I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 105: Hokage's Speech

Remember [New] in a second! "Do you think Hokage-sama's speech this time is for the wolf cubs of Yun Nin?"

"It's almost the same! Sigh! It's really aggrieved to think that Mingming Yun Ren made a mistake and asked for death first, but still clamored for us Konoha to compensate and apologize!"

"Who made this a critical period for peace talks? They clamored for war when they disagreed."

"Hey, it didn't mean that Yunin was the one who took the initiative to negotiate peace. Why do you feel that we are begging the other party to reconcile now?"

"No way, who made our Konoha family have a big business, and the barbarians like Yun Ren are so poor. Those who are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, they naturally want to make a fortune."

"Hmph! If you want me to say that you shouldn't have peace talks with these plateau barbarians, it would be best to just beat them to the ground."

"Still fighting? Konoha has been fighting with the Four Great Ninja Villages for so many years, how many people have died, and if you continue to fight, you will almost lose your foundation."

"Joke! Konoha has sacrificed so many people. Could it be that there are no dead people in other ninja villages? I heard that the three generations of Raikage in cloud ninja all died on the battlefield. Their losses over the years are not small, so why can't they be tough? Go on. These wolf cubs will not dare to show their teeth until they are subdued!"

"Extremely true! If you want me to say it, I will do a big job, so that I can live up to the title of No. 1 in the Konoha Ninja world. It is too aggrieved to be peeing on the neck of Yun Nin like now."

"Yeah yeah......"

In front of the Hokage Building, with the passage of time, more and more Konoha villagers gathered here, and before Yunting appeared, they all came to express their opinions.

Thanks to the previous topic about Yunin's arrogance and domineering spread in the village, if everyone in Konoha had a good impression of the Yunin mission that came with the peace talks at the beginning, now they all hate what they did. for.

The lion opened its mouth wide, making them victorious.

As the leader of the dignified negotiating mission, Yun Nin did not forget to steal Hinata's people on his own territory like a robber. Such an act was really unheard of in the ages.

And this should have been a ridiculous thing, but everyone in Konoha obviously underestimated the shamelessness of Yun Ren.

Not only did he beat back and say that his leader was killed in Konoha for no reason, but he also tried in vain to make the Hinata patriarch pay for his life, and even took the corpse back.

With such a disgusting face, it really makes people want to rush forward and slap the opponent hard.

Because of this, the people of Konoha are now filled with righteous indignation. Although there are many pacifists who do not want to fight anymore, with the help of the cloud ninja mission, many people have turned to the fighting faction, hoping that Konoha will Can teach Yun Nin a harsh lesson.

Everyone has a temper.

Cloud Ninja offended Konoha again and again, making Konoha, who grew up in Konoha since he was a child, and even the most self-proclaimed Konoha in the ninja world, feel empathetic and think that he has been seriously insulted.

If Yun Ting, who is Hokage, does not act, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not face the political situation after the previous three generations signed a peace treaty with Iwanin.

As the mastermind behind all this, Yun Ting never made such a mistake.

Otherwise, he would not spread the various performances of Yunin in the peace talks to the outside world, but would cover up the peace talks like the three generations of the original book, and even commit suicide every day to explain the matter of Yunin. Ten years later, everyone in Konoha still hadn't heard of it.

As time went by, as almost all the Konoha people gathered around the Hokage Building, the noise continued to rise.

Finally, under everyone's gaze, Yun Ting, wearing a Hokage hat and a Hokage Imperial Robe, stood on the roof of the Hokage Building and appeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, the hustle and bustle ceased to exist, as if the world had changed, and Muye Village seemed extremely quiet at this moment.

This is the embodiment of Hokage's prestige in the hearts of Konoha villagers.

It is not only caused by Yun Ting alone, but also the accumulated influence of the first, second and third generations of Hokage over the past decades, which made the word "Hokage" deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in Konoha.

At this time, standing on the rooftop for the second time, Yun Ting, who was watched by everyone in Konoha, felt completely different from the first time.

At that time, he was a newcomer, and he, who was extremely unfamiliar, was more just uneasy.

But now, without the shackles of the three generations, as the only focus of everyone, Yun Ting only feels proud.

Here is Konoha Village, where the number one force in the ninja world is located.

And he, as Hokage, holds the strongest power in the ninja world.

But it is not enough, far from enough.

Power should never be just an emotionless tool.

Power is power, more power!

What he has to do is to completely change the deformed political system of the ninja world.

Ninjas should not be tools, let alone hired people who get paid to do things.

They should also be one of the masters of this land, and it is right to protect everyone with the power they have learned.

Yunting has to use his own hands to create his own blueprint in the ninja world, so that this trip is not in vain.

No matter what the future outcome will be, having him lead is much better than those ineffective, corrupt and incompetent aristocratic daimyos who have been passed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, with this as the goal, all prerequisites and obstacles will be destroyed.

