I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 134: Mt. Myogi Toad

what! what! what!

The three Toad brothers from Mount Miaomu kept waving their weapons, turning the surrounding Mutun forest upside down.

On the battlefield, they are the most powerful.

Because of this, most of the power of the tree world descending technique is used here, which makes the ninjas in other places feel more comfortable.

But this is only temporary.

After Yun Tingmu clones dispersed, these people will meet faster death.

At this moment, although relying on their huge size and the immortal chakra that they have practiced in their bodies for many years, the three Toad brothers can still survive in the wood escape secret technique for a while.

But when they noticed that the surrounding trees were still stretching endlessly, as if there was no limit at all, they were still unavoidably irritable.

"Boss, how long do we still have to cut this!" Noticing that his arm holding the shield was tightly entangled by a large number of branches, Toad Jian complained as he quickly swung the harpoon to cut it off.

On the other side, Toad Hiroi was still silently waving the double-tachi swords, but seeing his slower movements and panting appearance than before, although he didn't speak, it was obviously not very easy.

After hearing Ha Toad Jian speak, it also subconsciously glanced over.

As the eldest of the three brothers, Toad Bunta is not in a very good mood at this time, and even his favorite pipe, which he usually smokes, has no intention of taking a puff now.

Although it is clear that Mu Dun is powerful, but the level of power is still far beyond his expectations.

Just a mere wood escape secret technique made the three brothers so embarrassed, what would happen if they came in person?

In particular, it also felt the magic atmosphere different from Miaomu Mountain from these trees.

Fairy from Wetbone Forest?

After so many years, another human has finally succeeded in cultivation.

Zilai also ah! What kind of enemy have you found for us!

Although he complained so much in his heart, Toad Wentai still cheered up and said: "Since we have promised Zilai, we will delay for him, so naturally we can't break our word. Brothers, keep chopping down! I don't believe it yet, these trees are so real!" is endless!"

After finishing speaking, Toad Bunta waved the short sword in his hand continuously, cutting off a large area of ​​trees that hit him.

Immediately afterwards, it clapped its hands, and spit out huge water escape iron cannon jade from its mouth one after another, like a large-caliber shell, blowing up a large area of ​​surrounding forest.

Seeing how brave their boss is, Hama Guang and Hama Jian also summoned up their fighting spirit and showed their respective abilities unwilling to be outdone.

The three brothers teamed up, and for a while, it seemed that they had the upper hand again.

"I can't let you go on like this!"

Not far away, a wooden clone of Yunting arrived.

After seeing this scene, he finished speaking calmly, then clapped his hands together and said:

"Wood escape, the art of bagging!"

The huge chakra was transmitted from the Yuntingmu clone to the ground.

The next moment, I saw huge wooden palms suddenly rising from the ground next to the three Toad brothers, and they quickly grabbed them.

Toad Guang and Toad Jian didn't notice it for a while, and they were immediately grabbed by several wooden hands by Toad's legs, and then pulled by a huge force, they fell down with a "bang".

Immediately afterwards, a newborn huge wooden hand stretched out, pressing their heads firmly to the ground.

Hama Guang and Hama Jian couldn't move, so they could only accept their fate.

On the other side, although Toad Wentai, who was stronger than the two younger brothers, escaped the attack at the first time, but after being attacked by wooden hands like ghosts and ghosts, without a few twists and turns, it finally got ahead of the two brothers. Following in the footsteps, he was pushed to the ground quite aggrieved.


Yun Tingmu clone walked out of the forest, came to the three brothers Hama and said: "The battle is over, you have done your duty, go back to Miaomu Mountain."

He didn't want to do anything to these three big guys.

First of all, it is not a psychic beast, it is adhering to the contract principle to fight for the contractor, and it does not involve the issue of position.

Furthermore, Mount Miaogi itself has a good relationship with Konoha, not only Jiraiya, Minato also has a contract with Mount Miaogi, and the three brothers Gama Bunta have fought hard for Konoha over the years.

Naturally, he would not do anything to kill him.

Seeing Yun Ting wearing the Naruto Yushen robe coming, Toad Wentai, who knew his identity, sighed deeply after hearing the words: "This is the end of the matter, and our three brothers will not mess around, but there is one last sentence I have to tell Hokage-sama. I don't know exactly what is going on right now, but I still know Jiraiya very well after fighting side by side for so many years. No matter what, he is absolutely loyal to Konoha. I will invite Hokage in the future The adults can be merciful!"

As a contract comrade for many years, the always proud Toad Wentai rarely let go of his face at this moment, and pleaded with Yun Ting for Zilai.

Yun Ting didn't reply, but waved his hands without changing his face, signaling him to leave quickly.

Seeing this, Toad Wentai could only sigh helplessly, and then turned into a huge white smoke with a "bang" and went back to Miaomu Mountain.

Hama Guang and Hama Jian followed closely behind.

Yun Tingmu's avatar did not stop there, but continued to look for Jiraiya's trace.

Prior to this, Jiraiya had also lost track here after summoning the three Toad brothers.

