I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 133: Danzo, die!


After the internal organs were shattered by an unimaginable force, the strong suffocation caused by the backflow of blood into the mouth made the last one in front of Yunting feel extremely uncomfortable, but he did not let out a wail from the beginning to the end.

Even if he was on the verge of death, this person subconsciously wanted to continue to hold Yun Ting tightly with those already weak hands, to delay the time for the adult behind him who was extremely loyal to him.

But of course this is useless.


Seeing that this person died in his hands, and the last one fell to the ground, Yun Ting sighed slightly.

It's hard to imagine that people like Danzo and Orochimaru have so many loyal subordinates who are willing to give everything.

Especially the latter, almost all the people under him are qualified to continue to survive after they have experienced a fight like raising a cup.

However, even so, not only did they not have the slightest resentment towards Orochimaru in their hearts, but they were delighted that they were finally able to get Master Orochimaru's approval, and then gladly died for him.

If it were Yunting or many people in the previous life who had experienced this, they might hate Orochimaru in their hearts, and they would even think about finding the right time in the future, so as to make the other party remember ruthlessly.

However, existence is reasonable.

The reason why such a phenomenon is created, apart from the indispensable personality charm of people like Danzo and Orochimaru, the bigger reason is this extremely deformed ninja world.

There are too many people in this world who are in the dark and desperate.

Even if you offer him even a small amount of warm light, he will desperately seize the opportunity and follow you with great gratitude.

In the final analysis, it is the fault of the times after all.

Glancing at the three deadly fighting corpses beside him, and looking up at Danzo who was desperately fleeing ahead, Yun Ting shook his head, but it was a pity that he followed the wrong person after all.

He raised his foot and stepped over the corpse under him, and continued to chase Danzo.

Even if some of his own men tried to delay time by dying, after Yun Ting took another step, the naked eye could see that the distance between the two sides was rapidly closing.

Danzo, who looked back from time to time, also noticed this, and his steps became more and more hurried with a flustered face.

"Danzo, did you say that you will fight to the death? Why do you want to escape now? This is not in line with the dignified name of 'Ninja Darkness'! Or, you have really been raised and disabled in the past few years gone?"

Yunting's teasing voice came clearly from behind,

When Danzang heard the words, although his skin twitched fiercely, he continued to run away with his head buried.

Then in the next second, a Kunai who was attached to the Flying Thunder God spell quickly flew to his side.

Danzo's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to take action, but it was too late.

In an instant, Yun Ting appeared beside Fei Lei Shen Kun Wu.

I saw the latter's body move, and Danzang didn't react in time at all, puff!

A handful of familiar kunai had pierced into his heart.

"Another life." Yun Ting smiled lightly beside Tuan Zang's ear.

Regarding this, Danzo just stared at Yunting with resentment, and then slowly closed his eyes unwillingly.

In the next second, the corpse in front of Yunting disappeared like a dream.

Playing with the Kunai belonging to Danzo in his hand, Yunting looked around.

Not long after, he found Danzo's reappearance not far away.

Without further ado, Yun Ting continued to chase and kill the Kunai who had already won two lives from the other party.

At this moment, looking at the other eye slowly closing on the right arm, and the only remaining Sharingan that opened, I felt the panic on the face of Danzo, whose death was never nearer than ever. more and more intense.

Even when he continued to escape, he almost tripped over, a mistake that even a novice ninja would not make, which perfectly interpreted the meaning of the four words "do not choose the road in panic".

Yun Ting, who saw it, was naturally even more disdainful.

Not long after, under the gaze of Danzo full of despair, Yun Ting, who looked familiar to him and was caught up again, stabbed out.

Still the same place, same depth.

The difference is that this time, Danzo's old hands stretched out firmly and pressed on Yunting's shoulders in front of him, so as not to let the extremely weak self fall down.

At the same time, with the corner of his mouth full of blood, he opened his mouth even more, obviously this time he wanted to say something.

"Isn't there still one last life? It's not too late to say it until then." Yun Ting, who was not interested in listening at this time, stretched out his hand, and with a light push, he was about to move Danzo away.

However, Danzo in front of him came from nowhere with a strong force, and the palm that grabbed Yun Ting's shoulder suddenly slammed hard, causing him to push him just now without a problem.

Yun Ting frowned slightly.

At this moment, Danzo, who was still desperate and terrified before, suddenly changed his face, like an old wolf biting the flesh and blood of his prey, and instantly saw his extremely pale face full of sternness and determination: "Qian Shou Yun Ting, this old man is the last life!"

Yun Ting was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at the other party's left arm.

There, a good Sharingan is still open.

Obviously there is one more time Izanagi is available, how can I say it is the last life?

Could it be?

As soon as Yun Ting's complexion changed, he was about to withdraw immediately.

