I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 128: Konoha old people's response

The capital of the Fire Country, in a newly built mansion not far from the Daming Mansion, as the most popular new power minister in the Fire Country, the Shogun and Fourth Hokage Untei have been working here recently.

There are many Fire Nation officials who have taken refuge in him, plus a group of Konoha affairs talents who have just arrived and have been specially trained by Yunting in the past few years. It began to operate smoothly, and quickly replaced the original bureaucratic system of the Fire Nation, becoming the real party in power.

But this is only temporary, Yunting knows that his real foundation is in Konoha.

After he has completely stabilized the Kingdom of Fire, the shogunate will move to Konoha.

In the future, Konoha will not only be a military center, but will also become a political and even economic center.

This is also a sign of the new dynasty.

Inside the study of the Shogun's Mansion.

As a person trusted by Yunting, Uchiha Shisui has been leading a group of Konoha Anbe ninjas to monitor many hostile elements of the Fire Kingdom during this period of time.

Although the latter is cautious, there are even many ninja guards around him, which makes it much more difficult for Anbu ninjas to monitor.

But it is not guaranteed that there are ghosts in the opponent's team.

No, when the group of people on the front foot were discussing asking for help from the conservative faction headed by the old man Konoha, someone who had just waved the flag with them came to report the letter on the back foot, and recounted the process completely and accurately.

This is the general trend.

Yun Ting has taken over the position of power from the daimyo of the Fire Nation, coupled with the incomparably powerful force, it is enough to make those who are unwilling to be disheartened, and even turn to seek refuge without any guilt.

After all, righteousness is on his side.

This is also called abandoning darkness and turning to light.

After knowing what the diehards in the Kingdom of Fire were doing, Shisui asked: "Master Hokage, do you need to take action to intercept the communication between the two parties?"

Yun Ting shook his head and said, "No need! This is a very good bait, just enough to catch all ghosts and monsters in the Land of Fire."

Then he looked at Zhishui and said seriously: "In the future, the country of fire and Konoha want to develop rapidly, and there must be no insiders holding back. Therefore, before that, we must clean the house. You understand the reason Zhishui ?"

"I understand." Zhishui was taken aback for a moment, then nodded emphatically.

He naturally knew what this would mean.

But things have reached such a point that even if he is a good old man, he will never allow anyone to destroy everything.

"Master Hokage, do you need me to take action?" Zhishui asked with a serious expression.

Yun Ting thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "As the Hokage of Muye Village, it's more appropriate for me to do it myself."

Knowing Yunting's strength, Zhishui didn't insist anymore.

"By the way, how is the fire country daimyo these days?" Yun Ting asked again.

"Since the celebration, the daimyo's health has been declining, and now he spends most of his time in bed, and has no energy to deal with other things." Zhishui replied.

Ever since Yun Ting became the shogun, the defense forces in the Daming Mansion have been replaced by Konoha ninjas, so they are naturally clear about the situation of the daimyo.

"If that's the case, then continue to let him recuperate." Yun Ting nodded.

Before the daimyo said that he could not deal with government affairs when he was unwell, so naturally he couldn't recover now.

As for directly letting him die?

Let's wait for a while, anyway, I also fell into another god, who is on my side, maybe it will be useful in the future.

As for the die-hards who say to check whether the daimyo is under the illusion.

Yun Ting shook his head, this is impossible.

In the original book, the reason why Danzo was discovered by Aoi's white eyes that he was using the illusion of other gods to Mifune was because Qing was looking at Danzo, not Mifune.

Ao, who had dealt with each other before and knew Shisui Chakra very well, noticed the familiar green chakra flowing in Danzo's right eye, and then determined that the other party was casting an illusion, rather than finding it in Mitsukanou.

As the other **** known as the "strongest illusion", if he can be spotted so easily with supercilious eyes, then it is too incompatible with the former name.

c At this time, even if a master of illusion came to Daimyo's side to check, there was no sign of illusion at all.

Therefore, Yun Ting was not worried about something wrong with the daimyo at all.

Besides, even if someone wants to check it out, it depends on whether he will give it a chance.

This time, Yunting decided not to give it a chance!


Without Yunting's obstruction, the distress letter from the diehards in the Kingdom of Fire, together with a series of shocking changes that occurred in the Kingdom of Fire recently, passed smoothly into the hands of the elders headed by three generations in Muye Village.

Sarutobi's home.

The three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruza, Mitomon Yan, and Zhuanju Koharu gathered together again.

At this moment, unlike the previous perfunctory, Sarutobi Hiruzen really hesitated.

