I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 121: peace talks begin

In the junction zone between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Frost, there is a place called Caixia Valley.

It was named because of the colorful clouds seen in the morning and evening, and it was also a tourist attraction often visited by people from the two countries in the past.

Now because of the war, there is no human habitation here. It's just that as both Konoha and Yunin are interested in peace talks, this famous place was chosen as the negotiation site.

It was not a coincidence that Yunting and his party came here. It just so happened that the sky was overcast and cloudy at this time, so it was a pity that they could not see the famous sunset scenery of Caixia Valley.

"However, this is a good place to ambush." ​​Tsunade in the team touched his chin and looked at the surrounding terrain, and said with sudden interest.

Yun Ting didn't say anything yet, but the group of people who followed him quickly became vigilant one by one with serious expressions.

There is no way, what happened to the second generation of Hokage back then had a profound impact on everyone in Konoha.

It was also a personal peace negotiation with Raikage, and Yunin was also very dissatisfied internally. It is hard to guarantee that the latter will make another golden horn and silver horn today.

"Relax, you must know that today is different from the past." Seeing this, Yun Ting smiled and waved his hands.

Today's cloud ninja only has three or two big and small cats left, so what if he wants to.

Although according to the agreement between the two parties, the number of people in the peace negotiation team is very small, and it is only myself, Tsunade, the three people who assisted in the negotiation, and all members of the Shadow Guard, adding up to a total of nine people.

However, with this lineup, ten more golden horns and silver horns are just food delivery.

Unless Yun Ren loses his wits and comes to die on his own initiative, otherwise there is no need to worry about ambush or not.

Tsunade smiled mischievously when he saw that his words made the atmosphere of the whole team tense.

However, after noticing the look in Yunting's eyes that would go back if she made trouble again, she straightened her face quickly, shrugged and explained, "I'm not talking about us being ambushed. In comparison, Lei Ying's side was ambushed by his own people." more likely."

This inference...is quite reasonable.

After all, this is also the tradition of Yunin.

People become ruthless and even kill their own shadows, which is the only one in the current ninja world.

Scorpion killing the third generation of Kazekage does not count, this is only a personal grievance.

The golden and silver horns of Yun Nin's side are completely coup-like.

This is much better than Danzo secretly trying to kill the third generation.

"The fourth generation of Lei Yingying inherited his father's career, and his own strength is very strong. Even if there is an assassination by the opposition, he will not be able to do anything to him." Although Yun Ting said so, he still quickened his pace in the following time.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If the fourth generation of Raikage really followed in the footsteps of the second generation of Raikage, then he would have to fight if he didn't want to.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

At the appointed time and at the agreed place, Yun Ting's group and the peace negotiation team headed by Fourth Raikage finally met without accident.

The same is nine people.

It's just that compared to Yunting's luxurious plastic surgery, Fourth Raikage's side is much shabby.

In addition to himself, Toshiro and seven other ninjas who were not very famous followed.

Compared with the least damaged strength in the original three wars, cloud ninja who retains many elite forces, and also has eight tails and two tails, can be described as extremely bleak.


The coming Raikage is not the main body.

Hinata Tokuma, who opened his eyes, was checking the Chakra in the Fourth Raikage's body, and when he found that it was too much less than the information, he immediately informed Yunting about it.

Yunting heard the words, frowned and said: "Your Excellency Lei Ying, what came is only the shadow clone, but not the main body. This is different from what was agreed before."

Fourth Raikage Ai shook his head: "It was an accident, my body did not come. But this will not affect the result of today's negotiation."

Yun Ting chuckled.

He naturally knew what the other party was worried about.

Isn't it because he was afraid that the Konoha negotiations were fake, and if he captured the opponent who was the fourth generation of Raikage, Yun Nin, who had no leader among the dragons, would be defeated at once.

However, Konoha, headed by Yun Ting, would never do the above-mentioned things when the heads of the two sides formally negotiated.

You must know that this is related to the reputation of Ninja Village.

For Ninja Village, whose source of income is mainly task rewards, if the brand of reputation stinks, then the village's finances will be ruined.

Compared with the benefits obtained from Yunin, Konoha's own interests are undoubtedly much more important.