This is true for the Twelve Guardians of Ninja, Minister Zuo and others, and even more so for Yun Nin on the horse.

"The villagers of Konoha..."

At this moment, facing the eyes of thousands of people in Konoha who respect, admire, look forward to, doubt, etc., Yun Ting finally opened his mouth and said,

"This time I convene you, everyone should be very clear about what I want to talk about. It is the matter of the peace talks between Yun Nin."

As soon as this remark came out, the crowded Muye Village couldn't help making noise anymore, obviously they also wanted to know Yun Ting's attitude towards this.

Yun Ting did not disappoint everyone, and he said directly: "Just an hour ago, I have informed Yun Nin that the peace talks will be suspended!"

In an instant, the shock of everyone in Konoha broke through the sky.

The news brought by Yunting really shocked them.

They thought that the Konoha executives headed by Yunting would value peace as before, but they didn't expect the fact to be completely opposite to what they expected.

In addition to being extremely surprised, there was an inexplicable feeling in my heart that it should be so carefree.

Seeing it, Yun Ting increased his voice and continued:

"The Land of Fire has always been a big peace-loving country, and Konoha is even more so. For the arrival of the Yunin peace talks mission, we originally reported with the greatest sincerity to let the peace that both parties expected come. But who knows that we are full of enthusiasm, That's not the case for Yun Nin's side."

"First, he made all kinds of unreasonable demands, and then the leader of the dignified cloud ninja mission even made a kidnapping act under Konoha's nose. After Hyuga patriarch killed him in reasonable self-defense, cloud ninja did not feel ashamed and did not say anything , even threatened the war to make the innocuous Hyuga patriarch commit suicide and demanded that his body be brought back to Yunyin Village. What he did in the final analysis was to spy on the secrets of the Konoha Hyuga clan. The peace talks were based on such More than coercion, Yun Ren really has no sincerity at all."

"Konoha is peace-loving, but this kind of peace should not be begged on knees, and it should not be represented by sacrificing Konoha's innocent people."

"Today, if I agree to Yun Nin's request and let the patriarch of the Hyuga clan cut himself off to complete the peace talks. Then in the future, if such things happen again, if you are asked to sacrifice for no reason, are you willing?"

"I don't want to!"

In an instant, everyone present in Konoha said in unison excitedly.

If even the patriarch of the powerful ninja clan can sacrifice like this, then they who are far inferior to the former can just give up if they give up.

This is something that all Konoha people don't want to see.

"I don't want to either." Yun Ting continued, "Sacrificing innocent people to fulfill the so-called overall situation is a very hypocritical behavior in my opinion! What's more, our Konoha is the most ninja village in the ninja world. Not to mention the final victory in the first and second ninja world wars, but also in the most recent battles, he defeated Sand Ninja, Iwa Ninja and Mist Ninja one after another, forcing the other party to withdraw their minions and lick their wounds. "

"As we who have defeated all the enemies along the way, why do we have to bow our heads to Yun Nin who is weaker than us at the last moment? Do we have to kneel and beg for the so-called peace? In this way, Konoha No. 1 Ninja Where is the reputation!"

"The weaker cloud ninjas dare to fight, so why don't we dare!"

"As long as I, Qianshou Yunting, will be Hokage for a day, then the way of sacrificing my own people in exchange for peace will never appear!"

"Since they want war, then we will give them war!"

"Peace is never obtained by kneeling, but by fighting!"

"From now on, in the name of my fourth Hokage Senshou Yunting, I declare to Yunin that the war will continue!"

"I'm going to go to the front line in person right now, and use my fists to bring back a real peace for everyone in Konoha."

"This is my attitude towards Yunnin as the Fourth Hokage. Then Konoha, what is your attitude?"

Yun Ting's voice fell, and after a few seconds of silence that seemed to be before the eruption of the volcano, almost everyone present shouted excitedly:

"War! War! War..."

The villagers of Konoha have been aggrieved for too long in the past~www.readwn.com~Only at this moment, in Yunting's announcement, can they truly feel the pride of being the number one nation in the ninja world, especially in the The former experienced the lofty ambition of despising all enemies under his leadership, just like the first generation of Hokage.

Konoha has never been a sleeping lion, it's just that he was too good-tempered in the past, which gave the villains outside the courage to keep invading.

However, at this moment, under the leadership of Yun Ting, who has changed to a new leader, this lion will truly show its majestic, powerful, and even violent side.

In the struggle between countries, the so-called harmony and the so-called compromise can only be exchanged for more daring offenses by the enemy.

Only by beating him deeply can he truly realize who is the real boss.

Yunting is well aware of this, and Konoha under his leadership will also implement this.

At this moment, feeling the excitement and crowd of thousands of Konoha villagers, Yun Ting smiled brightly.

The general trend, as well.

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