I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 126: don't god

In the blood-colored eyes, the three black hook jades quickly turned into hollow four-edged shurikens under the extremely fast rotation.

This is exactly the shape of Uchiha Shisui's Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

'It's pretty handsome. '

On the side, Yun Ting quickly lowered his eyes after taking a look, wondering if he also got a pair of Sharingan.

It's not like he doesn't have the ability to regain his prestige in the battle with Yun Nin.

It's just that it's hard to explain at that time.

I belong to the Qianshou family, so it's okay to awaken Mu Dun.

But if Sharingan is awakened, how can it be explained to the outside world.

Could it be that he also has Uchiha blood in his body?

Isn't this nonsense?

The Senju Clan never married the Uchiha Clan.

Moreover, as a member of a big family, his parents and the origins of his ancestors are clearly recorded in the genealogy, and he has no relationship with Uchiha at all.

If I go out with a pair of Sharingan on my head, the first reaction of the outside world is probably whether I have poached some Uchiha's eyes and transplanted them into myself.

In this case, his reputation will plummet.

Even the Uchiha clan, who were finally appeased, would blow their hair.

never mind.

Although the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is strong, for me now, it is just icing on the cake and cannot improve my upper limit of strength.

Moreover, with his current financial resources, he can only exchange it for an ordinary kaleidoscope at most, and the eternal kaleidoscope is not enough.

At that time, don't play with your eyes and make your eyes short-sighted. You won't be so eye-catching when looking at beautiful women.

In comparison, the reincarnation eye is more worth starting. As the strongest of the three major pupil arts in the ninja world, it can really make his current strength stronger.

It is worth noting that there has always been a misunderstanding here.

That is, reincarnation eyes did not evolve from the commonly believed writing sharing eyes.

Samsarayan is Samsarayan, and the top of the evolution of Sharingan is just the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The two are completely independent.

To be precise, only the reincarnation of Indra's Chakra can truly open the eyes of reincarnation by transplanting the body or cells of the Chakra reincarnation of Asura (except for the Sage of the Six Paths who died directly).

This is why Obito Uchiha also transplanted the cells between the columns, but did not open the reincarnation eye.

Only Indra's reincarnation Uchiha Madara was qualified to open the eyes of reincarnation before.

The latter is dead.

Now, naturally, it is Sasuke who has become a new generation of reincarnation.

In the past, Yun Ting also had a doubt when reading the original work, that is, if Naruto transplanted Sasuke's eyes to himself, would he be able to awaken the eyes of reincarnation.

It's a pity that this possibility can't be really tried.

Although the history has changed now, judging by the attitude of these two towards each other, I am afraid that they will still become good friends who love and kill each other like fate.


Unless Sasuke also came up with a trick to hand over his Sharingan to Kakashi, otherwise it would never happen with Naruto's temper.

The topic is brought back.

If Yun Ting wants to get the eyes of reincarnation, he still needs to get the blood of Naruto and Sasuke.

But now is not the time.

Not as good as my current prestige points are not enough to transcend the boundaries of secret arts or blood succession, it can be called the strongest reincarnation eye cost in the ninja world.

Besides, Sasuke and Naruto haven't even practiced chakra, and their own potential has not been developed yet. If they take blood at this time, they may not be qualified to open the eyes of reincarnation.

After all, can you imagine that Master Madara at his peak would be able to awaken the eyes of reincarnation if he swallowed the flesh and blood of Senshouzhujian when he was still a child?

Anyway, as far as Yun Ting is concerned, unless Ten Tails is alive, almost no one in the ninja world is his opponent, so he is not in a hurry.


In the bedroom of the daimyo of the country of fire.

Just when Yun Ting was thinking about pupil art, Shisui Uchiha had already opened his pair of kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes at this moment, and when he pointed it at the daimyo who was sleeping on the bed, and was about to take action, there was a rush of coughing From the mouth of the latter suddenly sounded.

Yun Ting and Zhi Shui frowned slightly, subconsciously looked outside the palace door, and turned around only after realizing that no servant had come in.

However, at this moment, the daimyo who was coughed and opened his eyes happened to see them, and was startled for a moment. He wanted to shout but was powerless. After all, he could only whisper: "You guys..."

Before he finished speaking, the daimyo's voice suddenly paused because he saw Yun Ting's face under the black robe.

"Fourth Hokage..."

As Hokage, he hid his identity and sneaked into the Daming Mansion in the middle of the night. No matter how he thought about it, he thought there was something wrong.

At this moment, Daimyo, whose mind had been blurred for a while due to illness, suddenly became extremely clear.

After he glanced at Yun Ting blankly, he smiled wryly and said, "Why did you come here?"

Yun Ting shook his head, didn't speak, but signaled Zhi Shui to move.

Seeing this, Shisui didn't delay any longer, and immediately used his Kaleidoscope Sharingan ability.

Don't God!

In an instant, without the Daimyo of the Fire Nation being aware of it, his memory, his thoughts, and his cognition were constantly changing.

This change is subtle and silent.

It's like there was never a girl next door in your real past, but now it has become a real existence in your memory, and there are many beautiful scenes that still have a profound impact today.

Memory does not lie.

So, even if a friend from childhood pointed out that the girl next door didn't exist, you would firmly deny the other party.

After all, how can memory be wrong.

If it is really wrong, then the whole self will undoubtedly be denied, and further, the whole self will collapse.

