I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 135: Yunting VS Jiraiya


By the time Yun Tingmu's avatar, which had evaded the attack several times in a row, returned to the ground with both feet, the toad's tongue of Immortal Shenzuo had already retracted.

But because the aftermath of Immortal Zhima's Wind Escape Immortal Technique was still there, he couldn't detect Jiraiya's movements for a while because his eyes were full of sandstorms.

It's a pity that the surrounding forest, which is the eyes and ears, was completely destroyed in the ninjutsu confrontation performed by the previous two celestial arts Chakra, otherwise it would not be so passive.

Seeing this, the Yun Tingmu avatar clasped its hands together, and a new tree was born again.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A large number of trees grow rapidly from the surrounding ground.

Soon, everything around him came into his perception again.

There is no one in the east! There is no one in the south!

There is no trace to the west or north.

Underground... no!

It is in heaven!

Yun Tingmu's avatar suddenly looked up.

Just at this moment, with the violent chakra fluctuations, Jiraiya, who jumped up and down, condensed a spiral pill that was dozens of times larger than the normal state, and pushed him towards him.

It is the Immortal Method Super Jade Helix Pill!

"Wood escape·Vajra moves wood!"

The response of Yun Tingmu clone was faster than expected.

In an instant, several solid trees quickly drilled out of the ground around him, slamming towards the falling Jiraiya himself instead of the super-large jade spiral pill in his hand.

Just heard a "bang".

In the next second, just when Zilai was about to hit Yun Tingmu's avatar, he himself was hit by Vajra Zhaomu first, and the whole person flew out immediately.


In the end, Jiraiya's super-large jade spiral pill could only hit the ground not far away, forming a huge deep pit.

Yun Tingmu clone did not stop there.

He clapped his hands again, and many new trees sprang up around Jiraiya's place, strangling towards him.

Zilai, who saw it in his eyes, also got up and dodged quickly, but under the influence of the fact that the surrounding area was actually the home field of the tree world, he was very embarrassed for a while.

"I said little Ziraiya, are you still holding on?" On Jiraiya's right shoulder, Immortal Zhima asked with concern while clasping his hands together.

"Haha! Don't worry! I'm a white-haired boy from Mt. Miaomu, Toad Immortal! I can't be troubled by such a mere attack!" Ji Lai also replied boldly with a big smile.

The momentum is very good.

But if one ignores the fact that he was violently blown away by a hard branch the second he finished speaking, it would undoubtedly be perfect.

"Little Ziraiya, can you really hold on?" Fukasaku Immortal who saw this scene on his left shoulder twitched fiercely, and couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, it's okay! It was just carelessness!"

Zilai, who had a close contact with the ground, quickly got up, and while quickly wiping the blood from his nose, he continued to forcefully smile, "This little friction is nothing, and I don't care if it happens a hundred times again." .”

Immortal Shen Zuo was silent for a while, and said again: "It doesn't take hundreds of times! Immediately, the child and I will be ready to fuck."

"That would be great." Zilai also said with a sigh of relief.

So, not long after, Ziraiya, Shenzuo Immortal, and Immortal Zhima's expression froze, and they were about to use the immortal technique they had prepared.

On the other side, Yun Tingmu's avatar also sensed something was wrong.

It's just that he still wanted to do something, but found that the chakra in his body was not enough.

After all, the wooden clone is not the main body, and after so many splits, it naturally does not have the huge amount of chakra and the terrifying recovery speed of the latter.

After fighting for so long, his wooden avatar had actually reached its limit.

If Zilai also continued to persevere, his wooden avatar must be the first to be unable to hold on.

However, depending on the situation, what big move the other party wants to make.

what is it then?

Yun Tingmu's avatar was a little curious.

Soon, the other side gave him the answer.

"Magic Toad Sings!"

In an instant, the chorus of frogs from the fairy couple of Mount Miaomu sounded.

The strange melody passed quickly to the ears of Yun Tingmu's avatar and kept lingering.

Soon, he found himself hit.

One second I was still in the forest, and the next second when Yun Tingmu's avatar looked again, I found that I had involuntarily stepped into the illusion enchantment.

At this time, he was within a black square enchantment.

On the outside, giant toads engraved with the four characters "No", "Move", "Ming" and "King" are surrounding him from all sides.

‘This is Miaomushan’s so-called strongest illusion? '

Yun Tingmu's avatar looked around curiously, and at the same time tried to see if he could break the illusion.

Then of course it failed.

After all, with the remaining strength of his current wooden avatar, if this illusion can be broken, then the reputation of Miaomu Mountain that has been passed down for thousands of years should have been lost long ago.

'The next step should be to use the secret stone sword of Mount Miaomu to pierce my heart in reality, and then I will be slowly released from the illusion and enter the underworld directly. '

Yun Tingmu's avatar thought like this, waiting for that moment to come.

Anyway, it's not really dead, so what's so scary about him.

