I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 118: let's...let's make peace

Tangyin Village, which had just calmed down, was in turmoil again, which made the villagers very worried for the first time.

However, after seeing that the two parties in the conflict were Konoha ninjas and cultists, their suspenseful hearts were relieved, and they even boldly watched the battle from the outside with great interest, and they were almost knocked down with melon seeds.

In their eyes, the former is a newcomer, and the latter is a crazy, feared cult person, neither of them is a good bird.

A conflict between the two sides is really a happy thing to see.

"Kill! For the glory of the true God!"

"True God will punish you heretics!"

"Haha! The great true **** has given us the power of immortality!"


The believers of the cult of evil spirits resisted frantically.

To deal with these people who are not even ninjas, Konoha Ninja should have been very easy.

However, the surprise was that the two sides were at a stalemate, and even as time went by, the latter actually fell behind.

What caused all this was not the large number of ordinary cultists who had grown up, but the real cult members who were mixed with them and held flying sickles.

"How is it possible? Are there really immortals in this world?"

A Konoha ninja watched helplessly as the kunai in his hand penetrated deeply into the heart of the cultist in front of him.

It stands to reason that the other party should have been killed, but the person in front of him still laughed ferociously and said:

"What? Are you surprised? This is the undead power bestowed upon us by the great true God! Heretics, kneel down and convert to my religion now, and the envoy of God will spare your lives."

Having said that, the Cthulhu cultist, who seemed to be innocent at all, still waved the long-handled scythe in his hand full of bloodthirsty, and swiped at the Konoha ninja in front of him.

The latter jumped back and easily dodged the blow.

The attacks of the Cultists are very rough, and they are definitely no match for the Konoha Ninja in a one-on-one fight.

But the former relied on the large number of people and completely disregarded themselves to exchange injuries for injuries, which made the Konoha ninjas who performed this task with only four people very embarrassed.

Finally, the captain of the Konoha Ninja Team decided to call for help.


Distress fireworks from Konoha bloomed in the sky.

Zhishui's face changed when he saw this scene for the first time.

Next to him, the Konoha ninja who also noticed this scene couldn't believe it: "How is it possible? It's just some ordinary people who believe in a cult, and a Konoha team can't take it down? Could it be that Tang Ninja joined it? Master Shui..."

The words stopped at this point, because the Master Zhishui he was talking about disappeared in an instant.

"So fast!" the Konoha ninja exclaimed, and then felt relieved.

"Master Shisui has gone, and I think the matter will be resolved soon. After all, this is the person who defeated even such a terrifying guy as Jinchuriki!"


"Haha! Die!" A cultist waved a flying scythe, and was about to hit a Konoha ninja who couldn't dodge.


A figure appeared between the two without any warning, and the blade flashed, and the arm of the cultist holding the sickle was cut off in an instant. With another stab, the tip of the knife has penetrated into the latter's heart.

It was Uchiha Shisui who came.

It was only five breaths away from the signal for help, and he arrived, which shows the speed.

"Master Shisui, be careful..." The Konoha ninja behind him was overjoyed at seeing Shisui's arrival, and then reminded him anxiously.

It's just that before he could finish his sentence, the cultist who had just been shot in the heart and lowered his head deliberately took advantage of Zhishui's distraction, and immediately opened his fangs.

However, his actions seemed quick, but in Zhishui's eyes, they were extremely slow.

Although he was very surprised that the person in front of him was still alive after being hit in the heart, Zhishui still kicked him away calmly.

"It hurts!"

With only one arm left, and a deep hole in the heart, the Cult of the Evil God quickly crawled up vigorously.

At the same time, the Konoha ninja behind Shisui quickly explained: "Master Shishui, some members of this group of evil gods have immortal bodies, even if they hit a vital part, they will still be fine."

"Immortal body?" Zhishui frowned slightly.

"Haha! It is the body of immortality! This is the ability given to us by the great and incomparable true god! Konoha ninjas, do you want to obtain this powerful power? Convert to my true **** religion! As long as you believe in devoutly, the great true **** It will also give you immortality!" The cultist in front of him laughed arrogantly, and at the same time, he did not forget to recruit followers for his true god.

Zhishui shook his head calmly at this: "Immortal body? There has never been a real immortality in this world. The stronger the power, the more you pay. Your so-called immortality is just that the flaw has not been discovered for the time being."

Just like the powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan, the more you use it, the closer your vision will be to blindness.

Zhishui doesn't believe that the so-called immortal body of the group in front of him is perfect.

There is also the "true god" in their mouths, which I have never heard of before. If it is true that what the person in front of me said is endowed with undead power, then the Tang Dynasty controlled by Konoha seems to be severely mopping up. Fan, such an organization must not be allowed to continue to grow.

