I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 136: aftermath and accident

"It was discovered."

Immortal Fukasaku stopped arguing with his old wife, and said regretfully, "But even so, you can't let Hokage look down on us! Anyway, I grew up watching Zilai, so I can't just leave him alone. "

"Yes, yes!" Immortal Zhima nodded, and whispered in Zilaiye's ear, "Little Zilaiye, why don't you run away first. Let's send you back to Mount Miaomu to avoid the limelight?"

Hearing this, Zilai directly refused without thinking:

"Thank you, Immortal Zhima, for your kindness. But if I just run away, I will really become Konoha's traitor. No matter what other people think, I am really here for Konoha this time! Although the plan has not been realized now Maybe, but no matter what, I should end up as a Konoha ninja."

When he said this, Zilai, who was always optimistic and heroic, made a gesture of begging for help and said to Yunting:

"Fourth generation, since I have served Konoha for so many years, please don't give me the title of rebellious ninja after this battle is over! Any other cause of death is fine! For example, I choked to death after eating, and died of a stubborn disease. Ah, it’s even okay to kill a woman immediately, etc.!”

Jiraiya also knows that after the failure of this coup d'état, if the fourth generation wants to, they can all be nailed with the title of rebellious ninja.

Although he is not afraid of death, he loves Konoha ninja very much.

For this reason, he would rather choose those useless deaths that sound funny than die as a traitor.

At this moment, listening to Jiraiya's various strange and amusing ways of dying, Fukasaku and Shima did not laugh, and neither did Yunting.

"Jiraiya, I said before that I will give you a good ending, and you are different from other people, so don't worry about it. Put your hands up and admit defeat, there is no point in fighting any longer." Yun Ting said common way.

He wasn't going to really take Jiraiya's life.

The opponent is one of Konoha's Sannin anyway.

He has already forced one to death during his tenure, so he can't force the other to death.

If this is the case, it is hard to imagine that there will be any new rumors in the village or even the entire ninja world to bury him.

Of course, the most important thing is the influence of what Jiraiya said after he thought he had won himself.

From the beginning to the end, the other party maintained the respect they deserved for themselves, and sincerely hoped to let themselves let go of their "ambition" and return to the past. He never even planned to take his life.

Vote for Li Baotao, facing such a naive and cute person, Yun Ting is naturally not ready to kill again.

At this time, after listening to Yun Ting's words, although Ji Lai didn't understand what the other party said would have a good ending, at least he understood that he would not become a traitor.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and then he said: "In that case, I would be very grateful to the fourth generation! In addition, forget about admitting defeat. As the third generation teacher said before, as a toad fairy, there is no such thing in my dictionary. The words of 'hands down'! As a ninja, I still want to have a good fight with the fourth generation. It is no longer a wooden clone, but the real body, so I can also fulfill my wish."

Jiraiya also finished speaking like this with great pride, then thought of something, and hurriedly said cautiously: "By the way, Fourth Generation, shouldn't you take back what you just said just because I don't want to surrender?"

"Of course not."

Yun Ting was not surprised by Jiraiya's refusal to surrender.

The other party is also one of the famous ninjas anyway, so it would be fine if he was defeated. But if it is because the gap between the two sides is too large and they directly take the initiative to admit defeat, it is normal for such a character not to accept it.

For Yun Ting, this is just a matter of spending a little more time, and he will not vent his anger.

"That's good, please be careful, Fourth Generation!"

Jiraiya's expression became serious again.

Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage on both shoulders are not as powerful as the first ones, but for the sake of Ziraiya, they still continue to maintain the Immortal Art and Two Lives Technique, so that the latter can maximize the sage mode.

In the next second, Zilai also moved first.

Immortal Law: Frog Team!

While Jiraiya rushed forward quickly, he struck Yunting with both hands in a strange posture.

The so-called frog group hand is unique to Mount Miaomu. It uses natural power to perceive a wider range, thereby increasing the hit rate and destructive power. It is an attacking technique.

Between the strikes with both hands, even if the body does not touch the target, it can use the surrounding natural power to form an invisible attack, making it difficult for the enemy to defend.

Coupled with the fact that the destructive power is comparable to strange power, even the fourth generation is unwilling to deal with it head-on.

Just as Jiraiya was playing, while thinking about how the fourth generation would deal with it, and how he should counter it, suddenly!

The right fist he had just thrown touched the entity.

Didn't dodge?

Jilai also opened his eyes wide, staring in amazement at Yun Ting's chest who hadn't responded to his punch.

How is this going?

Naturally, Jilai would not think that his strength was too high for Yunting to dodge in time.

However, before he could think about it, Yun Ting, who seemed to be fine, kicked him out fiercely.

Immortal Law Slug Body!

The three holy lands all have their own unique fairy art systems, and the wet bone forest is no exception.

It's just that in the past, few people were able to practice Shibone Forest Immortal Art, so they didn't know much about its Immortal Art system.

