I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 137: Tsunade is coming

The ear-piercing sonic boom hit from far and near.

Accompanied by strong winds and yellow dust billowing like a long dragon.

When Tsunade was the last one to jump up, the moment his feet landed on the side of Yunting.

Just heard a loud bang.

A huge deep pit exploded in an instant, followed by a series of flying sand and rocks splashing in all directions.

Yun Ting, who was the first to bear the brunt, subconsciously raised his hand, and used the unconscious Ji Lai Ye as a shield in front of him.

In an instant, the sound of "bang bang bang" sharp stones hit the latter continuously.

Afterwards, looking at the bruised and swollen Jiraiya, who was very embarrassed, Yun Ting quickly put it back to the original place without changing his face, and then accused the instigator:

"I said Tsunade, can you be gentle with your movements? After so many years, why hasn't your frizzy personality changed?"

Sweating profusely, Tsunade, who finally arrived, didn't pay attention to Yun Ting's movements when he arrived, but first put down the mute who had been entrained all the way, his face was already pale.

Time was running out, and she didn't have time to arrange Jing Yin before setting off, so she had to bring them together.

Hearing this at this moment, she said without turning her head: "Gentle? If I remain gentle all the way, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you now."

Now that he had arrived in time, Tsunade, who was no longer in a hurry, patted the mute while talking.

Although both are ninjas, Shizune's physique is obviously far inferior to Tsunade's.

After being so driven all the way at high speed, when her feet finally landed, she was already dizzy, and her face was so ugly that she wanted to vomit.

It's just that she hasn't vomited yet, and the pet pig that came into her arms at the same time has already vomited first.

In an instant, an extremely strong smell of overnight meal wafted over the scene after the war.

The smell was so strong that Yun Ting had to cover his sensitive nose with his hands, and immediately swallowed what he wanted to say.

At the same time, even Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was determined to die, couldn't help but twitch his face at this moment.

If it weren't for his hands being **** by vines, he would also want to cover his nose.

In this way, the atmosphere that should have been extremely severe was inexplicably disturbed by this stench.

In the following time, everyone present was indifferent and did not say anything.

For a while, only the sound of Tsunade performing medical ninjutsu to heal Shizu and Tonjin sounded.

After all this was over, Tsunade swept his hands and feet to let the soil cover the vomit of the porcupine porcupine, and then embraced the front with both hands, holding the pair of proud murder weapons, and said coldly:

"Tell me, what caused our Third Hokage and Fourth Hokage to kill each other. Oh, yes! And Jiraiya!"

Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya on the ground.

Although the other party looked very embarrassed now, since the breath was still there, she didn't bother to pay more attention.

"The two Hokages of the dignified Konoha Village and one of the Konoha Sannin actually fight among themselves. Let alone the influence in the village, the other four major powers will probably die of laughter!"

Tsunade was undoubtedly very angry at this moment.

Not just for one party, but for everyone on the scene.

Sarutobi Hiruza wanted to say something, but after glancing at Yunting, he shook his head and remained silent.

Yun Ting, who didn't pay attention to Sarutobi's actions, was surprised when he heard the words: "Tsunade, you don't know what happened, why did you come here?"

Tsunade's face darkened, and he didn't want to mention it at first, but after thinking about it, he still reluctantly said: "I picked up a coin on the way, and I knew that something was wrong."

Yun Ting understood instantly.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being called the strongest law of karma in the ninja world.

If Tsunade was born in the world of Xianxia, ​​he would definitely be born suitable for practicing the Dao of Karma, and his future achievements would be at least a generation of Daoist.

Born in the world of Naruto, it is really a talent.

Fortunately, this time Tsunade only picked up the coin with the smallest face value. Although there are still important people around him who have suffered catastrophe, fortunately, they have not yet reached the point of death.

Yun Ting glanced at Jiraiya who was unconscious, and then at Hiruza Sarutobi who was caught without a fight.

If Tsunade picked up a large stack of money, I am afraid that at least one of these two people would no longer exist.

At this time, Tsunade, who didn't want to dwell too much on the matter of coins, said again:

"At first I wanted to go to Muye Village, but when I bumped into caravans many times on the road, I heard that you, Yun Ting, have become some kind of shogun, and I also heard that the capital of the Kingdom of Fire is very lively these days. I If something really happened, it would most likely be here. So I turned to the capital of the Kingdom of Fire. I haven’t entered the city yet, and it’s hard to attract me if you make such a noise!”

"I see." Yun Ting nodded in understanding.

"My business is over. Next, let's talk about the things between you. As a member of Konoha Village, I think I am qualified to understand all of this." Tsunade said.

"Of course, if you are not qualified as Konoha Sannin's Tsunade, then no one is qualified." Yun Ting did not refuse, and then he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said, "Sandaimu, your business will come first." Delay it later."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed and nodded.