But now, let's take down this group of people in one fell swoop and torture them for information.

Shisui didn't waste any more time, and opened Sharingan directly.

"You..." The cultist in front of him closed his eyes and collapsed before he could say anything.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of "plop" and "plop" continued to sound.

In an instant, under Zhishui's illusion, a group of cultists who were still extremely arrogant before fell to the ground without any resistance.

The entire battlefield was suddenly quiet.

"So strong!"

The Konoha ninjas present all looked at this scene in surprise.

As people from the same village, they are naturally very aware of the power of Sharingan illusion.

But it's so strong, it's really never heard of it.

It is indeed the first genius of Uchiha.

"Choose out those members of the Cult of the Immortal, and hand them over to the accompanying torture ninjas to collect information." Shishui, who closed the Sharingan again, ordered.

As for the so-called first Uchiha genius, now he is more willing to put it on his brother Itachi.

But in terms of illusion, he can still be called number one with confidence.

Naturally, it was easy to deal with this group of people from the cult of evil gods with strange abilities but serious biases.

Seeing the many Konoha ninjas who had already arrived and brought back all the unconscious cult members, Shisui's eyes were full of anticipation.

Let me see what the so-called "immortal body" and the so-called "true god" are all about.


Just when Zhishui started to deal with the cult of evil gods, and when Yunting led the army Chen Bing to border the country of Lei, the preoccupied Toyo also returned to Yunyin Village under Konoha's release.

"Toshiro, you are finally back! I thought you had an accident! You came back just in time! Now that the Konoha invasion is imminent, I need you, who have rich experience, to help me. Although Konoha's gang won Once, but this is the country of Thunder, our cloud ninja territory, in order to protect their homeland, all cloud ninjas will never back down! Next, we must let them go and never return!"

When the fourth generation of Raikage Ai saw the return of his right-hand assistant, he didn't worry about anything else at all. First, he patted Doshiro's shoulder vigorously with his broad palm, and then took him directly to the On the sand table map of the Kingdom of Thunder that has just been built, he told him a series of policies for Yun Nin with unabated fighting spirit.

Toshiro seems to be listening to Fourth Raikage's policy seriously, but in fact, most of his attention is on him.

It can be seen that the appearance of the fourth generation of Raikage looks the same as before, still so tough, iron-blooded, giving people the same sense of security as before.

But as a person who has watched each other grow up all the way, how can Tuyo not know that Ai's heart is full of pain and self-blame under his seemingly tough appearance.

The destruction of the Ten Thousand Cloud Ninja Army, the abandonment of the Land of Tang and the Land of Frost, made Konoha burn the war to the Land of Thunder for the first time.

Such things that have never happened to Yunyin Village in the past, as the leader of Yunin and the most responsible person, how could the fourth generation of Raikage Ai not be affected.

The reason why he didn't show any weakness was just to calm down the panic at the moment.

If he, as the fourth Raikage, can't continue to show a tough stance, then how can the cloud ninjas below have the ability to gather courage to deal with the current unfavorable situation that has a greater impact than the death of the third Raikage? ~www.readwn.com~ The strength of the Fourth Hokage Senju Yunting is beyond imagination, which is the main reason for Yunin's failure in the previous war. Now that we have learned such a big lesson, we cannot repeat it in the future. Now, the Fourth Hokage is regarded as Senju Hashirama, and in the subsequent wars, Kumo Shinobi must absolutely avoid a frontal battle with Konoha. Even if Yunyin Village was abandoned, it would be too late. "

"After Konoha invaded the country of thunder, all the cloud ninjas were broken into pieces, and they played the characteristics of ninjas. On this battlefield that we are very familiar with, they kept raiding the people of Konoha from the side and from behind. This is the country of thunder , is our cloud ninja's territory, Konoha's lonely army goes deep, and we will consume each other to death! If you can't do it in one year, it will be two years, and if you can't do it in two years, it will be three years! We want to tell Konoha, as a hard-core cloud ninja, he will never yield!"

The Fourth Raikage Ai announced loudly, full of iron and blood.

"Never give in!"

"Even if the last cloud ninja is killed in battle, I will never admit defeat!"

"Dry Konoha!"

All the cloud ninjas present were as if they had been slapped with chicken blood, their faces were full of determination as if they were dead.

The Fourth Raikage who saw it in his eyes nodded heavily, then looked at Toshiro again, and asked seriously to this important minister whom he respected very much: "Tuyo, what do you think of this plan? If there is anything inappropriate The place directly speaks out, so we can correct it in time."

"I think..." Toshiro looked around and was no longer as energetic as before, replaced by a group of cloud ninjas who were desperately resisting at the end of the road, his eyes were closed first, and then slowly opened after a long time, Said what he was least willing to say, but had to say,

"Let's... let's talk about peace."


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