It can only be said that Yun Ren judges others by himself and is worrying unnecessarily.

In addition, the fourth generation of Raikage's presence of shadow clones will also have a great negative impact on his personal reputation in the future.

Yun Ting didn't say any more, but said in an undeniable tone: "The negotiating leader used the shadow clone to come to the scene, and he broke his promise first. In the next peace talks, Yun Ren must pay the corresponding price for this."

The Fourth Raikage did not refuse, apparently already prepared for this.

For him, compared to the loss of face and interests, the most important thing at the moment is not to have any accidents.

Next, the two sides can start negotiations.

But before getting to the point, as a medical master, Tsunade, who is very familiar with blood, preemptively said, "The smell of blood! It seems that your journey has not been peaceful! If you can't do it, you can let us Konoha is here to help you."

Hearing what Tsunade said, the faces of the Nine Unnin, headed by the Fourth Raikage, suddenly became a little ugly.

During the departure process, they were indeed attacked by unwilling cloud ninja radicals. Although they were quickly resolved, it was still very uncomfortable to be treated like this by insiders.

In addition, in line with the principle that family ugliness should not be publicized, they had already wiped off all the traces of fighting on their bodies before they arrived, but Tsunade did not expect that Tsunade could be keenly aware of it.

As a result, the other party still saw the joke, which was undoubtedly more uncomfortable.

"Kunin's own affairs can be solved by himself, so I don't have to worry about Konoha." Toshiro stood up at this time and said calmly, "Also, Mr. Hokage, Mr. Tsunade, time is limited, let's do it as soon as possible." Let’s start peace talks. The war has been going on for too long, and the citizens of our two countries can’t wait for peace.”

Yun Ting smiled and nodded.

On the other hand, after hearing the words, Tsunade put his hands on his chest and said mockingly: "It seems that you Yunin are very peace-loving. If you were sincere, you shouldn't have brought up so many foolish things when you sent the mission to Konoha. I want to ask for it. Now that I am in pain, I yearn for peace. If I had known this day, why did I have to do it at the beginning!"

"Yunnin has always been peace-loving. It's just that there was a misunderstanding between the two sides before, and a series of things that they didn't want to see happened. Now that the two shadows of you and me are officially meeting, I think all the previous misunderstandings are gone. It can be resolved and usher in real peace." While talking about the scene, Toshiro pulled the very annoyed Fourth Raikage Ai hard behind his back.

In the end, the latter suppressed his anger after a cold snort.

Seeing this, Yun Ting also gave Tsunade a wink, but she didn't say any more.

A successful negotiation always requires the cooperation of red faces and white faces.

This time, it was obvious that Tsunade was making the bad face, while Yun Ting was the red face.

It's just that when the people on Yunin's side thought about smiling all the time in front of them, after Yun Ting, who looked very kind, had more than two thousand of their Yunin's lives in his hands, the smile was very infiltrating no matter how you looked at it.

"Everyone, please take your seats first."

At this time, Yun Ting hadn't noticed this yet, and he was still smiling while stretching out his hand while talking.

Soon, piles of trees grew out of the ground, and quickly combined into a huge oval wooden table and a total of eighteen wooden chairs, which were placed in the middle of the two sides.

"Wooden escape..."

Seeing this scene, the nine people headed by Fourth Raikage fell silent for a while.

Then, after Yun Ting and his group took their seats first, they followed suit.

Then, at the very beginning of getting to the point, Tsunade was still the first to say: "You have read Konoha's peace talk request before you come, so sign it as soon as possible, so that the peace you have longed for can come sooner. "

"Impossible!" This time, without waiting for Doshiro to speak, the Fourth Raikage Ai directly slapped the table and said, "You Konoha's so-called conditions are too harsh, and you have no sincerity for peace talks at all. Agree to those humiliating conditions!"

"Oh? So what do you mean?" Tsunade sneered.

"Without any additional conditions, Yunin and Konoha will cease fighting here. In addition, the captured Yunin, Kirabi, and Yuki must be returned intact." Fourth Raikage Ai said bluntly.

Tsunade laughed back in anger, and slapped the table again and said: "Hehe, I thought it was our Konoha who lost this time. If Raikage has a problem with your brain, I don't mind Help you deal with it. If there is no problem and you still say these words, then don’t talk about it at all, just go to war and let your cloud ninjas become history!"