Generally speaking, the wet bone forest fairy art is largely related to life healing and other arts, but after Yun Ting has the ability of Muji healing, he doesn't use these very much.

However, in terms of physical skills, there are good choices.

Just like the slug body he is using now, although it is also a physical skill, it is not an offensive type, but a rare defensive type.

After casting this technique, you can use the magic chakra to condense a layer of living body structure on the body surface, and have the ability to invalidate physical attacks within one minute.

Because of this, the frog team, which was also comparable to strange strength, hit Yunting with its hands, but it had no effect at all.

As for the natural energy that comes with it.

Such a small amount is not enough for Yunting who has huge natural energy in the same fairy mode.


At this moment, under Yunting's relentless kick, Zilai who flew upside down suddenly also drew a long gully on the ground. It even knocked down dozens of big trees one after another.

When he finally stopped, a mouthful of blood spewed out uncontrollably from Jiraiya's mouth.

Then when he took action, Yunting's attack had already hit like a storm.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of fierce hand-to-hand combat sounded continuously.

After ten breaths, the sound disappeared.

Soon, in the huge dust created by the fight just now, accompanied by the sound of powerful footsteps, Yun Ting's intact figure quickly walked out of the dust.

Jiraiya was held by his right hand and had already passed out.

As for the two immortals, Fukasaku and Shima, they have also been sent back to Mount Miaomu by him.

Jiraiya and the two Immortals of Miaomu Mountain were not in the best condition, and now Yunting's main body shot, naturally it will be resolved soon.

At this point, the war can be said to have come to its final tail.

Yun Ting, who was carrying Jiraiya, looked to the east not far away.

There, gorgeous light curtains from the five escapes are intertwining and exploding.

Five Dungeons·Dalian Bullet Art.

This is also the last release of Sarutobi Hiruzen as the third generation.

Yun Ting shook his head, and quickly walked in his direction with the unconscious Ziraiya.

A few minutes later, on a ground full of devastation, filled with the aftermath of various five types of escapism, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was defeated by the other wooden clones who rushed over after finishing solving a wooden clone of Yunting. Now the breath looks extremely weak and has been fixed by the sturdy trees.

After noticing that Yunting came with Jiraiya, Hiruza Sarutobi's already old face became more and more old-fashioned: "This battle is really won by you, Yunting! The old man is at your disposal, Yunting. But Jiraiya, he is not a member of the old school, please let him go this time because he has worked for Konoha for many years."

"Three generations don't worry, I wouldn't want Ziraiya's life." Yun Ting calmly replied.

"That's good!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi breathed a sigh of relief, "Now all the power that we old stubborn people have squeezed out for the sake of tradition has been wiped out, and no one will be able to stop you Yunting from now on. The general trend is like this, I have no choice but to hope that you, Yunting, will not be too anxious on the path you choose in the future. You must know that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. In such a big matter as a country, if one step is wrong, the disaster will be far worse than A war is too big. This can be regarded as my last advice to Yunting, not the third Hokage, as a person who has seen the ninja world for decades. "

"I will listen to what you say." Yun Ting's eyes flashed, but he still remained calm.

"That's good! Let's do it next. Whether it's leaving the village without a warrant, or doing something to the current Fourth Hokage ~www.readwn.com~ is a serious crime. I confess to such acts. The next ending, It’s also deserved.”

After finishing speaking, Hiruzaru Sarutobi slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the last moment.

Yun Ting did not act immediately, but hesitated with a rare expression on his face.

The third generation is no better than Orochimaru, or even Jiraiya.

He has been in charge of Konoha for decades, and led Konoha ninjas through World War II and World War III. Although he made mistakes in the middle, he has cultivated his moral character and never appeared in Konoha's political arena in the past few years, but no one can underestimate him. reputation in the village.

Even if there is a reason for the incident, if the fourth hokage kills the first three hokages, something that Konoha has never done before, it is hard to imagine what kind of uproar this will cause in the village.

Especially now is the time of change, when Konoha is most restless.

Or fake the cause of death, and die of illness for three generations.

Do not!

The death of such a top figure in the ninja world, coupled with the turmoil caused by the battle just now, it is difficult to keep it hidden.

If it is exposed, the rebound effect will only be greater.

At this moment, Yun Ting's palm was raised and lowered, repeated several times.

Just when he raised his palm again, a series of sharp sonic booms suddenly sounded in the distance.

Accompanying him was a very familiar shout from Tsunade: "Yun Ting! Keep your hands!"


Yun Ting's raised palm paused, and after a few seconds of pause in the air, he finally put it down slowly.

He turned his head to look in Tsunade's direction, and then looked back at Sarutobi Hiruzen who had opened his eyes at the moment and also showed surprise, and then sighed deeply.

Perhaps even he himself didn't know whether his sigh was regret or relief.


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