So in the following time, Yun Ting informed Tsunade of the conflicts between the two parties one by one.

He neither exaggerated himself too much, nor underestimated the old school headed by the third generation. He was impartial and gave Tsunade his own thinking.

After all this was said, Tsunade remained silent for a long time.

She didn't expect so many major events to happen during the time she was away.

As the Hokage of Konoha Village, Yunting held the power of the Fire Nation for the first time in history and became the first person in the actual sense of the Fire Nation.

Three generations of teachers, Jiraiya, the elder advisors, and others were dissatisfied with the destruction of the one country, one village system, and they did not want Konoha to develop in an unknown direction, brazenly launching a coup-like action.

All these things are really different from the invasion of foreign enemies that she expected at first, or just the power struggle in the village.

This has completely come to the debate between ideas and systems.

Can't tell who is right and who is wrong.

The real answer can only be determined by looking at the development results of the Kingdom of Fire and Konoha in the future.

Tsunade suddenly felt a headache.

At this moment, Yun Tingfa asked, "If Tsunade were you, what would you do?"

Hearing this, Tsunade pondered for a long time, looked at Yun Ting, then at his teacher and Jiraiya, finally shook his head and said:

"For a long time, I have not had the ambitions of the third generation teacher and Jiraiya. If possible, I would rather drink, drink, gamble, and enjoy myself. As for the land of fire, the daimyo, and the shogun, I'm not Hokage, so I'm too lazy to bother."

"So my answer is, since you are the Fourth Hokage, Yunting, no matter what you do, you should do it yourself. I'm not interested in taking care of those who are not in your position. Also, don't set yourself up at that time. I realized that I couldn't afford it, and I caused a lot of trouble and asked me to take action. Then I will beat you hard without any politeness!"

In summary, Tsunade's meaning can be summed up in one sentence.

If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government.

This is also in line with the original book where she wandered outside for more than ten years, no matter what happened to Konoha, she didn't care about it.

Yun Ting naturally applauded after hearing this: "It would be great if everyone thought like Tsunade and you. It's a pity!"

"Going out of the village without a warrant, violating Konoha's current policy, and fighting against the Fourth Hokage, all these are enough to be sentenced to death. Before this, a total of 26 people from the old-fashioned forces have executed 24 people, of which Danzang is included. Now there are three generations and Jiraiya left. Jiraiya is of a relatively light nature, and the death penalty can be avoided. However, the third generation, as the leader of the conservative opposition, is also the leader of this operation. Tsunade , do you think he should be executed?"

Yun Ting threw the most important question at the moment to Tsunade.

Hearing this, the latter pleaded without any hesitation: "It is true that the three-generation old man made the first mistake, but Yun Ting, even if these old guys unite together, they can't hurt you at all. It's better to see that he is old, and he can hold a stick For the sake of all the hard work, let him go this time! Anyway, judging by his current appearance, he will not have a few days to live. At worst, he will be under house arrest at home and spend the rest of his life. If you are not at ease, I can go back to the village. Specially responsible for guarding the old man of three generations, to ensure that he will not have any moths in the future."

"If you don't trust others, you should trust me!"

After all, it is decades of master-student relationship~www.readwn.com~Although Tsunade has always called Sarutobi Hiruzaru as "old man" and "old man" with little respect, but at critical moments, she will still be desperate, even Yu let go of his dignity, and was even willing to go back to Muye Village, where he had been reluctant to stay, to plead for the other party.

This is much better than a certain snake in the original book who stabbed his teacher in the back and called it a ninja hero.

At this moment, after hearing Tsunade's words, Hiruza Sarutobi was very relieved, but he also persuaded: "Tsunate, don't embarrass Yun Ting anymore. What I have done is what I deserve. You just ..."

"To shut up!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Tsunade's roar.

"Damn old man! My old lady is doing business! I don't ask you for help, but don't help me too!"

Click click click!

Tsunade clenched his fists tightly, his muscles and bones exploded, and the pair of eyes that turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen widened to eat people!

If it weren't for the fact that the three-generation old man was being beaten so pitifully now, she really wanted to go up and give him a hard punch.

No matter what time it is, we are still adding to the chaos here!

It's rare for my old lady to ask for help, especially in front of Yun Ting.

We must respect my mother's achievements!

the other side.

It was the first time Yun Ting saw Tsunade being so irritable, and rationally did not add fuel to the flames, and slowly swallowed what he was about to say.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also smiled wryly.

Although Tsunade's anger was mainly aimed at him, he also knew that the other party was for his own good.

In addition, this disciple of mine really did what he said.

Under Tsunade's coercion, it was inevitable that he would really silence him next time, and in order to maintain the last dignity of the teacher, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.


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