I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 122: 3 battles over

"The cloud ninja side must admit the fact that the leader of the mission, Takayama, robbed the people of the Hyuga clan, and retract the false news that Takayama was murdered by Konoha. In addition, the cloud ninja side must also admit that this war was initiated by you facts, and formally apologize to Konoha.”

On the negotiating table, the representatives of Konoha's side put forward various demands to Yun Nin, but Yun Nin either refuted loudly or was forced to accept with an ugly face.

"We are willing to admit the facts about the mountain, but Konoha was the first to provoke this war. Why did we Yunnin start the war first and ask us to make an apology? This is really deceiving! This is firmly rejected!"

"You cloud ninja mission first put forward all kinds of insincere peace talks, and then you are not ashamed to take the Gaoshan matter back, and the peace talks get worse, and you have been clamoring for threats like war if you don't sign. If it wasn't really intolerable, how could we Konoha start a war against Yun Nin. After all, this war was caused by you Yun Nin!"

"You are talking too much!"

"This is not arguing, it's an established fact! Yunin must take full responsibility for the outbreak of this war and apologize for it. This is a necessary prerequisite for the conclusion of this peace negotiation. If you don't agree, then there is no need to talk about it."



"Let the defense of the Land of Tang and the Land of Frost be handed over to Konoha? No, no, no! You Konoha's appetite is too big, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Why can't it work? It is said that Tang Zhiguo was protected by Konoha before, but it was shamelessly taken over by you Yunnin a few years ago. What? Don't admit it so soon?"

"Then...the Kingdom of Tang can be handed over to you, but the Kingdom of Frost has always thought that it is the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Thunder, and you must not let it be taken over."

"Sorry, the fact that the Konoha ninja occupies the Frost Kingdom cannot be changed, and Konoha has no plans to spit out what he swallowed. If you don't agree, then you can try to seize it by force."

"You guys! You are too deceitful!"

"Who made you the loser? What you can't get on the battlefield, you still want to get at the negotiating table? A joke!"



"Yunnin compensates Konoha with four billion taels??? This is absolutely impossible!

! This amount is too exaggerated, even if Yunyin Village is sold, it will not be able to do this! "

"If you can't afford it for a while, you can install it in installments. Konoha can wait a little longer."

"It's not a question of whether to pay in installments, but the four billion taels of compensation is really a mouthful. If this is the sincerity of your Konoha, then it will be a one-off! If you really want to pay four billion taels, all Yun Ren Would rather die in battle!"

"Haha! Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive! Didn't you say that everything can be discussed before. So what is the price in your heart for Yun Nin?"

"Four... forty million taels?"

"I think we'd better go on fighting."

"One hundred million taels! We Yunin are not as rich as you Konoha, this is already the highest bottom line."

"Thirty-nine billion!"

"How far is this from four billion???"



It was already noon, and during the several hours of negotiations that started in the morning, Konoha and Kumo Shinobi blushed and argued excitedly about the various terms of the peace treaty.

Although Yunin did his best, when the general situation was not in his favor, although he struggled several times, he still had to follow Konoha's wishes on the whole.

Up to now, most of the terms of the peace treaty have been negotiated, but only on the cloud ninja captured by Konoha, the conflict between the two sides is extremely intense.

Yunin hopes that the peace talks will be signed. Konoha released all the Yunin captives including the two human pillars, only in this way can Yunyin Village recover quickly.

But this is absolutely unacceptable in the eyes of Yunting and Konoha.

"Since a peace agreement is to be signed, all our ninjas who were captured by you Konoha should be released. This is the most basic requirement, why not agree?"

"In order to ensure that Yunin can effectively fulfill the requirements of the peace talks, before all the terms are fulfilled, the prisoners of Yunin should be kept in custody by Konoha."

"With the reputation of the land of thunder and Yunyin Village as a guarantee, Yunin will definitely fulfill the requirements of the contract. You Konoha did this because you deliberately didn't want to let people go!"

"The reputation of Yunyin Village? I'm sorry, the reputation of your cloud ninjas is far less useful than before."


Both sides are constantly arguing fiercely with every word you say.

In the end, like Yun Ting before, the fourth Raikage Ai, who only spoke on important issues during the negotiation, finally couldn't stand it anymore, and slapped the table uncontrollably while shouting: "Hokage! Beastman Zhuli and thousands of Yunyin ninjas are the foundation of Yunyin Village, and they must all be released! Otherwise, there is no need to start this peace talk!"

Regarding this, Yun Ting first reached out to stop Tsunade who was about to explode, then looked at the fourth generation of Raikage Ai, and said calmly:

"Your Excellency Raikage, I hope you recognize a fact. The purpose of your cloud ninja peace talks this time is to prevent the country of Thunder and Yunyin Village from encountering war, not because of those captives. The latter is Konoha's The spoils of war are not something you can easily take back with a casual sentence."