This is the horror of other gods.

Not only for the past, but also for the present and the future can be manipulated and changed at will.

For example, you are a sweet party, but you will not be surprised if you turn into a salty party in the next second.

People you like can become people you hate.

Stranger people instantly become your trusted friends.

War freaks become pacifists and so on and so forth.

It's no wonder that in the original book, Zhishui revealed his kaleidoscope ability to the third generation, and the latter's character couldn't help but feel murderous in an instant.

Even after Danzo shot Shisui later and forced him to jump off a cliff to commit suicide, the third generation did not make any punishment.

Perhaps in his opinion, Zhishui's death is the most beneficial thing.

But there is no need to talk about the three generations in this matter, if it is the shadow of other ninja villages, I am afraid they are all the same.

It can be said that in the entire ninja world, only Yunting has the courage to sincerely accept subordinates like Shisui.

If you pay, you will be rewarded.

Now is the time to give back.

If Yunting wants to successfully take over the power of the Fire Nation, his name is undoubtedly the most important.

The most effective questions, undoubtedly let it be the one on its own side.

In this way, other gods of Zhishui are needed to change their will.

At this time, Shisui modified his idea of ​​daimyo according to Yun Ting's request in advance.

All this seems to be long, but in fact it is only in the spiritual space.

In reality, after just a few breaths, Zhishui blinked and turned the kaleidoscope back to the three-go jade.

"Master Hokage, it's finished." Shisui reported respectfully to Yun Ting with a trace of tiredness in his eyes.

"here you go."

Yunting patted Shishui on the shoulder, then looked at the daimyo who had fallen asleep again, and sighed slightly.

Changes that upend the world always involve bloodshed and sacrifice.

There used to be one faction of the left minister, and another one for the previous cloud ninja, and now it's the daimyo's turn.

More on that later.

But compared to that bright future, it's all worth it.

Yunting firmly believes in this, and Shisui beside him also firmly believes in it. Itachi, Ritsuko Yamanaka and many others who have followed Yunting in recent years all believe in it.

Afterwards, Yunting and Zhishui left without a sound.

No one noticed that during this night, the supreme leader of the Fire Nation, the daimyo, had completely changed inside.


In the morning of the next day, the celebration officially started, and the capital of the Fire Kingdom was much more lively than before.

While the general public celebrated this victory celebration in various ways, all dignitaries and officials from the Land of Fire set off to the Daming Mansion to watch the meeting ceremony of the daimyos of the Land of Soup and Land of Frost with great interest.

Although the fire country daimyo has been unwell for a while, he doesn't even have time to deal with ordinary government affairs.

But in today's critical time, he still endured the discomfort, put on the most luxurious clothes, and prepared to accept the visit from the daimyo from the small country.

For him, this is undoubtedly the perfect embodiment of his career achievements.

As the protagonists of this celebration, the daimyos of Tang Country and Frost Country are naturally full of reluctance.

But so what if you don't want to.

In the situation where people are fighting for the knife and I'm for the fish and meat, all they can do is suppress their aggrieved hearts, pile up fake smiles on their faces to meet all this, and even try their best not to make mistakes in the whole process.

Because of this, in the following celebrations, the two daimyo followed the etiquette norms that the Fire Nation's ceremonial officer found out from somewhere, and went through the procedure of meeting in a very tedious manner like puppets on a string under the watchful eyes of everyone in the Nation of Fire.

As Hokage of Konoha Village, Untei was naturally also in the auditorium, and because of his status, he was only under the name of the Fire Country.

He naturally witnessed the whole process, but he didn't express anything.

He has long understood the truth that a weak country has no diplomacy.

He didn't pay attention to the performance of the daimyos of Tang Country and Frost Country.

After all, they are not the real protagonists today~www.readwn.com~ Yun Ting's gaze turned to the first Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

It can be seen that the other party is very happy today.

Although he couldn't stop coughing and the foundation on his face couldn't cover up his real weakness, the daimyo was still talking and laughing excitedly throughout the ceremony. For the two daimyos, he also showed the demeanor of a great country afterwards and bestowed many rewards .

At the end of the celebration, according to common sense, the daimyo of the country of fire should give the last speech.

It's just that as the other party kept coughing and seemed unable to calm down, the crowd could only wait.

However, when the daimyo suddenly coughed heavily and coughed up blood, all the Fire Nation officials present were extremely worried.

This time the happy event will not turn into a funeral, will it?

Fortunately, the former slowed down quickly.

This made everyone in the Nation of Fire breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the daimyo of the Land of Fire coughed weakly and said weakly: "Ahem! Everyone has also seen that I am afraid that I cannot handle the government affairs of the Land of Fire in my current state."

"My son is still a child, and I can't bear the responsibility of the fire country's daimyo now. It just so happens that there are two daimyos from the soup country and the frost country to witness, so I decided..."

Hearing this, all the people in the Kingdom of Fire realized that the daimyo was going to ask for the Gu at this moment, so they immediately straightened their backs and listened to who would be the Minister of Tuogu.

However, the result that followed left many people who were full of expectations dumbfounded, only because the daimyo finally announced:

"I've decided! The Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire will handle all the affairs of the Land of Fire for the rest of the time until my child becomes an adult."

"For this reason, I will create another position for the Fourth Hokage, just under the daimyo."

"Its name is... Shogun!"


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