I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 127: shogun

The words of the fire country daimyo's words were like a bolt from the blue, shaking many people present dizzy.

For a moment, the whole scene was silent.

This situation lasted at least two minutes.

Until an old man in a luxurious court dress, who looked like one foot was about to enter the coffin, shouted loudly as if he was trying his last breath full of anger:

"No! Absolutely not! Even if you want to entrust important ministers to the daimyo, you should choose the important ministers in the country as usual! You can't let Konoha's Hokage take over the power of the Fire Kingdom!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people present were immediately awakened, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

As a result, the whole scene quickly boiled like a vegetable market in your words and mine.

"Hokage controls the power of the Nation of Fire? This is unprecedented in the Nation of Fire and even in the entire Ninja world! It must not be like this!"

"Hokage has already mastered a powerful military force, if he wants to control the regime of the Fire Nation now, that's fine!"

"The one-country-one-village system was established by the previous daimyo and the first Hokage. How could Hokage be allowed to overstep his authority?"

"Even if you want to entrust Gu, it should be entrusted to all the ministers with high morals and high prestige!"

"With the wisdom of the daimyo, shouldn't you not be able to guess the bad consequences of doing so?"

"This is really unreasonable. Could it be that Your Excellency Daming was so tormented by the illness that he lost his mind, and that's why he said these words?"


Everyone was talking excitedly.

In the end, many people stepped forward together and begged the daimyo to take back his order.

As the protagonist of the incident, Yun Ting, who was mentioned by the daimyo as assisting in the affairs of the Fire Nation, did not say a word except for a proper "astonishment" expression at the beginning.

At this moment, seeing many people asking for books, he just watched with cold eyes and recorded these people in his account.


If these people can easily turn things around, then wouldn't all the preparatory work he had done before be in vain.

Sure enough, the daimyo who was changed by other gods and completely stood on Yunting's side said very firmly:

"You have also seen the ability of Lord Hokage. Without the other party, there would be no such victory against Yun Nin, let alone bringing the Kingdom of Tang and the Kingdom of Frost into the arms of the Nation of Fire. Although this time The war is over, but the crisis in the future still exists. In addition to my poor health and ignorance as a child, the Land of Fire will inevitably be in turmoil, and a powerful person like Hokage needs to come forward to take care of everything."

"My decision cannot be changed! The Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village will serve as the shogun, assisting in handling the affairs of the Land of Fire."

"Yun Ting, come and take orders."

Yun Ting Shi who was called suddenly got up.

Many officials who were filled with righteous indignation and rebuttals immediately turned their eyes on them, and tried to persuade them again and again:

"Your Excellency Hokage, the system of one country, one village not interfering with each other was proposed by Konoha's first generation, your ancestors! As the inheritor of everything from them, you can't take the lead in violating it!"

"There are many things going on in the Land of Fire. Your Excellency Hokage has dealt with Konoha Village already. It's better not to get involved here."

"Your Excellency Hokage, please think again!"

"Lord Hokage..."

Seeing that persuading the daimyo is ineffective, these people can only target Yun Ting.

They don't know if the daimyo is confused or not, but they know very well that if this order is really fulfilled, they can naturally see that Yunting is likely to form an irreversible trend from their political perspective in the future.

Especially the fourth generation in front of me is far less honest than the previous Hokage.

Therefore, whether it is public or private, they need to stand up and do everything they can to stop it.

However, what happened next was quite unexpected.

Before Yun Ting could say anything, besides those who spoke before, there were still many people who had not made any movement at the scene of the whole ceremony, and suddenly jumped out to retort:

"Your Excellency Hokage is very capable. We should rest assured that you have this person in charge of the Fire Nation's affairs!"

"The system does not mean that it must be static. The correct way is to adapt to reality and change when it is time to change. So what if there is no precedent before? As long as the current need is needed, it does not matter if it is changed!"

"Instead of letting you old fellows in plain shroud positions take over the power of the Fire Kingdom, it's better to let Lord Hokage come down!"

"Konoha has grown rapidly over the years, and the various policies formulated by His Excellency Hokage are indispensable. If you come to the Land of Fire now, it will definitely make the Land of Fire develop rapidly. If it were you, maybe the Land of Fire will also return the original I don’t know how long it will take to walk on the ground!”

"Besides, Hokage-dono is not the right to return, isn't it mentioned waiting for the daimyo's youngest son to come of age!"

"Support Your Excellency Hokage to serve as the shogun and take charge of everything in the Kingdom of Fire!"


The form took a sharp turn in an instant.

Looking at the Fire Nation officials who were not much smaller than their side standing in support of Yunting, the first group of people who came out to refute looked at each other in disbelief and said:

"You! You..."

They never expected that someone would backstab them in a team that was supposed to be on the same front.

This time, they undoubtedly fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Seeing Yunting in his eyes, he was not surprised.

