I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 106: Konoha Old School

Remember [New] in a second! While the excited cheers echoed over Konoha, a quiet corner of the village seemed out of place.

If someone observes closely, they will find that the identities of the three standing here are all extremely high in Konoha.

One is the retired third-generation Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and the other two are Konoha Advisory Chief Mitomon Yan and Tenzu Koharu.

At this moment, listening to Yun Ting's war propaganda in front of everyone, the expressions of the two consultant elders were very ugly.

This is not only because what Yun Ting did was completely contrary to their original plan, but also because the former did not discuss with them about such an important matter, and was annoyed.

"Do you still have us in the eyes of the fourth generation? Breaking off the peace talks and going to war with Yun Nin is such an important matter. He didn't even discuss it and decided it arbitrarily. It is related to the future of Konoha, how dare he be so hasty? And now! Is it a good time to go to war? When Konoha is in need of rest and vitality, it is obvious that peace can be obtained with only a small price, but the youthful spirit of the fourth generation has ruined all of this, and now Konoha is going to be dragged into the vortex of war , is too young, too ignorant!"

When Mitomon Yan said this, he was very angry.

Not only was the peace he was looking forward to being destroyed by Yunting, but also the other party's words such as "kneeling for peace will not last long", "sacrificing innocent people is hypocrisy" and so on are all satirizing him before. .

You must know that the reason why I put down my old face to go to the Hyuga Clan is also for the sake of Konoha.

In the end, Yun Ting stepped in backwards.

It's all right now, not to mention that I became that hypocrite, and the relationship with Hinata and even the many ninjas who heard what he did has dropped to a freezing point, and I have completely become a different person inside and outside.

On the side, Turning to Sleep Xiaochun, who also had a bad face, also said:

"Everything in this world can never be obeyed. Sometimes compromise and retreat are the best choices after comprehensive consideration. It's okay for the fourth generation to be young and energetic, but he should never, ever put his will Added to the whole Konoha. What is the loudness of the slogan at this time? I don’t know how many people will regret it when the amazing war sacrifices and consumption come back in the future. With Konoha’s background, it really shouldn’t be launched. What a war! Once it goes on for a long time, only the interests of the Fire Nation and the Thunder Nation will be harmed, while the other three major nations will benefit.”

"Don't start your division out of anger. Sun Zhan, at this time, do you still want to stand by and watch?"

Mitomon Yan and Koharu looked at Hiruzaru Sarutobi expectantly.

Rarely, Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not refute the words of the two of them, but looked at the energetic Yuntei on the roof of the Hokage Building, while smoking a pipe, lost in thought.

As for what Yun Ting did after he came to power, although he has retired, he still knows a thing or two with the source of the news.

Overall he is very satisfied.

In addition to letting go of Uchiha's restrictions and encroaching on the interests of Fire Nation, he was a little worried.

But fortunately, these are still within the controllable range, and there is nothing wrong with it, so Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't think about it any more.

It's just that Yunting's sudden declaration of war today made him frown.

Like Konoha's two advisers, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also a representative of Konoha's appeasement faction.

Although he spent most of his time in power in war, but he may have witnessed too many life and death, he does not like the word "war" from the bottom of his heart.

Just like when he heard that two old friends went to the Hyuga Clan to persecute him, even though he didn't like this way, if it came true, he would choose to accept it.

For the sake of the overall situation, even if he didn't want to, Hiruzaru Sarutobi could only choose to do it.

To some extent, his philosophy on Konoha is very similar to that of the two advisor elders.

On the contrary, Danzo is a firm representative of the Konoha Fighting School.

If the other party was here, he would definitely abandon his old friend immediately and choose to stand by Yunting's side.

It's just that this one has been put under house arrest by Yunting at home, and he can't make trouble anymore.

Having said that, Sarutobi Hiruzen really disagrees with Yunting's practice of abandoning the peace talks and expanding the war.

Especially after reading "The Will of New Fire" written by Yun Ting, although he agrees with some views, combined with what Yun Ting is doing now, it faintly makes him a little worried.

He suddenly had a bad feeling that Yunting would drag Konoha into an unpredictable abyss in the future.

Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head, and temporarily put this inexplicable and ignorant thought behind him.

At this time, facing the constant inquiries from two old friends, he finally said: "The matter has come to this point, and war is inevitable. Even if you want to persuade Yun Ting, it is too late. All you and I can do is here In this battle, Konoha will not be held back, and he will try his best to cooperate with all the requirements of Yunting, and let him go all out to fight Yunnin. Right now, Konoha can no longer tolerate internal turmoil."

