I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 129: Darkness of Ninja

"Based on our strength, the fourth generation's words are just the way to death, so we need to find a new path." Mitomon Yan, who had already prepared the draft in his heart, said confidently, "The reason why the fourth generation can master the power of fire now The power of the country, all rely on the daimyo. As the letter from the country of fire said, the possibility of the daimyo falling into the illusion is extremely high. You know, the Uchiha clan who are the best at illusion in the village today are loyal to the fourth generation. !"

"So, we just need to send someone to remove the illusion in His Excellency Daming, and the latter will naturally remove all duties of the fourth generation after he wakes up." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun took over the conversation, "At that time, the truth will be revealed, even if The fourth generation still does not give up and wants to seize power by force, but this can already be called committing rebellion. After all, Konoha is a member of the Fire Kingdom, and the Konoha ninjas who know all this will never think about it again as before. I support him. If the fourth generation doesn't want to betray their relatives, they can only choose to stop."

Things like people's hearts are sometimes worthless, but sometimes they have to be taken seriously.

This is also the reason why Yun Ting controls the daimyo in a roundabout way to control the Fire Nation, instead of using force in his hands to directly **** his mother.

People who are not from this world, it is difficult to understand why a ninja who clearly possesses extraordinary abilities dare not violate the daimyo in the slightest.

In the original book, it seems that only when Obito Uchiha launched the Fourth Ninja World War, he had a plan to kill the daimyos of the five major countries and gave them actions.

At other times, no matter how the ninjas fight to death, it has nothing to do with the daimyos.

This is the nature of this era.

No matter how powerful Yunting is, it cannot be said to distort everyone's thinking.

All he can do is follow the trend.

The plan proposed by Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu is indeed good on paper.

Although it is a bit idealistic as the ending said, it's the best plan they can do now.

It's a pity that because of the ability of other gods, everything they do can only be useless.

But now, the two advisory elders who don't know are very confident about it.

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't have the fanciful self-confidence they had, and knew that there were many problems in this plan, but as he said before, there is no other good solution except this one at the moment.

Unless he is confident that he can defeat Yun Ting.

Thinking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head with a wry smile.

He is still self-aware.

Even in his peak period, he is by no means an opponent of Yunting, let alone now that he is old and frail.

But it is related to the philosophy he has insisted on for decades, and he still has to give it a go.

"Daimyo is guarded by Yunting's confidants, so I will be responsible for this operation." At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi resolutely said, "In addition, this operation must be kept strictly confidential. People from Yunting in Muye Village found out, and there is still a need to find a chance for Yunting to leave the capital."

"It's no problem! We and the upper echelons of the Fire Nation have been active for so many years, and these things can still be done." Mitomonyan assured.

At this time, Zhuan Xiaochun who was on the side added: "By the way, Hirizhan, in order to be safe, I still have to notify Jiraiya, Tsunade, Minato and the others!"

Originally, she wanted to say that Jiu Xinnai was here, but she had learned that the other party had been sent by Yunting to conduct the perfect manpower column trial, so she didn't mention it.

"Jiraiya, Tsunade, Minato..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi hesitated when he heard this.

He is less sanguine than the two advisers.

Although the three of them are considered to be of their own line in terms of relationship, Tsunade and Yunting have a deep friendship, and Minato has been valued by each other over the years, and he can definitely be called an important minister around the fourth generation.

With Minato's personality, it might be difficult to turn against Yun Ting.

Especially now that the other party has received an order to sit in Tang Country and cannot go out, even if he wants to call him, but whether it is public or private, the other party will most likely not leave.

Or leave the water gate there.

No matter what happens next, at least give Konoha some vitality.

"It's fine to inform Jiraai. Tsunade is fine. As for Minato, he has been sitting in Yuzhi Kingdom for a while under the order of Yunting, so let him continue to be there, and at the same time maintain a deterrent to Yunnin." Ape Fei Ri Zhan said so.

Turning to bed Xiaochun shook his head and said, "That's all for Minato, but Tsunade must call."

If Tsunade was around, the plan would really fail, and for the sake of the former, the fourth generation would not say that Hiruzaru Sarutobi would directly kill him.

This is also a security she prepared for her old friend.

"By the way... why don't you call Danzo too. Rather than dying of old age, let him play his last remaining strength for Konoha." Mitomenyan hesitated for a while, and finally said made this proposal.

Sarutobi Hizane looked straight at Mitomonyan, and remained silent for a long time.


Ninja's execution is very fast.

Especially for this old force that has been entrenched in Konoha for decades.

Although Yunting has suppressed such forces over the years, its momentum has been weakened a lot.

But it is still difficult to dig out its hidden power.

Now, because Yunting is destroying the traditional system of one country, one village, it is precisely for these old-fashioned factions to show off all their minions while jumping.

Although Shikahisa Nara, who is currently in charge of Konoha Village, had been prepared to monitor every move of this group of people after receiving Yun Ting's reminder, he was surprised to learn that his people didn't find anything wrong.