In the past few years, he has not done nothing.

For example, in the Kingdom of Fire, secretly cultivate forces that stand on the side of the Konoha line, and use carrots and sticks to win over those who are frightened by the collapse of the Left Minister's line, or who have inextricably linked interests with Konoha, so they can't get off the boat. of the people and so on.

It is impossible for him to control the Fire Nation safely by himself.

In addition to the many talents I have cultivated in Konoha over the years, many people in the officialdom of the Kingdom of Fire are also indispensable.

In this way, there is the current scene.

Now the Fire Nation daimyo insists that the officials of the Fire Nation are divided, the general trend has been established, and those who refute it cannot be changed.

In the end, Yunting took over the appointment of the fire country daimyo.

He didn't make any excuses.

There is no such tradition in the ninja world, and he has no interest in it.

In this regard, Yunting, who was appointed by the daimyo, has become the actual controller of the Kingdom of Fire in terms of law and righteousness.

Compared with being reckless, this will undoubtedly allow him to take over everything in the Fire Nation more smoothly.

In the following time, if someone is dissatisfied with what he has done and wants to take action, then its nature can be directly defined as committing a crime.

It's so cool to stand on the highest point of morality and legal principles.

At this moment, after seeing all the people present in the Nation of Fire saluting to him with joy or unwillingness, Yun Ting smiled slightly, and turned his eyes to the most stubborn people before.

It doesn't take much thinking to know that these people are very dissatisfied with the status quo, and they will definitely take action next.

Not only did he not block it, but he was full of expectations.

Let's make a fuss! The bigger the noise, the better!

It's best to get in touch with everyone, including in Konoha Village!

In this way, he can catch them all in one go!


The name of the shogun has never appeared in the entire ninja world.

When the fire country daimyo said so, he was naturally influenced by Yunting.

The reason why Yunting said such a word is naturally because he thought of the relationship between the previous emperor and the shogun.

The next thing is the same situation, and the use of "shogun" here is quite appropriate, isn't it?

As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official to take office.

As the first shogun in the Naruto world, Yun Ting ignited this fire the day after he took office.

Without any delay, many leaders who were still refuting at the ceremony lost their hats one after another.

The one who occupies the high position has collapsed, and those who are waiting below are naturally extremely happy.

Soon, many officials who had previously supported Yunting were promoted.

This is the biggest benefit of successful political positioning.

Yun Ting did not carry out a steady sweep of the forces opposing him, but made big strides without sparing any effort, and was straightforward.

Now the law and righteousness belong to him, the military power belongs to him, and the financial power also falls into his hands.

Plus enough talent reserves.

With such a huge advantage, he really couldn't think of any need to drag his feet.

Therefore, although there were constant complaints in the officialdom of the Nation of Fire for a period of time, Yunting's cleansing of it was still orderly and continued without any accidents.

Those who are pleasantly surprised need not say much, while those who are frustrated are even more resentful of the culprit who caused all this.

Among them, a group of people who were unwilling to step down naturally gathered together, constantly discussing how to restore the former glory.

"Hokage's attitude is so firm, I'm afraid that as long as he is around, those of us who are not in the same camp as him will never be able to turn over."

"Then what should we do? How about showing favor to Hokage?"

"Hmph! I want to go to you! Although I don't know what slander Hokage used to persuade Daimyo~www.readwn.com~, his wolf ambition is already obvious. I will definitely not give in to this kind of person!"

"It's useless to show favor. Our current seat has been taken by those traitors. Even if we turn to support Hokage, it will be difficult to return to the original position. We must always be under those people we look down on."

"What can we do if this doesn't work? A coup d'état, an assassination? With the power in our hands, it's completely courting death!"

"We can't, but Konoha can!"


"That's right! Although Konoha is currently in power in the fourth generation, but in the past few decades, the third generation has been in power. I, the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and Konoha's advisor elder Mito Menyan, there are many reasons for the transition to Koharu. Ten years of good friendship. It is clear that they have always been kind to the Nation of Fire, never intervening in the internal affairs of the Nation of Fire, sticking to the one country, one village system, and not as ambitious as the current Fourth Generation."

"Thinking about it, they can't understand what Hokage is doing now. In addition, they are also very powerful in Konoha. If they can convince the other party that the Konoha ninjas will no longer support the fourth generation, then they will be able to turn things around. Already!"

"That's right! Anyway, there is no other way now, so let's do this!"

"Since everyone agrees, the old man will be in charge of contacting you!"

"That's right! A ninja who is good at seeing through illusions has to be secretly sent by the third generation. I seriously suspect that the reason why the daimyo said the words of asking Gu before was because of illusions!"

"Daimyo...had an illusion! Does the fourth generation have such courage?"

"Anyway, to be serious, let's add this one."

"hope everything is fine!"



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