Even though Hiruzaru Sarutobi has a thousand words, but now is not the time for him to take power, and it is impossible to stop the decision made by the fourth generation Senju Yuntei.

All he can do, as he said just now, is for the sake of the overall situation, and try his best to cooperate with everything in the future, so as to minimize Konoha's loss.

But having said that, Sarutobi Hiruzen inevitably felt a little bit of dissatisfaction in his heart.

This kind of dissatisfaction is like the house he built for decades, but after that he can only watch the new owner wantonly change everything, which makes him very uncomfortable.

On the side, hearing Sarutobi Hiruzane say this, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu could only sigh helplessly.

And it is true.

No matter how big their opinions on Yun Ting are now.

The arrows have now been sent from the string.

Also as a member of Konoha, all they can do is hold their noses and follow along.

However, wait until the war is over.

They will never let Yunting go easily.

Especially when Ri Zhan finally loosened his attitude and was likely to stand on their side.

Thinking of this, Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu looked at each other, then nodded emphatically.


After the speech was over, and returning to Hokage's office, Yun Ting asked the female secretary, "Three generations, and two elder advisors, what was your attitude just now?"

Ritsuko Yamanaka took out the information she had just collected and immediately reported it.

If the three of Sarutobi Hiruzen were here at this moment, they would be very surprised that the conversation between them was repeated in detail.

The reason for this is naturally because the three of them are surrounded by Yun Ting's secret son.

More than four years of Hokage's ruling time is enough for Yunting to spread his power all over the corners of Konoha.

Especially for the counselor elders, and even Hiruzaru Sarutobi's great reputation and deep-rooted old people in the village, he paid great attention to them.

I'm afraid the former can't imagine it at all, their every move over the years has already been recorded, and there is no secret at all for Yun Ting.

An unprecedented reform has not only external pressure, but also internal conservative pressure.

Knowing this, Yunting will naturally take precautions.

"Blame after the fact?" Yun Ting sneered when he heard Mitomon Yan and the others blamed him after the war was over, and said meaningfully, "Perhaps at that time, they will want to blame me again. Because of this."

There was no further talk on this topic, and after realizing that the people inside would not hold back, Yun Ting focused on the upcoming battle.

The selection of ninja personnel, the composition of the team, the preparation of the logistics, the selection of the marching route, and even the communication with the officials of the Fire Nation all require him to make the final decisions one by one.

Because of this, Yun Ting can't directly lead people to the battlefield to fight a big battle with a slap on the head.

As the commander of the first army, he still has a lot of preparations to do before the war.

This is also the reason why he delayed going to the battlefield.

Soon, the Hokage office became extremely lively, and one after another Konoha ninjas hurriedly entered or exited the office.

After one order after another was issued in the name of Fourth Hokage Senju Yuntei, Konoha, the huge war machine, turned again.

This time around, it is definitely not a small fight like before, but a real army trip.

At the same time, the entire ninja world was also in panic because of Konoha's move.

Undoubtedly the one who got the news the fastest was Yun Nin.

Originally, the Fourth Raikage was still wondering why the opponent suddenly stepped up their offensive on the frontier battlefield with Konoha, and even the figure of Namikaze Minato appeared, causing them to suffer heavy losses.

Just when the female secretary next to her speculated that Konoha's visit was to pressurize the peace talks, A Muyi and his group finally rushed back after running wildly all the way.

Soon, after hearing their narration, all the high-level executives of Yunin changed their faces, and the fourth generation of Raikage was even more furious and smashed the desk with a punch, full of iron and blood said:

"Good! Good! Good! Since Konoha wants to fight, UU Read Book www.uukanshu.com, then we, Yunin, will send him to fight! If we can't get it on the negotiating table, we will get it ourselves!"

Regarding this, Mabui, Tudai and the others could only sigh deeply.

The ending they least expected to see happened. They never expected that the fourth generation of Hokage would be so stubborn, which was beyond their expectations.

The current situation can only be fought.

The other three major countries also learned the news one by one in the following time, and they all gloated and hoped that Konoha and Yunnin would fight as fiercely as possible.

As for benefiting from it, they can only think about it.

After all, Iwa Ninja and Sand Ninja suffered heavy losses in the three wars, and they haven't recovered yet.

Although Wu Ninja, who joined the war at the end, suffered relatively small losses, he had just experienced the bloodbath of the bloodbath of the Kinkai family, and his strength was at his weakest, and he was unable to do anything else.

The three parties were powerless, and could only stand aside regretfully, holding a bench and eating melon seeds, quietly watching the sudden battle between Konoha and Yun Ren.

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