I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 120: final decision

Three days later, on the border where the Kingdom of Frost and the Kingdom of Thunder meet, the Konoha army stationed here is in the master account.

Yun Ting, who had just received the latest information on the cult from Tangyin Village, was flipping through the scroll.

Although he had received a message from Zhishui before, it was too superficial.

For this reason, he also specially sent a ninja from the mountain clan with better intelligence and torture back to Tangyin Village.

He is also very interested in the immortal body and the evil **** who only hears his name but does not see his body.

"Immortal body? I didn't expect it to appear so soon. I thought only Fei Duan could do it." Yun Ting looked at the scroll and said to himself, "However, compared to Fei Duan, these cultists are just Incomplete version."

Three days was enough time for Konoha to have a good understanding of the Immortal Body and the Cult of the Evil God.

After many experiments, the experimenters found that the so-called immortality was a bit exaggerated.

Although one hit to the vitals would not kill the cultist, but the latter still had a limit to bear. If the injuries on the body accumulate more, they will eventually die.

In addition, the so-called "immortal body" is not without the gate of life. As long as it is beheaded, the person of the cult of evil spirits will be killed directly.

"It seems that today's Cult of the Evil God has not fully developed the body of immortality, and there is no shadow of such things as curse and death. It seems that Fei Duan will be able to possess these abilities in the future because of the experiment of forbidden techniques of the Cult of the Evil God."

It's a pity that Yun Ting looked through the list of all the people arrested by the evil **** sect on the scroll, but he didn't find Fei Duan either.

"In addition, the so-called evil gods, don't even the people of the evil gods know their true face? It is really mysterious enough. Also, the more pious the belief, the more power of the evil gods you will get. It is not a kind of It is completely different from Chakra's power system."

Yun Ting knew that before the chakra system was developed, there were many demons and ghosts and unique power systems in this world. The most typical example is Xianju.

The latter existed long before chakra was developed.

As for the former, even the Immortal of the Six Paths had solved many problems while walking on the earth after sealing his mother.

Perhaps, that evil **** is a monster like sprites and zero tails that was born very early and has survived until now.

Or simply like a **** of death, a powerful existence in a different dimension.

No matter what it is, since the other party has never really appeared in the original work, Yun Ting can just ignore him.

But even though they ignore the evil gods, they cannot ignore the evil gods.

In particular, the latter's teachings advocated that believers should kill more to please the gods, which was enough for Yunting to mark it with a big cross.

Now that Tang Country is already Konoha's territory, he will not tolerate the power of the Cult of the Evil God growing here, disturbing the unrest of all walks of life.

So get rid of it as soon as possible.

Previously, Zhishui had arrested a lot of high-level leaders of the cult in Tangyin Village. After a lot of torture, he had found out about their organizations, personnel, and hiding places. Now it's time to catch them all.

One thing does not work and two masters, let Zhishui do it.

Anyway, with Konoha's overwhelming advantage over Yunin now, it doesn't matter if there is one less opponent.

Thinking like this, Yun Ting quickly wrote the order on a blank scroll, and then handed it over to Ritsuko Yamanaka who was waiting on the side to send it out.

Not long after, Tsunade, who walked past Ritsuko Yamanaka, walked into the main account with a bored expression, complaining in his tone, "Yunting, how long do we have to wait here? Then Helping the cloud ninjas to agree to a peace talk is a struggle, and I don’t know if they are sincere? It’s really impossible to fight again.”

Yun Ting shook his head when he heard the words and said: "Too much stimulation of Yun Nin at this time may be counterproductive. You must know that the fighting faction among Yun Nin is not small, even if Yun Nin's senior management wants peace talks to appease the opposition in the village It will also take some time."

"In addition, the surrounding areas of the Fire Ninja have not been peaceful during this period. Rock ninja, mist ninja, and sand ninja are much more active on the border than usual. Obviously stimulated by Konoha's victory over cloud ninja, they want to give us Pressure is on."

"The old guys in power naturally understand the principle of cold lips and teeth." Tsunade twitched the corner of his mouth, and said without surprise, "But now they can only do so much. If we really want to start a big war, with these The faction's current bad finances and unrecovered combat power can't last long at all, not to mention that the news of Yunin's fiasco has spread throughout the ninja world. With you in Yunting, they don't have the guts to dare to do anything. Unless we really plan to Destroy Cloud Ninja, otherwise it will be nothing more than frightening."

"Having said that, if it is not necessary, I still don't want to waste too much time on Yun Ninja. After all, the latter has stood in the ninja world for decades, and the centipede is dead but not stiff. As far as Konoha is concerned, it is better Just accept it. You know, there are still many things waiting to be done in the country." When he said the last, Yun Ting's eyes were full of deep meaning.

Tsunade didn't notice it, and still said enthusiastically: "If this is the case, you still have to put some pressure on Yun Ren. Why don't you give me some manpower, not too many, and let me take it to the territory of the Kingdom of Thunder, and remind you by the way How about they recognize the reality?"

