I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 119: 1 everything, for Yunnin!

"Let's... let's talk about peace."

The moment Todai's words fell, the entire conference room was eerily quiet.

Everyone at the scene, including the Fourth Raikage Ai, stared at Toshiro with a look of complete disbelief.

Who is Tudai?

Three generations and four generations of Raikage's most trusted ministers are only under one person in terms of power.

In particular, the Raikages focus on their own cultivation in the same line, and are impatient in dealing with political affairs. It can be said that many matters, large and small, in Yunyin Village are resolved by Tudai. It is conceivable that he has a high reputation among Yunin.

However, just such a second-in-command of Yunyin Village actually mentioned a topic that everyone was unwilling to mention, or was simply ashamed to mention.

Peace talks?

To put it nicely, isn't that surrender!

How can the cloud ninjas who are used to being tough accept this.

This is not the peace treaty that was signed in the past without paying anything, and even getting some good benefits.

Now that the Konoha army is approaching, as long as the opponent is not stupid, then if they really want to quell the war, they will undoubtedly face the opponent's lion.

You have to know when Yunyin Village bowed to the enemy in such a humiliating manner since the establishment of Yunyin Village.

Even during the first ninja world war that year, the second generation of Raikage advocated signing an equal peace treaty with the second generation of Hokage, wasn't it also sent to Xiake by the very dissatisfied martial arts among the cloud ninjas.

If you really want peace talks now, it means that you have to pay more to Konoha than when the second Raikage was in the past. If the cloud ninjas below learned of this situation, one can imagine what a strong uproar there would be.

Therefore, no matter whether the current high-level Yunin executives are unwilling or afraid, no one has taken the initiative to propose peace talks.

But now Tudai is the first to open this mouth.

So, without any thought, after a brief silence, before the Fourth Raikage Ai had anything to say, violent reprimands from the other cloud ninjas quickly hit Toshiro.

"Peace talks at this juncture? Doesn't it mean surrender? Toshiro, are you trying to mess with our cloud ninja fighting spirit?"

"Kunin has never bowed his knees and surrendered! It is even more impossible in our hands!"

"Tachiyo, are you afraid of being beaten by Konoha? You actually said such a sentence that is completely inconsistent with the past."

"Hmph! I didn't know that I thought you, Toshiro, were transformed by someone else!"

"I heard that you, Toshiro, were captured by Konoha before. Now it seems that you were released by Konoha as a lobbyist to make us surrender in order to save your life?"

"Yunnin has always just stood up and died! Keep going, we must be the ones who win!"

"Todai, you really let us down!"


In an instant, Tuyo was overwhelmed by overwhelming accusations.

Disappointment, perplexity, surprise, anger, etc., kept focusing on him.

Doshiro endured all this expressionlessly, without any words or actions in the middle.

After a long time, the Fourth Raikage Ai raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

Then in the silence, he looked at the important arm of the teacher and friend in front of him with complicated eyes, and asked for the first time:

"Tashiro, why did you say that?"

Toshiro finally made a move at this time.

I saw him slowly raise his head, even in the face of everyone's abuse, he still said unwaveringly like a rock: "Master Raikage, everything I said is for the good of Yun Nin!"

"Joke! The so-called peace talks are for the good of Yunin? You are trying to break the backbone of our Yunin!"

"I think Toshiro, you are the undercover agent sent by Konoha!"

"If you really want to be good for Yun Nin, you just..."


Hearing what Toshiro said, all the high-level Yunnin present couldn't help ridiculing. But before he could say a few words, he was interrupted by Ai's angry roar.

A huge chakra comparable to a tailed beast erupted in the conference room with incomparable rage.

The Fourth Raikage Ai glanced at the crowd coldly with a pair of tiger eyes. Seeing that the room was quiet again, he looked at Toshiro again, like the tranquility before the volcanic eruption, and said to the other party without a trace of ups and downs in his tone: "Go on , as Raikage Nobuomi, you are entitled to express your opinion."

The fourth Raikage's statement, as Doshiro who has watched the other party grow up, naturally knows that if he can't say what he said next, then he will definitely have no good fruit in the future, even if he has a deep friendship with the former .

But he doesn't regret what he said just now, because the current cloud ninja really can't afford it.

Doyo looked around deeply at the Fourth Raikage and the surrounding Yunnin executives, and said: "Master Raikage, and everyone, do you know how many Yunnin prisoners are in Konoha's hands now? Four thousand! And Two-tailed Jinchuriki and Eight-tailed Jinchuriki, the two most important tail beast weapons of Yunin, have now fallen into the hands of Konoha! If the war with Konoha continues, what will happen to these people who are extremely important to the village? Encounter? When can I come back? Can I come back? Have you ever thought about it?"


Incomparable silence.