"Hi Zhan, why are you still hesitating! You have also received the news of what happened in the Land of Fire. If you don't stop his majestic ambition now, then the Land of Fire and Konoha will all be ruined in his hands." Ah!" Mito Menyan said anxiously.

Xiaochun, who was on the side, also persuaded: "Ri Zhan, I can't deny that we did have more selfishness in the previous conflict with the fourth generation, but this time it's different! This time it's really different! Qian What is Shu Yunting doing this? Take the power of Konoha and Fire Nation in one person! Let everyone listen to his own words! His ambition is really too big! We can no longer let him go !"

"It completely violates the one country, one village system, and completely breaks the system that the Nation of Fire has been accustomed to for decades. This is a greater danger than war!" Mitomonyan added, "If you really let Senshouyun If the family has done this, then what is the value of Konoha? You must know that Konoha exists to practice the system of one country, one village."

"Also, at present, Qianshou Yunting has opened this unprecedented precedent, which has attracted the attention of the other four major countries. Especially the Daming House of the four major countries sent a questioning letter to Konoha, Ask for an explanation of whether Konoha is manipulating the Fire Nation Daimyo."

"How can I explain? We have been eating salt for decades, and we are very familiar with the name of the Land of Fire. If you want to say that he took the initiative to delegate power to Qianshou Yunting, ask yourself, do you believe it? There must be four of them. Substitute handwriting!"

"Under the same situation, it is difficult not to guarantee that there will be some changes in the daimyo of the four major countries. Therefore, Hiriza, you really can't escape this matter anymore! Now only you can make the Konoha ship go astray. The big ship is back on track!"

For the vast majority of old people, after experiencing countless ups and downs, at the end of their lives, they recognize the principle that stability prevails over everything else, and they have never been interested in so-called reforms.

Mitomon Yan, Zhuanju Koharu, etc. are such people.

As they grew up in the cognition of the one country, one village system, they have never raised the idea of ​​changing this system, and they fully recognize this system. They absolutely hate the radicals who want to change everything. Desperate.

In their view, Konoha has been practiced under this system for decades, not to mention it is intact, and it is constantly growing visible to the naked eye, which is enough to prove its superiority.

If this is the case, then why bother to toss about it.

It's hard to usher in peace, wouldn't you be more stable?

This is where the contradiction between the conservatives and the reformers lies.

The former wants stability, while the latter looks farther.

Not only here in Konoha, but also in other places and previous lives, this situation is very common.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also a representative of the conservative faction, but he is more willing to give in than others, so he didn't have any conflicts with Yunting in the past.

But now, even if he really wants to live a peaceful life in his old age, he still can't sit still when he sees dozens of unprecedented changes taking place in the Land of Fire.

Like the two old friends, Hiruzaru Sarutobi is really dissatisfied with what Yunting is doing now.

In his opinion, Yunting should not extend his hand so deeply, and managing Konoha well is the right way.

If it continues like this, he is willing to stay at home forever and not interfere with Konoha's affairs.

It's just that everything in the world can't go as you want after all.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed deeply ~www.readwn.com~ After reading Yunting's new book "The Will of Fire", he agrees with some of the viewpoints.

But at the same time, he also noticed some kind of ambition between the lines written by Yun Ting.

That is to say, from then on, he began to worry about Yun Ting, whom he had entrusted with great power.

In the absence of successful cases, who can guarantee that their path is absolutely correct?

From Sarutobi Hiruzen's point of view, he can't do it himself, and Yunting's can't do it either.

That being the case, it is better to continue to maintain the current good appearance.

But what he didn't expect was that Yunting moved so fast and so boldly!

He also has deep feelings for Konoha, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is afraid that he will fall into the abyss, must take action.

This has nothing to do with moral character.

It's essentially a battle of ideas.

"Even if we want to make a move, the current strength probably won't be enough." In the surprised eyes of Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally stopped silent and said, "Fire Those people in the country probably overestimated our current influence on the village. If you want to shake the foundation of Yunting, it is almost impossible for you and me to do it now. In addition, Yunting himself is too powerful, even if I In addition, being able to contact former subordinates is definitely not Yunting's opponent. So, since you are here, is there any good way?"

Once Sarutobi Hiruzen made his decision, he stopped procrastinating, and immediately addressed the topic.

Seeing this, Mitomonyan and Zhuanju Xiaochun were not surprised at all, and quickly explained:

"Now Qianju Yunting is comparable to the first generation of Hokage in terms of strength and prestige, we will not hit a stone with an egg."

"Correcting all these mistakes does not have to be **** the other side, we can find a new way!"


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