It is not in vain to see the so-called strongest illusion of Mount Miaomu.

He could only wait and wait. Not only did Shi Jian not come, but Jiraiya's voice sounded in the barrier:

"Fourth generation, you are clear about the situation at this time. Let's stop here, and let the country of fire and Konoha return to their original state. If we can do this, after returning to Konoha, the fourth generation can still continue to be in charge of Konoha. Ye. If the three generations of teachers disagree, I will help to persuade you."

Yun Tingmu's avatar heard the words, and his face was full of surprises: "It's all here, Zilaiye, you actually choose to stop? And you agree to let me go back and continue to take charge of Konoha?"

"Yes!" Jiraiya's resolute voice sounded in the barrier, "The fourth has made great contributions to Konoha! In addition, whether it is now or in the future, Konoha needs a strong person like you, the fourth. If you I am willing to let go of unnecessary ambitious words, and I will do my best to make what I say come true."

"If I promised verbally, would you regret it after you dispelled the illusion? Zilaiye, do you really believe in my reputation?" Yun Tingmu's avatar played with taste.

Hearing this, Zilai also fell silent.

Just when Yun Ting was about to shake his head with a smile, the former spoke again, his tone full of firmness: "I believe that as Senju Mori, the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, who has made great contributions to Konoha, Not the kind of person who backtracks. So! I believe in the reputation of the fourth generation."

Yun Tingmu's avatar was about to laugh and shook his head, and stopped immediately.

After a while, he said with emotion: "I said you were naive before, but there was a bit of ridicule in it. Now it seems that you are really naive! If I don't agree, you should still not kill me?"

Jiraiya nodded without thinking: "Yes! As a ninja of Konoha Village, I will never do anything to kill Hokage. If you disagree with the fourth generation, then I can only act recklessly once. , first temporarily imprison the fourth generation."

Yun Tingmu's avatar finally smiled this time: "Until now, I have realized that Jiraiya, who has lived for decades, is really taking things for granted in some respects! But speaking of it, this rare naivete It’s aimed at me personally, so it’s quite unexpected.”

"So, fourth generation, did you agree?" Jiraiya asked in surprise, not caring about Yun Ting's evaluation of him.

"So..." Yun Tingmu's avatar shook his head, and said with a serious face: "Zi Lai Ye, with what you said just now, I will give you a good ending in the end."

"A good ending?"

I don't know why I didn't hear the answer I wanted.

Yun Tingmu's avatar nodded, expressing that it was indeed the case, he finally couldn't help laughing after not continuing on this topic:

"By the way, there are also two Miaomushan immortals. After fighting for so long, haven't you discovered the essence of my body?"

"What essence?" Zilai also suddenly had a bad thought.

Regarding this, Yun Tingmu's avatar just waved his hand and said goodbye: "Soon, we will meet again in the outside world."

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

In the next second, in the illusion enchantment, Yun Ting's avatar had no breath, and instantly changed into a wooden man.

At the same time in the outside world, Yun Ting's wooden avatar appeared as it was, and then disintegrated with another crisp sound.

"It turned out to be a wooden avatar!!"

In reality, Jiraiya, Fukasaku, and Shima couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

Especially for the latter two, the cost of performing the magic-toad singing technique was very high, and as a result, the big move that had been prepared for a long time was only a clone, and they couldn't help but want to vomit blood depressedly.

And Zilai also didn't have time to regret after being shocked~www.readwn.com~ just because he thought that since Yunting's wooden avatar is so difficult, then how powerful the opponent's main body will be when it arrives.

Especially combined with the last words of the opponent's wooden clone in the illusion enchantment.

Obviously, Yunting's body is coming soon!

I didn't dare to be careless to be on guard.

Soon, accompanied by a burst of applause, Yun Ting's body really appeared in front of him this time.

"Magic·Toad Singing, it's really an extremely powerful illusion! The two immortals are worthy of being the senior masters of Miaomu Mountain!"

After the wooden avatar disappeared, Yun Ting, who had received all the information he had experienced during this period of time, came and politely greeted Shen Zuo and his wife.

"No matter how strong it is, it's not that I was deceived by a wooden avatar of yours, Kid Thousand Hands. My son is my father, I suddenly feel that as I grow older, I am becoming more and more stupid. Immortal Zhima complained.

"Fucking mother, you can't slander Master Toad!" Immortal Fukasaku reminded.

"What? Am I wrong? That old guy is really confused!"


Looking at the couple who are at least 800 years old bickering with each other, Yun Ting smiled slightly.

Wood clones are harder to identify than shadow clones.

Coupled with his current strength, even the split wooden avatar is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

It's normal that Jiraiya and Fukasaku didn't recognize each other for a while.

Yun Ting interrupted the conversation between the two of them and said: "You two, the delay is over here. The magic - toad's singing technique will be a heavy burden on the throat and chakra of the performer. In this little time, you two You can't recover much. Just go back to Mount Miaomu, there is no room for you to play here."


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