponents, thereby increasing the dodge rate.

If you slow down the live video at this time, you can see that Ipertal moves quickly at the same time when the ice pick flies towards him, in addition to closing his wings for defense.

Made a doppelganger in place.

At that time, Chief Rem rushed forward and saw that it was the doppelganger of Ipertar.

And the body of Ipertar was already behind Chief Rem at that time.

It was such a trick that fooled Chief Reim.

“It turned out to be a skill, I said why is it so strange.”

“This skill is a little perverted, so don’t you know which one is the real body and which one is the doppelganger.”

“No wonder when the military intercepted it before, it was clear that the artillery that could be hit, but it was hard to hit, it seems that it is also the reason for this skill.”

When people intercepted Ipertar before, thousands of shells were fired, but not a single shot was hit.

It turned out that what they were attacking was an elf full of dodging points.

Even the skills of the Divine Beast Chief Rem may be empty, and there is nothing strange about the ordinary thermal weapons of humans being empty.

“Chief Rem seems to be a little struggling, shouldn’t he be defeated?”

“I’m so worried, you see Chief Reim’s back is injured.”

The audience’s eyes were drawn to Chief Reim’s bleeding back.

The hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly tugged, and they couldn’t wait to go to the scene now to treat Chief Reim.

Chief Rem made up his mind and decided not to attack recklessly.

Ipertal, this enemy, deserves to be treated with his own heart.

It is not solved by brute force.

At this moment, Ipertar activated the shadow doppelganger.

Fifteen Ipertals appeared in the crimson sky.

They are constantly spinning around the chief Rem standing on the ice.

An attempt was made to make it difficult for Chief Rem to distinguish which one was the real body.

Holding back pain, Chief Rem let out a roar, and then used a stronger skill.

Frozen World!

This skill will blow frozen cold air towards the opponent to attack, which can reduce the opponent’s speed!

As long as you can reduce the speed of Ipertar.

Then the skill of the shadow avatar will be self-defeating.

In the reduced state of Ipertar, Chief Rem can easily see which one is the real body.

At that time, just gather fire on the real body.

After the skill was issued, the temperature plummeted.

The sea water in a square circle instantly froze three feet, and even the atoms seemed to freeze briefly.

This kind of large-scale attack, Ipertar can’t hide at all! Of the fifteen doppelgangers, only one was suddenly left.

That’s it!

Chief Reim’s eyes lit up and rushed up…

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