Tsunade was obviously itchy, so he made such a suggestion.

But it's not impossible, after all, it's not a large force entering.

After Yun Ting thought about it for a while, just as he was about to nod his head in agreement, Ritsuko Yamanaka, who had just left not long ago, suddenly came back quickly with a piece of new information.

Yunting took it and opened it for a look, with a smile on his face, and then said to Tsunade:

"Sorry, Tsunade, it seems that your proposal cannot be realized."

"Kunin, I'm officially suing for peace!"


For Toshiro, persuading Yunin to seek peace was much more difficult than he imagined.

Even though he rationally informed Yun Nin's senior management of all the situation, he ignored the firm attitude of the stubborn.

For three whole days, the meeting room continued to be filled with extremely fierce quarrels.

Among them, the one with the most frequency and the loudest voice is himself.

However, even so, although he persuaded some people to join his camp through his efforts, there are still more people than them who always oppose it regardless of reality.

There is no way, the fighting faction is too deep-rooted in Yun Nin.

Otherwise, there would not have been the incident where Jinjiao Yinjiao led a group of elite ninjas to attack and kill the second generation of Raikage and the second generation of Hokage.

Don't they know that the cloud ninja at that time had no ability to fight anymore?

They know it well, but they still do it like this, and there are even many people who support it.

We must know that the second generation of Raikage and the second generation of Hokage should not be underestimated in terms of strength or the power around them.

But it happened that Golden Horn and Silver Horn finally succeeded, not only because of their own strength, but also because of the huge force of the fighting faction behind them.

Otherwise, where did those elite jnin who followed their brothers come from?

Although Yun Nin's strength has suffered a heavy loss after the previous battle with Konoha, there are still many remaining fighting faction forces.

Even Tudai can hardly overwhelm these people.

In the end, it can only be decided by the fourth generation of Raikage Ai.

During these three days, Ai has not spoken again after receiving the document that wrote the terms of Yunting's peace talks. He either listened to the debate between the two groups of people around him, or watched the various shocking conditions proposed by Yunting.

Until Toshiro finally spoke to him: "Master Raikage, it's getting late, and Konoha won't have the patience to wait any longer. You must make the final decision."

Ai Wenyan, the fourth generation of Raikage, finally took action.

He shook the document in his hand, looked at Toshiro, and said with an unexpectedly calm expression: "Tuyo, do you know how much loss Yunin will have once we sign this treaty?"

Toshiro replied seriously: "No matter how big the loss is, it is worth it. As long as we are still here, there will be a day when we will return to the top. But if we don't compromise now, then even if Yunnin is still there, we will quit Ninja forever in the future." The big stage of the world. The five major countries will also become the four major countries. Is that what Yun Ren, who is unwilling to compromise, hopes to see? In addition, the conditions are raised, and it is not impossible to bargain. When the time comes, it can be reduced by a little bit. Therefore, Lei Lord Ying, please think carefully about it!"

Fourth Raikage Ai didn't say anything, just tapped on the table with his thick fingers.


The hearts of Tudai and the others who were waiting for the final answer were also beating extremely nervously with the sound of knocking.

In comparison, the diehards feel more relaxed.

Because they knew that the Fourth Raikage's style had always been tough and domineering, and it was impossible for the other party to agree to such a request with his character.

However, this time they were greatly surprised. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

It was only because the Fourth Raikage agreed to the peace talks.

"Tachiro, send a message to Konoha, and say that we are willing to negotiate peace."

In an instant, the entire conference room was silent at first, and then the diehards erupted violently:

"Master Raikage, are you saying the opposite? How can you ask Konoha for peace?"

"How could Master Raikage say such a thing!"

"Thunder Shadow..."

"Shut up all of them!"

The ear-piercing screams suddenly sounded, and the fourth generation of Raikage Ai, who was wrapped in a strong Lightning Escape Chakra, stood up suddenly, looked at the group of people who were shouting the most with murderous intent, and said:

"I am Raikage! The decision I made cannot be changed. If you are not convinced, you can follow the example of Jinjiaoyinjiao. I will wait for you! If you dare not, then shut up now!"

In an instant, no one dared to say anything.

Seeing this, Fourth Raikage Ai turned his gaze back to Toshiro and said word by word: "Let's do it."

Todai nodded silently.

Although things went as he wished, he was not at all happy, but rather helpless.

Who is willing to sign such a humiliating treaty?

Just like the fourth generation of Raikage in front of him is unwilling from the bottom of his heart.

It's just that although he is an extremely powerful ninja, he is also the shadow of a village.

As Raikage, he shoulders the great responsibility to Yun Ren, to the village, and to the Land of Thunder, so he must abandon his dignity and go against his will at this time to meet the current humiliating reality.

This is undoubtedly a deep torture for the other party who has always had a hot temper.

It also made Toshiro, who watched the other party grow up and knew his character completely, was very sad.

after all,

Everything is for the overall situation!


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