At this moment, Yun Tingmu's avatar passes through the trees, sensing everything within the range of the Arrival of the Tree Realm, but unexpectedly there is still no clue of who it is.

Especially at this time, only Hiruzaru Sarutobi was struggling to support the Konoha Conservative School, and everyone else including Danzo had been killed.

It stands to reason that Zilai should not have been discovered without escaping from the range of the tree world!

Yun Tingmu's avatar frowned, and couldn't help thinking seriously.

Or is it because of the unique ability of a certain toad in Mount Miaomu?

At the same time, not far from Yunting, in a small pool of water left by Hamo Wentai after using it many times before, there is a small, gourd-shaped man whose mouth is blocked by a cork. The wine-red toad was motionless at the bottom of the water.

At this moment in his body, Ji Lai, whom Yun Ting hadn't found all along, was clasping his hands together, keeping still and preparing for immortal mode.

The gourd toad, one of the Mt. Miaomu toads, has an enchantment in its body that allows people to hide and cannot be perceived by the outside world. It is the best choice for Jiraiya to go in and out of enemy countries to collect information.

In the original book, even Nagato, who has the eyes of reincarnation, can't perceive its existence, so it's no wonder Yunting didn't notice it for a while.

But soon, without him looking for it, Jiraiya appeared by himself.

At this time, the opponent's face showed signs of turning into a frog, coupled with the obvious crimson eye shadow at the corners of his eyes, it was obvious that he had entered the fairy mode.

Not only that, in order to prolong the effect of the sage mode, Jiraiya's shoulders are standing on the shoulders of Fukasaku sage and Shima sage at Mt. Myogi.

At this time, he is undoubtedly in the strongest state.

After seeing this, Yun Tingmu's avatar strode over.

Before coming out of the gourd toad's mouth, Zilai had already informed the two immortals about their opponents in this battle.

Therefore, after seeing Yun Ting, Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage were not surprised.

But when he noticed the same obvious immortal eye shadow on Yun Ting's face, Immortal Shima frowned and said: "Little Ziraiya, this Hokage in front of you is much better at immortal skills than your half-baked one, and you will definitely not be able to use it up if you fight for a long time." , must be resolved quickly!"

Hearing this, Fukasaku Immortal on the other shoulder couldn't help but roll his eyes and said, "Mum, the other party also has Immortal Mode Jiamu Dun! This combination is powerful, you have never heard of it before. Can this be a quick victory?"

"Aren't I thinking about Jiraiya's current situation?" Immortal Shima retorted loudly.

"I think you want to go home and cook quickly." After all, he was still his wife, so Sensei Fukasaku could only mutter in a low voice.

As the center of the quarrel between the husband and wife, as a junior, the only thing Jiraiya can do is to persuade him with a wry smile.

Fortunately, the two immortals knew the overall situation, and after habitually bickering, they turned their attention back to Yun Ting who was approaching.

"You two, it's time to start!" Ji Lai also said seriously.

"Come on!" Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage nodded seriously at the same time.

So in the next second, Jilai also took the lead in launching:

"Immortal Law: A Thousand Hair Needles!"

Jiraiya's hair hardened and grew quickly, and shot out like a storm.

This is his fastest attack technique.

With the cooperation of the two immortals to activate the hair roots, this technique can even shoot indefinitely.

In a blink of an eye, almost all the places in front of Yunting were covered by Maozhen Qianben.

Facing the attack that was enough to tear him apart, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Yun Ting calmly said with both hands:

"Fire Escape·Extinguish Fire!"

The celestial chakra gathered in the mouth made Yunting's attack more than ten times stronger than ordinary chakra.

In an instant, the flames gushing out like sea water turned into a sky-covering wave and surged forward at a high speed. No matter how many needles pierced by thousands of needles, they were instantly reduced to ashes without any impact.

Seeing the hellish sea of ​​flames coming, Immortal Shima clapped his hands on Jiraiya's shoulders, and spit out an extremely sharp storm from his mouth.

"Immortal Art Wind Escape Sand!"

A violent sandstorm rose in front of Jiraiya.

Accompanied by the powerful wind and soil force, the fire wave that was still extremely arrogant before was suppressed immediately, and continued to disperse backward as time went by.

Seeing this, Yun Tingmu's avatar raised his sword eyebrows slightly.

This was the first time he was broken when he performed ninjutsu in the immortal mode.

So is it worthy of being one of the two immortals in Mount Miaomu only under the Great Toad Immortal?

Hoo hoo!

At this moment, under Zhima Immortal's wind escape technique, not only the fire escape was extinguished, but everything around it was covered by sandstorms, making Yunting unable to see the situation clearly for a while.

And in this whistling vibration, suddenly!

A long toad tongue pierced at an extremely fast speed.

This is exactly the tongue war **** that Fukasaku Immortal used.

'It's a pity that this wood clone has limited chakra, and some too powerful wood escape secrets can't be used. Otherwise, why dodge like this. '

While Yunting jumped several times to avoid the attack, he secretly said in his heart,

'Perhaps, it's time for the main body to come. Just relying on a wooden avatar to face Zilai in immortal mode plus two toad immortals is still a bit overstated. '


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