"Come here! I really think I am afraid of you! Yun Nin, as a member of the five great ninja villages, is still strong even if he loses once. At that time, you will not only be unable to destroy us, but also make the country of thunder your grave!"

"What a big breath! Yunin still has a few pounds and a few taels. You don't know yourself as Raikage. Maybe your brain is full of muscles, and you can't even do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So, also No wonder Yun Nin's foundation will be ruined in your hands."

"You old woman, Tsunade, you are too presumptuous!"

"How dare you call me an old woman! You are a black gorilla, you deserve to be disliked by women all your life!"


"Chimpanzee Raikage..."

So, not long after the negotiation started, Tsunade and the fourth generation of Raikage Ai deviated from the topic. They slapped the table and cursed loudly.

In the end, someone who couldn't control the power smashed the wooden table in one fell swoop.


Yun Ting coughed heavily, interrupting the two of them wanting to continue, and then said, "What you two said is a bit off topic, let's get back to the main topic of the peace talks."

After speaking, a brand new wooden table like before was regenerated.

"In addition, I want to remind Yunnin that Konoha's victory and Yunnin's disastrous defeat are an established fact. Everyone is smart, so there is no need to mention unrealistic ideas such as wanting to get a truce without paying any price."

"If there is a sincere peace talk, then the cede territory, compensation and apology must be borne by the defeated party. This is a truth that has been recognized throughout the ages. If not, then don't waste everyone's time."

When Yun Ting said this, his tone was very flat, not at all aggressive like before Tsunade.

But just hearing what he said, the faces of Yun Ren's people couldn't help but change, and they didn't refute anything.

The same is true for the fourth generation of Raikage Ai.

The reason why he said such unrealistic words before was that apart from his own heart, he also had the idea of ​​asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the spot.

It's just that Yunting is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and now being mentioned by the other party can only quickly return to the topic.

At this time, Doshiro spoke sincerely: "Since we are here, we naturally have the intention of genuine peace talks. It's just that many of the requirements put forward by Your Excellency Hokage are indeed too harsh, and we cannot meet many of them. Please forgive me, Your Excellency Hokage." .”

"Negotiations, there are always back and forth. As long as the two parties agree on the basics, and don't hold unrealistic ideas, then they can be negotiated." Yun Ting said with a smile.

After saying this, the atmosphere of the entire negotiation scene could not help but ease up.

However, soon, the atmosphere on the scene took a turn for the worse~www.readwn.com~ because Yun Ting suddenly said coldly to an unknown Yun Nin:

"Mr. Yun Nin, although I don't know why you have always had killing intentions towards me, but I don't think so, and I am not interested in delving into it. However, please put away your ridiculous killing intentions, because I I'm afraid that I can't help but crush you to death. After all, this is the scene of peace talks, and I don't want to spoil the whole situation because of a mouse dropping."

After finishing speaking, Yunting also released a terrifying killing intent towards him.

Even if it wasn't aimed at the target, Toshiro and the others instantly felt as if they were in an ice cave, and even the proud fourth-generation Raikage Ai couldn't help but change color at this moment.

Not to mention Yun Nin who showed his killing intent to Yun Ting before.

At this time, his face was pale, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his whole body was trembling.

"Oy! Who made you so presumptuous!" After hastily scolding the other party, Toyo quickly asked Yun Ting, "Your Excellency Hokage, please raise your hand, I promise that Oy will not affect the peace talks in the future."

"That's good." Seeing this, Yun Ting withdrew his killing intent.

And Yun Nin named Oy kept his head down for the following time, not daring to make any other moves, apparently terrified by Yun Ting's killing intent.

"Then, let's continue the negotiation." Yun Ting resumed his smiling posture.

It's just that none of the cloud ninjas who have seen his terrifying side just now feel that this smile is very kind.

Not only that, after Yun Ting's repeated stimulation, in the next negotiation, the momentum of Yun Nin's side also unknowingly dropped a lot.

This is undoubtedly very beneficial to Konoha.

Tsunade, who saw all this in his eyes, quietly gave Yun Ting a thumbs up under the table.

Yun Ting returned a faint smile.


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