This is a topic that none of the Fourth Raikage and Yun Nin executives present are willing to talk about.

With such a large number of hostages in the hands of Konoha, it is impossible to say that they are not worried, and even everything they do next has to be slapped with a mouse.

"Does Konoha dare to take the risk of killing the prisoners? As long as we defeat Konoha in the next battle, these people will not be able to come back in the end." Finally, a cloud ninja executive whispered unwillingly.

"Victory? How to win?" This time, before the change of Doshiro, he confronted each other, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I was really scared by Konoha. Today's Fourth Hokage is Senju Bashima. He alone killed two or three thousand cloud ninjas. With such a terrifying existence, how can today's cloud ninja defeat it? What's more, there are Tsunade, Namikaze Minato, Kyuubi Jinchuriki, and Uchiha Shisui who have such combat power at all Not weaker than the existence of the shadow. In my opinion, the current Konoha is much stronger than the previous decades. So, tell me, how to defeat such Konoha?"

"Even... even if we can't fight head-on, but as we decided before, we break up the whole into pieces and keep fighting with Konoha on a small scale. On the home court, the energy consumption will always make them lose." A cloud The high-ranking Ninja retorted, but he didn't realize that there was a trace of guilt in his words.

"It's worth it? Do you really think so?" Toshiro looked at the crowd with disappointment, shook his head and said, "Behind Konoha is the country of fire, which ranks first in national strength, to support them. If they really want to spend it, Then how long will it take for us to lose the base camp of Yunyin Village and have no income."

"Even if Konoha is really exhausted and withdrawn, we will only be left with a big mess. The economy of the Land of Thunder that was harassed by the war has caused heavy damage, Yunyin Village has been destroyed wantonly, and Yunin has suffered heavy losses. Arrived At that time, whether the Kingdom of Thunder can still retain the title of the Five Great Nations, and whether Yunyin Village can still be called the Five Great Ninja Village is a problem. Even after Konoha is gone, there will be new enemies who will see Yun Nin's weakness and take advantage of the fire. Not necessarily. For example, Iwanin, their Togakure Onoki likes to do this kind of thing very much!"

Having said that, no one else has come forward to refute.

Even after listening to Toshiro's speech, all the people, including Fourth Raikage, turned extremely ugly.

They didn't expect that the plan that they and others had been thinking about would be so unbearable in Toshiro's mouth.

But if this plan is really carried out, then the consequences that Tudai said may really come true.

So what to do next?

Is it true that he asked Konoha for peace as Doyo said?

This is definitely an unacceptable reality for cloud ninjas who are mostly fighters.

The atmosphere was very oppressive at this moment.

Seeing it, Doyo sighed deeply. If possible, he would not want Yun Ren to lower his proud head.

But now the situation is forcing, for the future of Yunyin Village, he must stand up and wake up everyone.

This is also the reason why Yun Ting let him go back to talk, but he didn't refuse.

The gap is too big!

All he can do now is to stop the loss for Yun Ren in time.

Even if this would be called a traitor by Yiqian Yunnin, he would grit his teeth and continue doing it.

As long as all these things are completed, there will be no problem for him to resign and step down afterwards, or even commit suicide to apologize~www.readwn.com~ Everything is for Yun Ren!

A look of firmness flashed in Doshiro's eyes, and he continued to say to everyone: "I have to admit that we, Yunin, have been defeated in this fight with Konoha. What we have to do now is not to consume Yunin for the so-called dignity. There is not much background, but to stop the loss in time! The sooner the captured four thousand ninjas and two Jinchuriki are brought back, the sooner Yunnin can recover. If you continue to fight against Konoha, the biggest loss will only be We. Therefore, no matter how much you pay, let’s make peace with Konoha!”

"To tell you the truth, I was indeed captured by Konoha before. The reason why I came back was indeed ordered by Konoha, because the Fourth Hokage Senju Yuntei also intended to negotiate peace. Although the conditions they proposed for the peace talks were very harsh, I believe that Compared with the incomparable weakness of Yun Ren in the future, all this is worth it."

"Besides, since I initiated the peace talks, I will bear all the infamy in the village at that time."

"Everyone, don't hesitate any longer. For Yun Ninja right now, only this path is the best choice."

After speaking, Toshiro bowed deeply to everyone present.

Then, under the silent and complicated gaze of a group of people, he stood up again and took out a document from his pocket, which contained all the peace talks that Yun Ting proposed to Yun Nin.

Doshiro handed it to Fourth Raikage Ai with both hands.

The latter has not moved, and Toshiro has also remained in the current position.

a long time.

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai's always strong face showed a trace of exhaustion.

He took a deep look at Toyo, and finally raised his arm slowly.

As if holding a jack, he struggled bit by bit towards the document.


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