If he hadn't had the bottom line in his heart, he really thought that the current situation in Muye Village was calm and nothing happened.

"Look, this is the true background of these veteran forces. When they really want to exert their strength, they will definitely surprise people."

In the residence of the Shogun, Yun Ting, who had just received the news from Nara Shikahisa, shook off the letter in his hand, and smiled at Shisui Uchiha in front of him.

It was precisely because of this that he wanted to take this opportunity to catch them all.

In the current situation, Yun Ting could no longer tolerate the existence of uncontrollable forces in Konoha that were indistinctly opposed to him.

"The conservative forces in Muye Village must have started preparations now, but unfortunately I don't know when they will act." Zhishui frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Don't worry, there are only a few roads to go to the capital, just wait for the rabbit." Yun Ting said calmly, "Also, it doesn't matter if you don't know the exact time, we can help them decide. If I have something to leave the capital next time , They will definitely not let go of such a good opportunity."

Even if there is no information from Konoha, Yun Ting can easily guess that the target of this group of people is undoubtedly Daimyo.

This is the only way to turn things around right now.

As for whether it is possible that the target is him?

If this is the case, Yun Ting will definitely laugh and take the initiative to send it to the door.

It's a pity that the other party is not so strong.

This is destined to be an unfair battle.

From the very beginning, Yunting's side had already stood on the stage of victory.

If there is anyone in the third generation who also expected this ending?

There must be.

But no matter what, there are always people in this world who do it for something, even if it is desperate.

What Yunting can do now is to send these adherents of the old era to the road as soon as possible.

"By the way, let the power that guards Danzo put the water down."

"After that, you can start casting the net."


Outside Konoha Village, in a secret base, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and others are gathering here.

As the former leader of Konoha, it is too easy to find a way out without disturbing Konoha's barrier.

As for the issue of their disappearance, there have long been people who are good at the transformation technique responsible for disguising, every move is perfectly in line with their own characteristics, it is difficult for outsiders to distinguish the real from the fake.

At this time, Mitomonyan, who had just received the news, said with a surprised face: "Hi-Zhan, it's time to go! The fourth generation has now left the capital, and now the defense force around the daimyo is undoubtedly the weakest, so it's time to do it." Time!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression changed when he heard the words, but his tone remained calm and he asked, "Why did Yun Ting go out?"

Mitomon Yan said: "Dozens of cities in the northern part of the Land of Fire refused to listen to the shogunate's order one after another, thinking that the daimyo was coerced by the Fourth Emperor and demanded that the Fourth Emperor return to power. This was done deliberately by the people in the Land of Fire who contacted us. The news is absolute. reality."

"Now, in order to prevent the situation from deteriorating rapidly, the fourth generation has personally gone to the north, and wants to calm it down as quickly as possible, as a warning to everyone else. Our dark lines even saw the fourth generation using Mudun with their own eyes. The scale and power, absolutely Undoubtedly it is him! We don’t have much time now! Ri Zhan, you need to leave immediately!”

"Is it such a coincidence? Could it be a trap?" Zilai, who was beside him, scratched his hair and asked suspiciously.

After receiving the letter from Sarutobi-sensei, he who was already not far from the Land of Fire sneaked back quickly.

For him who firmly believes that the child of destiny will bring peace, he does not agree with what Yunting is doing now.

In his opinion, this is all caused by the other party's personal ambition~www.readwn.com~ Although he is naturally unwilling to be an enemy of Hokage in Konoha Village.

But this time the situation is special, for the sake of Konoha, in order for the fourth generation to stop walking on the wrong path, he finally chose to join this action.

It would be great if the fourth generation got lost in time and knew how to return.

Zilai also sighed in his heart.

At this moment, Jiraiya's doubts were also on the minds of many people present.

After all, the process of Yun Ting being attracted away was really smooth.

It went so smoothly that even they themselves couldn't believe it.

There is always a feeling that the other party is cooperating with them.

There is no way, Yun Ting, who has mastered Mu Dun and defeated Yun Nin, is too impressive now.

This is especially true for them who are now standing on the opposite side.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the dark corner of the room:

"What about the trap? Do we still have a choice now? Compared with Qianshou Yunting, our side is at an absolute disadvantage. Since we want to do it, we must have the determination to die! It is less than eleven The success rate, what more do you need to think about!"

"Continue to wait? Wait until Qianshou Yunting stabilizes everything in the Land of Fire? Then we will only be greeted with slow death! Why not take advantage of the spare power now and fight to determine the end!"

The person who said these words was Shimura Danzo.

It's just that looking at it now, although his attitude and tone are as tough as before, compared with the past, there is a look of loneliness and decay like dusk that cannot be concealed.

Obviously, after being viewed by Yun Ting as a "clawless tiger" for several years, the former "Darkness of Ninja" is also very old.


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