But it was too late.

Danzo, who had been preparing for a long time, used the greatest strength of his life at this time, and saw him hugging Yunting tightly, although the latter could get rid of him in just a second.

But in less than a second, the black blood from Li Sixiang's seal spurted out of Danzo's body suddenly spurted out, neither his own arms nor Yunting, who was close at hand, were pulled down.

"Hahahaha! For the sake of Konoha, for the Ninja World, Senju Yunting, you, a sinner who subverts everything, step into the underworld with this old man!"

Witnessing with his own eyes that the great enemy Senshou Yunting was stained with black blood, Danzo, who knew that he was also about to die, still laughed.

Just like what he said to Sarutobi Hiruzen at the beginning, he was determined to die on this trip.

The fear, panic, and life-sacrificing attitude shown in front of Yunting before, as well as the fact that Izanagi did not activate the last time Izanagi did not expect, and his hands were deliberately attached to Yunting's body, etc., were all to make the other party let go of their guard , so that he can complete this final blow.

The Li Sixiang seal broke out so close, unless Qianshou Yunting used the Flying Thunder God technique, he couldn't dodge it.

But even if he used the Flying Thunder God technique, within this second, his hands were firmly pressing on his shoulders, and he, who was covered in black blood, would still be sent away, and the final result would be the same.

This is the dead end he carefully planned.

Now that everything is going as planned, even if Danzo dies, he can still rest in peace.

'Day cut! This time, the old man was the bait and took the enemy away with his life. The next Konoha will be entrusted to you! The roots in the dark can die in obscurity, but the leaves bathed in the sun must not be destroyed...'

Before he died, Danzo was feeling emotional, suddenly!

A loud applause sounded not far away, interrupting his thoughts.

Danzo was startled for a moment, and turned his head in the direction of the voice in horror, and then!

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked loudly in disbelief: "How is it possible!!"

"Nothing is Impossible."

In the reflection of Danzo's pupils, another Yunting appeared in front of him, applauding and smiling slightly.

Danzo still can't believe this fact.

He subconsciously turned his head and stared at the "Yunting" in front of him, which had been mostly wiped out by black blood.

Then, with a "bang", a puff of white smoke replaced the latter and appeared in front of him.

"Shadow! Split! Body!"

Danzo gritted his teeth with his eyes instantly bloodshot.

It never occurred to him that he was the turtle in Qianshou Yunting's urn, and the latter could handle it as he wanted. According to common sense, the other party shouldn't be so cautious!

Why is it a shadow clone?

How could it be a shadow clone!

I'm afraid Danzo will keep repeating this question even if he enters the underworld.

But now, he, who has never known what death is, is still hugging his body that is about to collapse. Even though his eyes can't see Yun Ting's figure clearly, he still staggers and struggles to move towards it. At the same time, he kept repeating in his mouth:

"For Konoha...you must die...must...die..."

Yun Ting just stood there, calmly watching Danzo's last madness.

If it were someone else, with his absolute crushing strength, he would not use any shadow clones at all, just as Danzo thought.

But at any rate, he knows that Danzo also has the Li Sixiang seal in his body~www.readwn.com~Although even if the main body does it himself, it is very likely that Danzo will not be able to help him in the end.

But after all, there is still a slight possibility that it is not.

From ancient times to the present, most powerful people are not defeated by others, but by their own arrogance.

Yun Ting does not want to be such a person.

Therefore, when facing Danzo from beginning to end, he still maintained a necessary caution in his heart.

It was this cautiousness that made Danzo die in the end.

In the end, after Danzo took a dozen or so steps, no matter how unwilling he was, he could not resist the arrival of death. While his whole body was being dragged into the underworld by the seal of Li Sixiang, the last outstretched palm remained It was pointing at Yunting firmly, until it was completely submerged in the end.

And when a large amount of black blood rushed towards him, Yun Ting had already cast Flying Thunder God and easily dodged it.

After a few breaths, the turmoil subsided.

Yun Ting looked back and was covered by Li Sixiang's seal, and after the black blood dissipated, it turned into a big open space.

There, Shimura Danzo, the second-generation Hokage of Konoha Village, the elder of the advisory group, and the root leader, who was called "the darkness of ninja" in the ninja world, was buried here at the age of 52.

This man who is widely feared by the other four major powers, has made great contributions to Konoha, but at the same time has brought deep harm to Konoha. It can be said that the man who coexisted with honor and disgrace will eventually be deeply nailed for the crime of assassinating the Fourth Hokage. In the column of shame.

As for the past credits, they will also be erased one by one.

Winners and losers, that's it.

When it comes to dealing with Danzo, Yun Ting will not soften his heart.

Next, the war in other places should also end.

Yun Ting looked up into the distance.


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