"Of course, in order to show the sincerity of Konoha and Yunin's peaceful coexistence in the future, Konoha is also willing to release the prisoners of war, but it is absolutely impossible to release them all at once."

The captives in his hands are undoubtedly the best way to deal with Yun Nin in the future. Yun Ting is very firm in this regard. After a few words to no avail, Ai can only agree with this plan.

With Hokage and Raikage's opening, the negotiators of both parties can continue to negotiate effectively.

Half an hour later, the two sides reached an agreement on the prisoners.

The two parties agreed that after the successful signing of the peace treaty, the Konoha side would first release 1,000 cloud ninjas, and the next 3,000 people would be repatriated in five years.

This is also to ensure that Yunin will not delay in the five-year compensation.

In addition, in terms of Renzhuli, no matter how dissatisfied Ai is, under Yun Ting's instruction, Konoha still insists on signing an agreement to release Kirabi in three years and Yumuren in five years.

The matter of the captives was settled here, and there were still some other details left, and both sides quickly settled them one by one.

So far, the Konoha-Kunin peace talks have all been negotiated.

The specific content is summarized as follows.

First: Yunyin Village admitted the fact of instigating the war and formally apologized to Konoha.

Second: The Kingdom of Tang and the Kingdom of Frost will be garrisoned by Konoha from now on, and Yunyin Village will not interfere with this.

Third: Yunyin Village pays Konoha's war losses totaling 2 billion taels, which will be repaid in five years.

Fourth: Yun Nin is in Shuang, and the number of troops stationed on the border between the two countries must not exceed one hundred. Konoha also abides by this regulation.

Fifth: Konoha has the right to use Turtle Island belonging to Yunyin Village for three times.

The information about Turtle Island that could give birth to the perfect human pillar was told by Yunting. Originally, everyone in Konoha had a great appetite and wanted to take it away directly, but after seeing Yunin and everyone rejecting it excitedly, Yunting still stopped it. an idea.

Konoha only has one Kyuubi, and it is enough to have the right to use Turtle Island three times.

As for what to do when it runs out?

At that time, whether the Kingdom of Thunder still exists or not will be a problem, and the ownership of Turtle Island will naturally not be a concern.

Apart from these five most important clauses, the others are just minor details and are not very important, so there is no need to mention them.

Overall, even though Yunin fought hard for a long time, Konoha still became the big winner when he finally looked at the peace agreement.

Apologizing and cutting land for compensation, they all ruthlessly cut Yun Nin's flesh.

It can be said that after this peace agreement takes effect, it will be difficult for Yunyin Village to develop any more in a decade or two.

But so what, this ninja world still speaks with fists after all.

Although Yun Nin was extremely disappointed, compared to the consequences of Konoha's army's attack on the Land of Thunder, what he is striving for now is the limit that can be achieved.

"Your Excellency Lei Ying, please sign."

After signing his own name and stamping the Hokage seal on the two peace treaties of the same style, Yun Ting handed them to Fourth Raikage with a smile on his face.

The latter took it with a blank face, then picked up the pen on the table, and after pausing for a few seconds under the gaze of everyone, he finally signed his name forcefully on the two contracts, and also stamped Lei Shadow seal.

So far, the peace treaty between Konoha and Yunin has legally come into force.

The Konoha side is naturally celebrating.

And Yun Ren and the others quietly breathed a sigh of relief while wearing a bitter face.

"Peace has finally come, Your Excellency Lei Ying." Yun Ting smiled and stretched out his right hand to Ai.

"Peace..." The fourth Raikage Ai, who felt the hard-won peace for the first time, also stretched out his hand with emotion.

One white and one black ~www.readwn.com~ One slender and one thick palm clenched together, declaring that Konoha and Kumo Shinobi officially ended the war.

It also declared that since Konoha 43, the third ninja war that has spread to most of the continent and lasted for nine years has finally drawn its final sentence today.

Everyone in the ninja world who wanted to hear the news celebrated that the long-lost peace had finally come.

It is looking forward to the next ten years, and there will be no more wars in decades.

It's just that what they think is just an extravagant hope after all.

Just like the first, second, and third ninja wars broke out repeatedly.

The so-called peace is always only temporary.

In the case that the contradictions between each other have not been fundamentally resolved, the time of peace is just accumulating for future wars.

Yun Ting knows this, the fourth generation of Raikage in front of him knows it, and the other ninja village kages know it too.

If Obito did not take the initiative to declare war on the All Ninja World in the original book, another form of the Fourth Ninja World War will eventually break out between the five major countries that have finished their recuperation.

Fortunately, Yunting is now the Fourth Hokage, all this will change in his hands.

Now, the change has already begun.

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