Chapter 0060 – Flame White Chief Reim!!

Under the influence of the frozen world, Ipertar’s speed finally slowed down.

At this moment, Chief Rem can see clearly that it is really there. Chief Rem rushed towards the true body of Ipertar in the air.

The audience in the live broadcast room is also applauding.

“It’s so handsome, you should have just started to seal the world with ice!”

“This move is too strong, too physically demanding, if it weren’t for the discovery that Ipertar’s speed was too fast, Chief Rem probably wouldn’t want to use it, right?”

“The frozen world is really strong and handsome, even the surrounding sea water is frozen, and the whole aura is different.”

“I could even feel ice crystals floating in the air, it was shocking.”

The audience was shocked, but no one noticed that there was something wrong with Chief Reim’s state.

Use this powerful skill while injured.

It will make the injuries on the body worse.

Only Qin Mu, who was closest to Chief Reim, noticed that something was wrong with Chief Reim

Liliai also noticed that the wound on Chief Reim’s back was torn, and Chief Reim’s expression was also very painful.

It’s holding up!

Lili Ai pulled Qin Mu’s hand.

“Qin Mu, look at Chief Reim, it seems to be in pain now.”

Qin Mu frowned, of course he didn’t want to see Chief Rem 017 injured Qin Mu looked up at Gaioka.

Gaioka is also closely watching the battle.

But Gaioka didn’t seem to be up to help.

“Alas, these elves can really calm down, seeing that their partners have the upper hand, don’t they have any ideas?”

Qin Mu wanted to let Gaioka go up to help, at least give a skill, let Chief Rem breathe.

Qin Mu patted Gaioka’s body.

“Xiaolan, you see that the chameleon seems to be in pain, you go up and help it?”

Gaioka originally didn’t want to move, but Qin Mu let him help, so there is no way, naturally he has to listen to Qin Mu.

Gaioka intends to fly in the direction of Chief Rem to help.

But he was stopped by Rift Empty with a serious face.


Qin Mu was puzzled, he didn’t understand why Split Sky Sitting would do this.

You can’t watch Chief Rem get beaten there, can you?

Rift Void Sat does not agree to help, Gaioka is also fine, among the three divine beasts, Rift Sky Sit is the strongest.

At this time, Liliai suddenly understood why the rift sat stopped Gaioka.

“I know, the rift is sitting here, I want Chief Rem to stimulate his potential!”

Qin Mu looked at Liliai, expecting her to continue.

Qin Mu knew that Liliai had read a lot of books about elves and was an expert in this area.

And Qin Mu has lived on the isolated Tianlong Island for a long time, and he knows nothing about the elves.

At this time, if you encounter something you don’t understand, you need Liliai to interpret it.

“I once read about Chief Rem in the book, saying that it is one of the three dragons of the way.”

The other two elves were Lehiram and Czechoslovakia. Legend has it that Lehiram and Czechorom were once one, assisting the brotherly heroes to establish the United Regions. ”

“But because of the disagreement of the beliefs of the two heroes, the dragon also divided into double dragons.”

“Double Dragon was disappointed that the two heroes caused a war, so he destroyed the United Place and turned into a light stone or dark stone into a deep sleep.”

“Chief Rem is little known, and there are legends that it was a product of the split of the Double Dragons.”

Qin Mu was stunned when he listened, it turned out that he had always thought that it was the life of the chameleon’s chieftain Reim, but he was so powerful?

“So, what is the ability of a chameleon?”

“Hehe, Qin Mu, you should have seen it, right?”

Liliai mischievously sold a pass.

Qin Mu thought about it and finally remembered.

Why would he call Chief Rem a chameleon.

Isn’t it because the chief rem can change the state, and the color is different? He remembered seeing Chief Rem turn black before.

“Could it be that the change of color is the strengthening of strength?”

“Yes, Chief Rem can fuse the power of the other two legendary elves and become Dark Chief Rem and Flame White Chief Reim.”

It seems that Liliai knows a lot about Chief Reim.

Liliai secretly glanced at the Rift Empty Seat, thinking that the Rift Empty Sitting should think that if Chief Rem can change the state, there should be no problem for Ipertar, right?

Therefore, he did not let Gaioka help, and let Chief Rem defeat the other party by himself. Rift sat down and looked down at Liliai, obviously, Liliai was right. Qin Mu’s gaze returned to the battlefield of Chief Rem and Ipertar again. Chief Reim’s attempt to attack again, because of poor condition, failed again.

But again, Ipertar was finally no longer unharmed, and he was also wounded in the battle with Chief Reim.

However, the injuries received were obviously much lighter than those of Chief Reim.

At this time, if Ipertar launched another fierce attack, Chief Rem would not last long.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to be a little worried.

At this moment, even from the screen in the live broadcast room, you can see that something is wrong.

If the fight continues, Chief Rem may be seriously injured.

Just when everyone thought that the other divine beasts on Tianlong Island were going to come to help, Chief Reim’s body suddenly emitted a white light.

The ice crystals on its back are gradually turning into white trails.

And in the tail, a turbine spark appeared.

The heat began to appear on the battlefield.

The sea surface, which was originally frozen solid by the Frozen World skill, has actually begun to melt again.

Chief Rem flew into the air again, allowing the ice beneath his feet to turn into a puddle of water.

The sea water is flowing normally because of the increase in temperature.

Some of the audience in the live broadcast room recognized it.

They knew what was going on and were particularly excited.

Sheikh Rem has entered a new state!

“It’s actually Flame White Chief Reim!”

“Some of them have fought now, entering the state of Flame White Chief Reim, and the improvement in strength is not a little bit!”

“The fighting is really getting better.”

The appearance of the chief Rem who entered the flame white state was generally not much different from that of the chief Rem in the original state.

The distinguishing sign is that in the flame white state, there are many white tails on the head, hands and tail.

Then the tail has an extra sign in the flame white state, turbo spark!

Although the attributes are still dragon and ice attributes, the flame white chief Rem who can use some flame skills at this moment has a particularly high feeling because he faces a powerful opponent Ipertar.

So much so that it entered the overload state, and I saw that the body of the flame white chief Rem was shining.

Not only the reporters at the scene, Qin Mu and Liliai, but even the audience in the live broadcast room felt that it was radiant and very dazzling.

Ipertar, who was watching the transformation form of Chief Rem in the air, was also calmed by the radiant Flame White Chief Rem.

It wanted to see if the strength of the Chief Reim, who had changed form, had also been improved.

When Chief Rem became Flame White Chief Reim, a few skills changed and their attack power was enhanced.

But of course, the more energy is consumed.

For example, the frozen world skill in the state of ordinary Chief Reim, after becoming Flame White Chief Reim, it is automatically converted into an extremely cold flame!

At this moment, the Flame White Chief Rem floated in the air and released an extremely cold flame towards Ifertar above.

The outer part is orange, and the inside is a cold flame of white flash, divided into seven or eight paths, and rushes across the sky towards Ipertar.

Such a skill, Ipertar did not dodge.

Directly hit!

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