I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 132: Magic Weapon - Kunai!

"Danzo, you will definitely die today!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Ting's figure disappeared instantly.

Danzo's pupils shrank suddenly, and the sense of crisis honed from countless battlefields was frantically calling the police to him.

He was about to act, but it was too late.

I saw a palm like a vise, firmly clasping his neck before he had time to react.

"So fast!"

Accompanied by strong suffocation, Danzo desperately tried to break free from Yunting's grasp.

But Yun Ting, who was expressionless, only exerted a little force, and heard a "click", and saw Danzo's hands hanging down weakly in the next moment, and his whole body was lifeless.

Shinobu Shinobi, who made the whole ninja world frightened, was killed with one move like a chicken, and the other people who had just reacted were stunned.


After all, after so many years of falling in love and killing each other, although he was often dissatisfied with him, Hiruza Sarutobi still felt a little sad and angry when he witnessed that his old comrade who had been with him was killed in such a blink of an eye.

I saw him kicking his feet violently, and amidst the sound of network-like cracks on the ground, he swung his fist at Yunting extremely fast.

Seeing this, Jiraiya on the other side responded quickly and cooperated.

Boom! Boom!

The two wooden walls rose instantly, blocking Hiruza Sarutobi and Jiraiya.

Yun Ting threw down Danzo's body in his hand, and said with a smile: "Sandaimu, you are too anxious, why don't you wait and see."

As if to match what he just said.

The moment Yun Ting finished speaking, a familiar figure suddenly appeared behind him who was originally empty.

It is Shimura Danzo!

The other party seemed to have nothing at all at the moment.

Quietly, he came to the back of the empty door that was close to Yunting, and saw his palm turned over, a handful of kunai that glistened in the sun was held in his hand, and then he stabbed forward with confidence, It is necessary to use this to kill the enemy in front of him that makes him hate him so much.

"Kunai? Danzo, are you kidding me?"

In the next second, Yun Ting's voice suddenly rang in Danzang's ear.

Accompanied by it, there was a bone-shattering pain from the latter holding Kunai's wrist.

It was still the palm that killed him.

When Danzo's Kunai was about to approach, Yun Ting turned around very quickly and pressed the former tightly again.

"Since you like kunai so much, then I will use this kunai to send you on the road again."

Yun Ting's palm holding Danzo's wrist was violent, and under the pain, the latter's five fingers holding Kunai suddenly loosened, and his other hand snatched it away.



Kunai's tip pierced through the air extremely quickly, making a sharp scream.

Danzo, who was firmly held down, could only watch helplessly as the kunai that belonged to him pierced deeply into his heart under Yunting's stab.


The blood couldn't stop flowing, and at last he gave Yun Ting an angry look like a cat catching a mouse, and Danzo closed his eyes again.

This time, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything.

Just because Danzo's resurrection just surprised him too much.

He glanced at the place where Danzo was first killed.

There was no other body there.

So what about this time?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned his gaze away.

Sure enough, not long after, the body of Danzo who was killed for the second time disappeared again.

"Izanagi, the taboo pupil technique of the Uchiha clan. At the cost of blindness in one sharing eye, it can convert the damage received by the caster within the predetermined time, and even all unfavorable factors including death into dreams, and recreate the dream. The state when the file was read to the initial record." Seeing that Hiruzaru Sarutobi and a group of people were surprised, Yun Ting explained kindly.

Then, he turned his gaze to the back of the crowd, and said with a smile, "Am I right? Danzo."

This time, Danzo walked out from behind Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the others.

With the previous lessons learned, he didn't dare to appear near Yunting again.

At this moment, facing Yun Ting's words, he was not interested in answering, but just untied the last thin layer of bandage on his right arm.

In the next second, a pale arm with three blood-colored Sharingan transplanted appeared in front of everyone.

Now that the night of the Uchiha extermination has not happened, there are not many sharingan that Danzo can collect, including the right eye, there are only four.

It doesn't look as scary as it did in its prime.

But even so, the pupils of Hiruzaru Sarutobi who noticed this scene suddenly shrank, and asked angrily:

"Sharingan!! Danzo, what have you been doing all these years?"

On the side, Ji Lai also had disgust on his face after seeing it.

Based on his understanding of Danzo, whether it is the extremely pale special arm or the Sharingan on it, there must be a deep darkness behind it.

If it weren't for the special situation now, he would have turned to deal with Danzo instead.

It can be said that at this moment, except for Danzo's three cronies, everyone else frowned after seeing this scene.

In this regard, Danzo still went his own way and carefully looked at the slowly closing Sharingan on his right arm, and then looked at the two remaining Sharingans that were open.

He died a total of two times before.

Counting the one that is blind in the right eye, it fits perfectly.

Finally, after making a few seals with both hands, Danzo raised his head and calmly said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "After today, if I am still here, I will let Hiruzen handle it with you. But now, don't forget the true opponent."

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard the words, took a few breaths, and finally moved his eyes away and aimed at Yunting.

Yun Ting smiled slightly.

This is the first time he has witnessed the confrontation between the three generations and Danzo, a pair of resentful species.

Sure enough, for the former, Danzo is true love.

It's a pity that this pair of deeply affectionate people will be separated today.


"Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade!"

Danzo, who was still in a hurry, took the lead in attacking, but this time he chose to use long-range ninjutsu after learning a lesson.

In an instant, a huge high-pressure wind ball roared violently.

And that's not all.

As a ninjutsu doctor, Hiruza Sarutobi immediately cooperated with Yuyin and said:

"Fire Escape·Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!"

The wind helps the fire.

In an instant, the joint ninjutsu produced by the two teachers from the same school rolled towards Yunting with the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

"Ninjutsu is good, but not enough."

Within the sea of ​​fire, Yun Ting's calm voice came.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the shaking of the ground, trees rose from under the feet of everyone.

Soon, a dense forest replaced the original open space, including everyone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen led a team of 22 people, although they are all Jnin strength, but under the shadow of the signature wood escape technique and the tree world descending technique, they are still very embarrassed to resist.

"Psychic · Wutai Collapse Art!"

Seeing this, Jiraiya quickly bit his finger and summoned three huge Mt. Miaomu toads to descend from the sky.

boom boom boom~~

The large forest that had just grown was instantly crushed to pieces.

The three Miaomushan brothers named Hama Bunta, Hama Hiroshi, and Hama Ken appeared one by one in the thick smoke.

"I said Jiraiya, there is something wrong with the summoning situation this time! Why did you suddenly fight against the fourth Hokage who owns the wooden dungeon? Huh? Why is the third Hokage here? What the **** is going on here? I It's really dizzy!"

Just after putting on the pose, but found that the enemy and the enemy on the field are very strange, Wentai Hama, the boss, asked very puzzled.

Jiraiya scratched his head in embarrassment: "This... can be regarded as an ideological dispute within Konoha, and no one is right or wrong when it comes to it."

Then, he earnestly asked: "I summoned you, Mrs. Wen, in the hope that you can help resist Mu Dun. After all, you who are larger in size are more suitable to play a restraining role."

"That's it! Let's do it! Who told you to be the contractor of Mount Miaomu." Toad Wentai smoked a pipe, pulled out a dagger that was relatively small compared to it, and said loudly, "Brother Ladies! It's time to work!"

"Okay, big brother!" Toad Jian responded with a harpoon in one hand and a pot-shaped shield in the other.

Tomahiro, who has always been taciturn, also drew out two swords on his back in response.

In the next moment, three Mt. Miaomu toads, which could easily destroy the city in a war, killed the many trees that had regrown in the blink of an eye and attacked swiftly amidst rumbling noises.

Seeing this, Zilai didn't stay idle either, he clapped his hands together eleven times and began to condense the celestial chakra.

He is very clear that now only he who has truly entered the immortal mode is qualified to compete with Yun Ting!

At the same time, Yunting not far away also noticed the movements of the three giant toads.

But after he just glanced at it plainly, he withdrew his palm from a ninja's chest, and turned to look at the heavily armed Sarutobi Hiruzen opposite.

In terms of preparation ~www.readwn.com~ should be the stick that the latter is holding at this time.

"Is the Vajra Wishful Stick?"

Looking at this stretchable stick, Yun Ting, who was troubled by his previous life thoughts, wanted to hold it in his hand and have fun turning it over.

It's a pity that the Vajra Wishful Stick was transformed by the psychic beast ape demon king.

With the other party's temper, I'm afraid it won't be what he wants.

Yun Ting shook his head.

Forget it, it's still important to get down to business.

He turned his head and glanced at Danzo in the old rear. Since he said he wanted the other party to die, he naturally couldn't let the other party breathe more.

In addition, this farce is also the time to end.

Yun Ting clapped his hands and instantly entered the immortal mode.

Immediately afterwards,

Wooden Dungeon Multi-Wood Clone Technique!

In an instant, one wooden clone after another that also possessed the magic chakra was stripped from his body, ready to clean up other enemies.

Hiruza Sarutobi also left a wooden clone here.

As for the main body, it went to Danzo.

For him, he is more willing to witness the arrival of the moment of the other party's death.

"Don't think about it!"

At the same time, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who saw this scene, immediately made the Vajra Ruyi stick in his hand thicker and longer, and then swept out, trying to stop Yunting's actions.

But he overestimated himself.

With this blow, not only did Yun Ting's body fail to touch at all, even his wooden clones were not damaged at all.

The only result was that it swept across a large area of ​​trees.

Yun Ting's footsteps did not stop.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still wanted to block it.

But soon, he found that the Ruyi golden hoop that he stretched out was held down by the wooden clone specially left by Yunting.

The latter raised his head, smiled slightly and said, "Sandaime, your opponent is me now."


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